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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Wow, you were lucky to have so many craftly-talented people in your family !


My mom would not have touched any craft item with a ten foot pole .


Her and my sister think I'm stupid for wasting my time with that nonsense .


(Their words, not mine .)








* I'd probably stand a better chance at # 1 than # 2, only because I TALK better than I LOOK .

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I pity the neighbor cat who walks through your yard !!!


Something tells me he'd better be a fast runner !!!


It'd look like one of them dog-chasing -cat cartoons !

we had a cat do that once...my guys went nuts chasing it! Same thing with squirrels and chipmunks - the ones left in our yard are very fast!:lol

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Do your squirrels down there do like the ones here ? If there is a neighbor cat after them they sit up in the tree and kinda CHIRP at them.. I guess they think it'll scare the cat away .

The cat just sits there and swishes his tail back and forth like he's really mad .


It's kinda funny to watch them .

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Hang in there Nicole

You'll get through this . I know it's hard right now . My absolute best cousin in the world died young ,younger than I am right now. She was truly the best person I have ever known .

You ask yourself why . This is NOT FAIR .

Why don't those thugs on the street corners who knock people in the heads for a quarter die young ?

Why HER ? She never hurt anyone .


Over time, I can't really say it gets EASIER, because that's not a good word for it .


Maybe you just learn to deal with it, because you have no other choice .


She is buried in the town where we have our reunion every summer.


I always stop there first day I'm home,and sit down on her grass and tell her what has happened in the past year . I tell her how much I still miss her . I pat her headstone and tell her I will always miss her .


I might sound like a loon, but she is listening .


It'll get a little more bearable as time goes by I think .


I’m sorry you had to lose your cousin so young. I’m sure you don’t look like a loon. I completely understand though. My son died coming up on six years ago. I’ve pretty much said and thought it all. I have a completely different outlook on life and death thanks to him.

The USA is playing hockey again right now. Hurray!!!!!

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Julie - At this point, it's just making me a nervous wreck!!!! I don't know if I can stand to watch the third period. :eek

We got so excited at the empty net goal!:cheer:clap:cheer

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We got so excited at the empty net goal!:cheer:clap:cheer


Yes, that was very exciting! :clap There are few things in this world that I like as much as a goal on an empty net. :yes


I hate to admit, I have never watched a hockey game, so I have no clue about it, other than you have to get the puck into the other players net .


I'm not real swift on most sports, except a little football .


That's okay...I won't hold it against you. :lol

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Hi Ladies. Not sure how it got to be almost 10 and I haven't posted all day. :lol


Nicole ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. :hug The hockey games are a good diversion. :yes


Julie ~ Way to go on making little squares again! We're so glad you're back with us. :manyheart This Just Ducky will be for the grandbaby when he's a little older. I've saved some other cuddle size quilt ghans and will let DD decide what she would like.


Hi Shay!


Linda ~ Sorry our snow didn't make it that far. ;) They're predicting more for Sunday or Monday, though. :eek


Judy ~ I know what you mean about the RRs...sometimes it's fun not to have to think about the pattern.


I went back to the doctor today. I really felt like the cold had become a sinus infection and it sure had. :( He put me on antibiotics and hopefully this will go away soon. :sigh See you all tomorrow! :manyheart

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Mary - tg for antibiotics! I hope they work fast:hug:manyheart


CU all later...feeding the pups now...and then back to bed to snuggle:c9

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Morning ,glories


Mary- I'm glad you got back to the Dr and he found out about the sinus infection -- maybe now they can nail it and get it out of there. You have been sick for too many days now . Taken up lots of good crochet time, right ?


I was thinking you had made one of the ducky quilts before, but maybe that was for someone else, that's why I asked who it was for . Those do turn out so very cute .


And it definitely is good to be back in here with you guys. I have been working on my castle sky. I need to count how many I have done and maybe start my first square-block section of them this morning. I guess I'll put them together in chunks kinda like some of you guys do,then assemble the big chunks . I never liked doing it my other way-- the squares never seem to be totally straight-line put together ,so hopefully this will work better .



Nicole -- I think maybe the hockey thing might have something to do with where we live. It's not a real big sport in our area . I think they had a team in Cleveland, but not sure if they still do. I think they were talking of moving it or something at one point ..

The main sport they talk about on our news is football 1st, then probably the Cavs basketball and Indians baseball . I'm not real good on baseball rules-- I know some of them,but not all, and we rarely watch basketball. I like football though .

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Jules, I leave a long tail for joining the squares, too and it seems to work better that way - I tried it without leaving tails and didn't like the result at all. Fortunatley the animals at the rescue site don't care:lol


I'm going to do mine in blocks, too, instead of from the middle out. Hope to get a start on the saltines today. It's snowing out there: wet and heavy, so we aren't going anywhere for a day or two.

I DO need to clean house a little first...you can write your name on some of the furniture:blush

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Mary - :hug I hope the antibiotic kicks that sinus infection quickly! We have missed you.


Julie – Cleveland does have a junior team….the Lake Erie Monsters. Think minor league baseball…it’s the same idea. Hockey isn’t real popular here either, but we have a junior team that I watched when I was a kid. I’ve been hooked ever since.


Judy – I was just thinking last night that I might have better luck with the quiltghans if I sewed the saltines in blocks instead of rows. I’m going to get back on the horse one of these days! :lol


Good morning, everyone! I should probably get to work. :sigh I don’t like this working and being responsible thing. :D It hasn’t gotten old very fast.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) Thanks for all the hugs :manyheart I'm being good and taking my pills and drinking lots of hot tea and water. :D Hope DH gets back from Denver today...they are having major storms and canceling a lot of flights.


As far as joining, I leave a tail on each square to join to the next. I've divided the patterns in blocks or joined whole strips on the smaller cuddle size ghans. And I'd better get started with that! :blush:lol


Nicole ~ We wish you didn't have to work, too. :yes Then you could be here with us more! :hook


Judy ~ I was up at 4, too.:eek Gracie wanted to go out and then wanted to play...we finally went back to bed and slept til 7:30.

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Julie ~ Way to go on making little squares again! We're so glad you're back with us. :manyheart This Just Ducky will be for the grandbaby when he's a little older. I've saved some other cuddle size quilt ghans and will let DD decide what she would like.


Linda ~ Sorry our snow didn't make it that far. ;) They're predicting more for Sunday or Monday, though. :eek


I went back to the doctor today. I really felt like the cold had become a sinus infection and it sure had. :( He put me on antibiotics and hopefully this will go away soon. :sigh See you all tomorrow! :manyheart

I'm not sorry at all that it missed us, Mary. Glad you went back to the doctor. Hope the meds kick this for you very quickly. :hug


It's cold put the sun is shining which makes it a good day. I'm still working on my flannelghan for the Games. I'm on strip #7 now. I didn't get much done on it yesterday though. I went to bed early instead of staying up to watch the Olympics like I have been doing. I managed to get 3 two strand preemie RRs done for the February Charity Blitz and planned out the quilt for my mom. I guess that's a lot when mixed in with everything else I've been doing. :lol :lol :lol Here are pictures of the preemie RRs. The color that looks black is actually a deep navy blue.




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Nicole- wow, girlfriend, you really DO know your hockey stuff-- you know about the junior cleveland teams ???

You ARE a fan . Have you gotten to see a game in person or meet a player before ?



Mary & Judy - thank you for your suggestions about joining . I started this morning and it is looking much better .



Love your little baby-ghans ~~~~~~~~

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I still haven't picked up a hook or pointy stick today. Cleaned house and then made banana bread (had very ripe bananas on hand). It smells good in here:c9


Need to pick another sk of yarn from stash for my big squares project...and want to start the saltines. I know once I start I'll not want to stop! I love how the design unfolds with the ATW.:hook


Later, gators!

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Jules, the Banana bread came out so good! SDR (Studly Do Right, my man) said, why not put some orange flavor in it. The recipe called for lemon zest, but the orange was great!

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Linda ~ Your preemie ghans are adorable! :c9 And yay for planning your mom's quilt. :clap


Judy ~ I loved your last ATW and can't wait to see the next one. :hook I have dibs on a piece of banana bread, too. Will that leave any for you guys? :lol


Julie ~ I'm glad you're happy with the joining on this one. :yes I started joining today, too. I think I'll do this one in four sections since it's 18 wide by 17 high. Subject to change, of course. :D

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Mary, funny about the banana bread...Phil never liked it in the past, but loved this!


It's hard not grabbing a piece every time we walk past the kitchen!

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