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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks, Ladies...I am ready to be 100% again. However, my brain seems to be in slow motion and I feel bad for not commenting on some posts lately. Always know that I do read each and every one! :manyheart


Nicole ~ Your socks are great! Is this your first time to crochet them?


Julie ~ You are making super progress on your Castle ghan. :cheer And I know you have other WIPs, too. :yes Your avatars are great!


My Photo Friday may consist of a pile of squares. :lol And then there is the RR that only needs 3 rows. :blush DH just called and will be home tonight instead of tomorrow night. Off to spend some time crocheting. :hook

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I know I'm a bit late getting here today... I was just tiding up that little corner over there of our referbished Happy House :U

Today... I'm takin' it pretty easy. This darn cold stinks! I dont feel bad ..so to say... I'm just really weak... its weird... I just dont have the strength to move around well.

I'm testing a square today for a friend... and then will be sending it out to another friend for a comfortghan she wants to make!

I do have my bag of saltines here... I may work on a few of them today too. (hubby has me in bed with my laptop... lol... I have to be a good girl and rest today!) Thats so NOT me. I dont lay around in bed all day... I have things to do... places to go... people to see... LOL









son won both his wresting matches last night! *proud mom*



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Thanks Mary

I'm trying harder to stay on task with projects .


Also, my avatars keep me occupied, and me & Tab are currently in a food avatar challenge . Good foods vs. bad .


I am the bad guy foods, which are the ones I like CAKE , pie , CAKe, donuts, CAKE, cookies, CAKE, candy, CAKE, CAKE.




Tam- resting in bed with your computer -- it'll be ok .....not gonna hurt anything ... pamper yourself a little .

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Just a run through to check in....after my sore throat the other day i woke so sick the next morning that i couldn't even sit up without the room spinning and had to stay close to the rest room...im feeling better today....just really week.....I have been sick more this winter then ever before and im just so tired of it.....we got up to 71 yesterday and i couldn't even enjoy it :(


Julie...love the new/old look.

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Shaylen - Sorry to hear that you've been sick. :(


Diane - I received your lovely squares, today. Thank you so much! I am actually color blind by the way. :lol


It's so lovely outside today! It's in the 70's and sunny. I have the windows open in the house. The cats are loving it, me too. :yes


I got the tickets I won to the Michael Bublé concert today. :cheer I can't believe the concert is two weeks away. I'm so excited. Well, I've gotta get ready for the hockey game tonight. Have a great night everyone. :manyheart

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Mary, Tam, and Shaylen - Get well quickly! :hug :hug


It's still raining with no end in sight soon. Rats! I put the the heating pad on my hands this afternoon, which helped.

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Poor Linda

Gotta keep them hands in good condition -- they turn out lots of beautiful items ! Hopefully the rain will let up soon so you can get a break .


Have you ever tried that Glucosamine-Chondroitin stuff ? I had a Dr tell me it is great for sore joints, etc ... she said you have to take it for 30 days to begin to notice a difference .

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Good Morning Happy Housers ! :manyheart


The sun is shining :sun



Well, not yet, it's 4 AM ,so it might be going to :rain

I don't think it'll :snow at least .


I HOPE the sun is shining today wherever you are .


Most of you are probably still :sleep


I hope none are still feeling :tired


So all our HH Friends will be better today :tup


Try to think of the good stuff . We still have our pals in here :heart


George Clooney is still out there somewhere,(AND available ) :dreaming


We've all got our computers to keep in touch :compute


We've all got yarn & projects galore :yarn:hook


We have Cake at all the stores :cake


And tomorrow is Photo Friday,best day of the week . :photo



Still working on my castle ,think i'll get some more saltines done for it today and see how much further I can go with it before Photo time .

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Good Morning. :)


Julie ~ I love your posts in the a.m. - A smile this early is a wonderful thing. :D


Tam ~ So sorry about your cold. :hug Congratulations to your son! Wrestling isn't as popular here, but sure was in Iowa where I grew up...one of my cousins won a State championship many years ago.


Nicole ~ Yay for getting your tickets! :clap


Shay ~ Feel better soon! :manyheart


Linda ~ I hope the rain is gone and that your hands are better. We had a dust storm yesterday! I think half of West Texas is in Fort Worth. :lol


Hi Judy ~ The Midnight Knitter does sound a bit eccentric. ;)

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Morning Judy-- that's definitely an odd one. I wonder what their point might be ? I'd like to see a picture of what size these sweaters are . Got any idea ?


Is the town anyplace near you ? That is certainly strange. I am just wondering what their reasoning is, putting all the long work it takes into knitting a sweater ,then just hanging them in trees . Maybe they want to donate them and don't knowWHERE so they just leave them there in case a homeless person wanders along ?





Hey Mary -

glad you enjoy my morning posts. I'm usually just up so early and no one else IS ... gotta have something to do, so I make a post til someone wakes up .


Hope you are feeling more chipper today .

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:flowerThanks so much everyone for the “get well” wishes!!! J

And all the congrats on my son winning his matches!

Shay….. hope you feel better soon!!! Hows that “Hip to be square” afghan coming along?

:flakeWell…. It’s a snowin’ OMY! Huge beautiful flakes. But darn it.. we were almost clear of snow…. And now more…………….. :sigh

:noI have discovered … it is not worth it staying in bed when you’re sick. Its best to just get up and power through it! Because now… I have a house that looks like a tornado went through it to clean. I have taking it piece at a time because I'm still not feeling right… sit down and take a break.. then back to another piece. Remind me to NEVER again stay in bed. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!

Okay… back to another piece…. See you on my break…. J




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Getting ready to finish one block for my ATW!


Check this out..we crafters are a little starnge, aren't we?


That's a hoot!


It's still raining here this morning. The ground is soggy!


Last night Rosie called about 8:30 and asked me to come over and play. She is finishing a quilt that her mother had started before she died. She had the fan blocks spread out all over her bed and couldn't decide exactly how she wanted to put them together. So we tried out all sorts of placements of the fans until we came up with one that we liked. We must have tried a dozen different arrangements out. When we finally decided on the winner we carefully stacked and labeled them so that she can sew them together today in the correct order. We munched on pretzels and giggled like mad. What a fun way to end the day. :lol :lol :lol


Not sure what I'll be working on today. Will decide in a bit.


Hope all of you sickies are feeling better.


Hope everyone has a great day. More later. :hook

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Now TAM -- don't you be overdoing it the first day up and about . Just do a little then leave the rest sit. That's the one good thing about housework. It aint going nowhere. It'll wait for you. So do a little something, then crochet something. Then maybe after a couple hours you can do more.

You have other people living there, have them help out when you are sick, it won't hurt them .




Linda- it must be great to have talent in so many things, you can just whip back and forth between them all .


Quilting is definitely one thing I won't be able to tackle. Me and sewing machines are not good friends. I am WAY too impatient with them ,and with no one to teach me, I'd toss it out the window ,then that'd be the end of it .


I have a knitting question for you : If you are knitting a CABLE( with only 6 stitches placed on a stitch holder doodad ) ,it says to knit the next 6 stitches, then to come back and knit the ones from the holder .


I GET that part, but do you put those ONTO the needle,then knit from THERE , or do you just knit directly from the holder ?


Thanks for any help in advance .:)

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Oh Julie...Julie...Julie....silly girl.... LOL

The "others that live in my house" are the ones that created this disaster for me to clean.

I mean really... cant put boxes of cereal away... and not one dish in the sink.. they are all over the house. Papers from school left on the couch... toys on the kitchen counter??? what is this???

do they all lose they ever-lovin' minds when I'm sick?








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Morning Judy-- that's definitely an odd one. I wonder what their point might be ? I'd like to see a picture of what size these sweaters are . Got any idea ?


Is the town anyplace near you ? That is certainly strange. I am just wondering what their reasoning is, putting all the long work it takes into knitting a sweater ,then just hanging them in trees . Maybe they want to donate them and don't knowWHERE so they just leave them there in case a homeless person wanders along ?

They're probably small - like ornament size, I would think...what you would use to decorate a package. Just MO...

I think it was an artisitc statement...been a long winter, too. Someone might have been going stir crazy:lol


The town is close to 3 hours south of me, close to the ocean. It's pretty much at the end of NJ.

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They're probably small - like ornament size, I would think...what you would use to decorate a package.





Do you guys have an unusually large number of gnomes living in the area that need sweaters ?


Maybe it's a Save the Gnomes Campaign .:D

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Do you guys have an unusually large number of gnomes living in the area that need sweaters ?


Maybe it's a Save the Gnomes Campaign .:D

It did happen in a strange part of NJ:eek

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My early Photo Friday picture- I always get Sam to snap it thursday night so I can have it posted by Fri. A.M.


Here's the castle so far. I am 3 squares short of having enough for another block, but had to lay this down for my 63 weekend challenge . Will pick this back up when that is complete .

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