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Your handmade gifts ARE appreciated!

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That is such a tender note that she wrote to you! That goes to show, that the little things we do in life, can make a world of difference to someone else. What a wonderful blessing!

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Isn't it nice that your work has been appreciated! It makes you feel good to know how special your hard work has been received.



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That was a nice note. I got a few nice ones from my daughters teacher's this year for the dishcloths I made them. I thought that was very nice. Michelle

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Doesn't it just make you smile to think of your note? I know it would me (if anyone I gave my made things sent me things like that but that was remedies on a cold day while she was sitting in her chair cold:lol )


I made an afghan for grandma for Christmas and she recently had to go into assisted living. Well she got it a little late but when she had one of the ladies help her open it she told everyone to come see her precious and then she wouldn't use it until her daily nurse who sits with her saw it. She is too funny. I have talked to her a few times since I have given it to her and don't let someone new walk into the room cause she has to tell them all about it and stuff but most of all she tells me every time how precious it is to her that she has never had an afghan that someone made specifically for her. I am SO happy that she loves it and uses it (that was aonther thing she didn't want to use it said it was too pretty and it could sit on her bed)


But the moral of my loooooong story here is that everything that we make for someone we put a little piece of our heart into it and knowing how much it means to them makes that tiny part we sent with them grow until we have to create something more for someone else to make them feel like we do when we give our love and heart to them and get the gratitude back even if it is only knowing that they use/wear our love on them as we intended.

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How very lovely. We forget how nice it is to receive a written thank you. It creates such a warm feeling and lasts so much longer and feels more real than the ones you get when you give the gift initially. If you know what I mean.

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It's always wonderful to know the stuff you do makes someone happy. The thank you note she sent was beautiful and thoughtful, especially since it's rare to recieve a written thank you note.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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It's so nice she thought you for thinking of her. That's the best feeling after making a gift. Makes all those loose ends and frogging you had to do, if you had to, well worth it.

I gave a blanket to my ex-boss for christmas 2005 and to this day still has not opened the blanket (I tried a bow on it and attached a card). She says she wants to keep it just like that, so when i become famous for my blankets, she will have an original still wrapped them same way I gave it to her. She makes me laugh. I am going to make another just like it for her, and not wrap it, then she'll use it.


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