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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Ok here's an imaginary stash busting nightmare....can you imagine if I had to count the store's inventory yarn purchases against my stash busting total???:rofl




Actually, that was the first thing I thought about when you said you had a store. How exactly does that count with your stashbusting. :lol


Maybe it is because I homeschool 3 times the children you do currently. I tend to have lots of questions coming from them.



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I can't even imagine having 6 kids, much less schooling them all. I am in awe of people like you that can do that! It makes ALOT of sense that you find little time to crochet. But, keep up the good work:cheer ...it is so worth the effort!


AND...:devil I refuse to count my store inventory as my personal stash. It sure makes buying the yarn I need for specific projects easy and right at my fingertips, but I think I would curl up in a ball and cry :cry at the injustice of it all if I had to stash bust my way through an entire store!!



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OOhh...Biz, did you know that I was having a small daydream about opening my own Yarn Shop somewhere while I homeschooled my 4?


And here you are the embodiment of my daydreams, you're my idol :love

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OOhh...Biz, did you know that I was having a small daydream about opening my own Yarn Shop somewhere while I homeschooled my 4?


And here you are the embodiment of my daydreams, you're my idol :love



You make me blush....:2blush.

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I only homeschool one of my four - two go to public school, one is 3. This is his first year, and we're finally getting to where he doesn't need CONSTANT attention, so I am getting little bits done here and there, depending on the assignment he is working on. I don't have a specific curriculum, I use different publishers for different subjects, all secular. I make my own curriculum and often have to adjust it when he goes through something faster than I expected. Often, I just sit and crochet while he is completing an assignment, just to remind him that daydreaming is not allowed! ;)


Worked on my kids' crochet project a little, but I think I'm getting into some serious crocheting time now. :D

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I can't even imagine having 6 kids, much less schooling them all. I am in awe of people like you that can do that! It makes ALOT of sense that you find little time to crochet. But, keep up the good work:cheer ...it is so worth the effort!


AND...:devil I refuse to count my store inventory as my personal stash. It sure makes buying the yarn I need for specific projects easy and right at my fingertips, but I think I would curl up in a ball and cry :cry at the injustice of it all if I had to stash bust my way through an entire store!!




Actually, I have 8 children. 2 of them have graduated from homeschool mom/dad and are now in the business world.


In your store do you hold crochet classes or allow groups to come together to do that? That'd be cool!



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Krystal, that's cool! I'm glad to see so many homeschooling mom's here! I think its great when people come up with their own curriculum's and keep all their own records. I have a fairly bad scatter brain and I would either not keep up with their records, or miss something important, so I opt to purchase curriculum and have them keep the records.


Doula, yes we do. This month is a purse class highlighting the lion brand suede yarn (i'll post a pic tomorrow) and then I am trying out crochet workshops. Kind of like a scrapbooking workshop where you can come in and hang out and work on stuff and drink coffee , etc. I'm also using this for when people want to learn how to crochet. It was just too hard to get people to come to specific classes geared toward beginners...so we shall see how this will go. I offer 10% off of any supplies they buy at the time of the class so newbies can get started fairly reasonably. Plus, I think the experienced crocheters that come would be great for helping with new tips, etc. My nephew wants to come and learn how to crochet...he's 17...I'm not sure why. But I told him to come to the workshop. I've told him that I would just do it with him, but he wants to come to a 'class'. So we shall see.

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I was just looking through an old copy of Crochet Today and saw a purse using that yarn. I thought it looked really cute with the flowers and all. I was going to ask my daughter if she wanted me to make her one. But then that wouldn't go toward my stashbusting total, because I would have to purchase more yarn. :lol


Maybe I'll do it every other week. That way on off weeks I can buy yarn. Then the next week get to work. hee hee



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I spent all weekend crocheting, (well sorta >_>;; ) and I got +2 points yay!! I made a hat with a skein of SWS, it's really pretty. I also got some sewing projects done, but guess that doesn't give me points. *tear* I guess I'm plugging along, I should figure out what percentage of my stash I'm going through. :D I might go to the LYS on Valentine's day... better get crocheting to make up. :hook

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Well, you have beat my record for the "Shoot the Moon" award. I had 50 cones of cotton come in last week, and I have 40 more coming in this week. I only wish to have the award only once in this game, but you never know what eBay has in store :rofl


i no :rofl but i carnt wait to get me goodies:devil

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Ok, so this morning I made 2 balls of black from skeins I'd nearly used to death, but was finally motivated to make the balls to keep them from tangling, and well to add points to my score, :lol so there is 2 points, then I sat down and worked on my yo-yo ghan, which I need the black to join them all, so I also used one of the balls. I'm hoping to use more tonight, but we'll see. Anyway, I'm creeping back into the positive side of things.

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Wow, just read back and saw there are a few homeschoolers in this group!! THat is awesome, I'm also a homeschooler. My oldest is in Kindergarten, and we're having so much fun!! So far, I still have a lot of time to And stash busting!!

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Doula- Suede is a pricier yarn, but I feel like its worth the money. Its gorgeous to work with and makes a very hearty product. I have made two of the purses that I am making for MIL already and they are really nice and strong. One I made for my 12 yr old DD. She will pack all but the kitchen sink in hers and it shows no wear and tear to speak of.


Kelly- Tell me about the SWS...or really anyone. How do you like it? I have wanted to bring it into the store, but haven't had the guts. I haven't even touched it yet. The colors available are really pretty.



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I didn't crochet much this weekend. I was too busy making jewelry (you can see it on my blog) :lol I just had a friend ask me to make 2 baby blankets for her though, so I need to go buy more yarn .... I really don't have any of the colors she wants, So I need to go to walmart and pick up some simply soft. Hopefully I can finish up a few balls on my blue star and my yo yo ghan to make up for it

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I am 1/2 ?...1/3 ? of the way through the 3-strand stash busting scrap afghan...love it.


Ok here is a link for you to see it at because I am unable to figure out this posting pictures thing....


I'm sorry...crochet I can do...computers not so much.

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Ok I was doing very well thismorning it was 6 degrees and after a trip to the store I finished a skein and then IT CAME!!! A yarn trade of 4 skeins Oh well its for a blitz project so its worth the 4(hummm or is it 8) points

I have dug into another skein and hope to finish that one ASAP

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I am 1/2 ?...1/3 ? of the way through the 3-strand stash busting scrap afghan...love it.


Ok here is a link for you to see it at because I am unable to figure out this posting pictures thing....


I'm sorry...crochet I can do...computers not so much.


Alright, I wanna know what I am doing wrong. My scrap afghan looks SAD. And yours is so cool! I'm gonna try to get a pic on here so you guys can see what I mean and maybe give me some suggestions.

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Well i've done pretty well so far this week, especially since its justs monday! I've used up two balls of scrap yarn making preemie hats, and I should be able to use up one more tonight making a couple more. I'll post a picture before i ship them all out to bitybabynurse. Time to update my Sig!

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