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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Ok fine... but it'll hafta wait until tomorrow, when hubby's not home... I found places to stash before he got home today! :rofl

(and that's only becuz I have like 100lbs of misc. yarn listed on eBay & have cleaned out some tubs!!) Will take pix for ya too. :lol


Other topic.. does anyone have the Magic Crochet magazine, Issue #76??

If so, can you tell me why ONE mag is selling for THIS much on eBay???


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Sorting and organizing stash today. It's been long overdo. However I got 6 points from having to throw away some stuff. A skein of boa yarn got wild and engulfed several partials who had a duel to the death and by the time I found them, sadly, all hope was lost. Little boneheads... they ought not play like that! So a very sad +6 for me...

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That is insane (about that magazine). I hope it's worth it. I haven't finished anything in the last two days. I had to take a break from crocheting because my wrist was killing me. Silly arthritis + amazing thunderstorm weather = no crocheting.


I expect I'll get a lot done in the next few days as I'll be laid up after my surgery for a few days without the ability to really walk around a lot. Renee + Couch + Lots of Movies = Lots of Crocheting!!!


I'm going to try to tackle my stash tomorrow and organize it a bit. I need to figure out what I have and what I need to finish WIPs and Planned WIPs for holiday gifts. I get my living allowance again soon which means yarn buying time!!!

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Finished Harry Potter doll

I used :-

1 full ball and 1 partial ball of skin colour (3)

1 partial ball of brown fun fur and made to rest into a small ball (2)

1 partial ball of grey (1)

1 partial ball of yellow (1)

1 partail ball of red (1)

1 Partail ball of black (1)

and 4 small balls of white (4)

Total 13

Also for my SP I have used up 2 partial balls of cream (2), 1 full ball of green (2), 1 ball of yellow (2)

Total 6

So far this week I have got 19 points


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I agree Nght. I'm curious about your great buy. Have you ever taken a picture of your stash?



I tried to post this last night, but alas, my puters a POS & quit before I could. :sigh


Anyway, I've got a few pix of buying over the last few months.. the only thing I didn't take pix of was the stash that I had before. But, if ya click on the sub-folder *Moved Out*, you can see some of it... it's stuff that I've either sold on eBay or have listed currently.




There's some other stuff in there too, but definitely some yarn. :blush


Maybe later, I can grab pix of some others when I take the newest loot, we'll see :D

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Yes, I think a play date is definitely in order. :yay


I have be crocheting away this week. I finished 2 skeins on a petticoat, two skeins making golf iron covers for prizes for a golf tournament and a ball making a new stitch marker case as my is MIA, along with my stitchmarker:( but I have + 9 this week

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Michigan is only 5 hours from New York... definately worth it...lol.

Alas, while I am not Nght, I did buy 11 skeins today. So that's minus 22. But I was mourning over those 6 points I had to throw out and...and... and...

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Yeah, I know - that sorrow is just enough to make you buy, buy, buy!!!


So, I haven't worked with ANYTHING that I could score in a long, long while...


I finally have some news to report, not all of which is good.


I bought 1 skein of yarn at JoAnns a while back (and didn't score it), AND I found fun fur at my Dollar Tree and bought (ONLY) 6 skeins. So, that's -14. However, I hope to make that up with the schoolbag I'm making DD, which I've already used up a skein on. So, a net of -12.



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If only I was allowed to move, I would SOOOO be headed to Nght's house!


I went to a LYS I hadnt' been to yet - local for me is within an hour. Unfortunately, Dayton isn't really up on the yarn thing. I picked up 14 skeins of yarn!! Whooops. 4 Noro 100% wools for a holiday gift, 5 cottons for SP gifts, and 5 alpaca/silk blends to make a scarf for myself.


I realize that I hadn't made anything for myself in a really really long time, so there's no time like the present!! -28!!

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I had too much to do after work today to take those pix for ya before hubby got home... so hopefully I can get them tomorrow after work. Otherwise, he won't be home for ½ of the weekend, I can definitely get them then! :devil

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Wow Nght I sure wish I had that kind of stash :yes I finally used up 1 ball on my graph ghan. I do some more baby hats tomorrow so hopefully I can knock out a few more balls then.

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