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I've noticed that when I look at show and tell threads here, I see a photo and think! "Oh my! That's just lovely". And them I post something like "That's lovely! You did a great job"


And when I type it, I totally mean it! But......as often as I say "lovely" at the 'Ville, I almost never say it in real life.


Is "lovely" a crochet word?

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Nah ... 'lovely' is a people word. People who are/were close to their Grandmothers say lovely. People who themselves, or have close friends who, have some sort of attachment to Scotland first, and the rest of the British Isles next, say lovely. People who appreciate things vintage say it. Flower lovers say lovely. People who love small dogs say lovely. Red Hat ladies say lovely.


People under 30 years of age rarely say lovely. Men never say it.



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I always say 'lovely' in a sarcastic sense. For example....mechanic tells me that something is wrong with the car and it's going to cost X amount of money. I say 'oh lovely'. Make sense?....lol Anyone else use it like this?

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I have used it in the sarcastic sense too, but here I always mean it. I didn't know if it was a crochet thing. My grandmother spoke English as a 5th language, and didn't use "lovely". I'm not Irish, or Scottish or English. I'm over 30, but not yet Red Hat age.

I do like birds and flowers.

I think "lovely" has been misused so much that we don't use it much - sort of like awesome which should mean that I find something awe-inspiring - not that I'm a Valley Girl. :laugh:

Anyway - when I see lovely crochet projects, I just have to say "lovely"!

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ktornatola, ditto! I use "lovely" in a very sarcastic sense in conversation...but I would be using it in total sincerity when commenting on someone's crochet work!

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I always say 'lovely' in a sarcastic sense. For example....mechanic tells me that something is wrong with the car and it's going to cost X amount of money. I say 'oh lovely'. Make sense?....lol Anyone else use it like this?


I swear, that's GOT to be my favorite sarcastic phrase! I say it several times a week, at least.


But as for actually MEANING the word... yeah, I use it. Not a lot, but I use it. I think it's probably due to what Brae said... I'm an American living in the UK, so I hear people say it a LOT. And I'm slowly but surely (unintentionally) absorbing all these British-isms (as I like to call them).;)

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I always say 'lovely' in a sarcastic sense. For example....mechanic tells me that something is wrong with the car and it's going to cost X amount of money. I say 'oh lovely'. Make sense?....lol Anyone else use it like this?

ha i do that at least once i day... :P im just waiting for my bf to pick it up... i already have him saying "thinger" :D


i rarely say it in a non-sarcastic way

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[quote=theworm;612100not Irish, or Scottish or English. I'm over 30, but not yet Red Hat age.


Over 30 and under 50 puts you in the "pink" hat level I believe.

I use the word 'lovely'. Lovely, beautiful, wonderful - all fits the same to me!

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.....And I'm slowly but surely (unintentionally) absorbing all these British-isms (as I like to call them).


I live in the US but work for a british company...have been there about a half a dozen times in the last few years and have conversation with someone from the UK most every day....my co-workers and I keep planning on writing the English-English travel dictionary!!



PS I have now incorporated "cheers" into my daily conversation with UK participants or not!!!

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I live in the US but work for a british company...have been there about a half a dozen times in the last few years and have conversation with someone from the UK most every day....my co-workers and I keep planning on writing the English-English travel dictionary!!



PS I have now incorporated "cheers" into my daily conversation with UK participants or not!!!

:lol I bet people look at you like you're nuts... when I accidentally use a British-ism with my family, they're all like "huh?":think



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Ooh! Pink hat level sounds like fun! Thanks goodness I made it to 30 last September. What color hat would those under 30 wear? Perhaps a whiter shade of pale? :lol

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