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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Welcome to Tezen and to Doula:hug


Bizzy wow your 3 strand ghan looks great.:yay You have quite a bit of scrap yarn to get through.


I am going to have to do one of these. Do you use 3 strands and when one strand is finished do you just add another strand to the others. Also what size hook are you using.

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Boy these preemie hats are a great way to get some points, I hadn't gone through my stash to see what I had for balls... I got rid of 2 more, thats 4 just yestday and today!!!




What kind of yarn are you using for these hats? Most of my stash is worsted weight. Not so wonderful for preemie hats. All my "good" yarn I tend to buy just what I need for a given project.

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Well I inherited a lot of my stash from my grandmother when she passed away, So i'm not entirely sure what the yarn balls are, they are really thick and very soft, but the balls were just way too small for anything bigger than a preemie hat. I've used up what I had for soft yarn, but it was really exciting to get more than one point in a day.

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i went to joanns today, but didn't buy any yarn, yay me! i bought a bunch of beads instead....but then i went to big lots...big mistake! there was some cute yarn for 79 cents...and then some other cute stuff for a dollar...and i just cant resist funky yarn deals! so i have to subtract 16 pts from my score :(

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Welcome to Tezen and to Doula:hug


Bizzy wow your 3 strand ghan looks great.:yay You have quite a bit of scrap yarn to get through.


I am going to have to do one of these. Do you use 3 strands and when one strand is finished do you just add another strand to the others. Also what size hook are you using.



yep that is all i did :yes i used a 10mm hook

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Alright, I wanna know what I am doing wrong. My scrap afghan looks SAD. give me some suggestions.



ok here is a close up of the blanket that i made. sorry if the pics are big, but it gives better detail......i just picked the colours up as i went, the only rule that i kinda followed is that i didnt put two colours together....like i said kinda....some times you run out of choices:lol






in this pic you can see that i have used the yellow in a few rows...the ball was a big one;)




and in this one you can see the blue goes though a few rows too, and the brown went into the yellow row









here you can see that the purple goes into a few rows


i hope these :photo are not to big and i hope that i have helped and inspired some of you :)

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Bizzy - I really like your afghan and the way you used your colors.


Clare - I think yours looks really lovely too. I wouldn't mind starting one of them, but right now I have too much going on already....especially with moving this month.


My stash this week doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I have one doily I was working on that I had to completely frog - it just wasn't looking right. Then I am working with a "large" skein of white yarn and it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I have used it to edge two breavement blankets, on my Valentine mystery CAL and for making squares for the Every Home Needs .... CAL. I still have some left, but am finally getting down to the end of it.

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Clare thanks for your idea of the 3 strand afghan. I am going to start one. Thanks for the photos I was wondering what you exactly did with the colors.


Is everyone updating there ytd figure as they go or are you adding your weekly score onto it at the end of the week.


Im finally getting to add to my score. I was waiting till I had used the whole skein before adding to my score, thats why this week those skeins for my squares are finally coming to an end.

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Clare thanks for your idea of the 3 strand afghan. I am going to start one. Thanks for the photos I was wondering what you exactly did with the colors.


Is everyone updating there ytd figure as they go or are you adding your weekly score onto it at the end of the week.




I'm going to have to try one of the 3 strand afghans too! Is it a Q hook?


I update my YTD every sat when I restart my weekly date to 0. That way I don't get confused if I already added an amount or not!

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Welcome to Tezen and to Doula:hug


Bizzy wow your 3 strand ghan looks great.:yay You have quite a bit of scrap yarn to get through.


I am going to have to do one of these. Do you use 3 strands and when one strand is finished do you just add another strand to the others. Also what size hook are you using.



Yeah just three strands of whatever. I know in the post that I originally read this in she was careful to make sure her yarn was similar in size, but my yarns range so drastically and I am just lazy so I grab whatever. I have thrown in chenille and chunky and ww and baby yarns...the next ball in line. My daughter has been quite active in this afghan. She sat in front of me on the floor during the SuperBowl and every time I needed a new ball she grabbed the next one and tied it on. So much of the color coordination is hers.

I know I read on someone elses post that they used a P hook, I hate hooks that big honestly. I am using an N and finding that it works nicely. Once upon a time I hated little hooks, but the big ones make my hands ache. I am just getting old.

I have to say I never realized that I had soooooo many balls of leftovers. I have those two bins just full of balls. The only full-ish skeins are on the top. Its reeeealllly helping out my stash busting score. I went through another 16 balls last night. They aren't ALL small, just some of them.

Now my husband is eyeing up the afghan..."Honey thats a reeeallly nice blanket"....and my daughter "Ya know mama, I get reallllly cold sitting her sometimes"....and my MIL "Ya know..that would make a GREAT b-day present". I have alot of yarn and I am really enjoying making this ghan. I think I will continue to bust my stash and make a couple more of them.

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My mom gave me a skein of the bright pink I needed to finish my PL blanket. I asked her just to cut off and give me what I needed :yarn (because there's nothing in the rules about getting a few yards of yarn! :P), but she gave me the whole darn skein! :yarn Then I stopped yesterday at Joann's to get the new Family Circle Easy Crochet, and I saw that they had Caron one pounders on sale, and I need one pound since I've decided to do one of those gorgeous quilt crochet blankets in the happy house CAL, so I thought I might as well buy the one skein I needed...So I am now in the negative for the week. <SIGH> Oh well, what's a gal to do? :hook Patty

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Didn't mean to write a story on the last one. If I'd paid attention to the whole thread, I would've noticed all your answers had been given. Sorry


Clare, I'm finally realizing that you were the 3strand ghan inspiration. Thanks so much for the idea...its a great one!:clap

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I was doing sooooo well and staying out of the yarn areas of Wal Mart and the "just Looking" at JoAnn's ( their sale prices haven't been that great lately) But then I was working on the Charity Blitz and noticed that I "needed" a different color :blush (yeah right :no )

OK I was tired of looking at my stash and not being able to add to the ones there I broke -

I confess ...... you caught me ...... But I controlled myself.

I had 3 points going for this week and then lost them when I purchased two skeins ...... I am down one point.....

Ok I feel better now... Thanks for the outlet to rid the guilt :devil


Then to top it off I thought DH was at work only to get home and see his car ...... :eek


Finished another ghan for the Charity Blitz and worked two balls into premmie hats, back where I started from........

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OK..so yesterday I used up one full skein on some unmentionables and then a ball and a skein on a FunkyReporter-inspired vent-ghan type blanket..


I grabbed a bunch of yarn that I've had for a while and haven't worked with cause I decided I really didn't like them...they're all in a bag, and as I run out of one yarn I just grab whatever yarn hits my hand first, so there is no rhyme or reason to the colors in it...it's all WW yarn, but I'm not thinking about anything but making up the blanket and getting this yarn out of my stash...doing just a simple shell stitch pattern til I run out of yarn for this...


I'm off to add 5 points to my score!



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