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My daughter: a yarn addict in the making...

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For a couple of years now, I have been trying to teach my daughter how to crochet (per her request to learn) and it has been difficult to teach her.

She is a perfectionist to the extreme and she wanted instant gratification on a crochet project, but she had problems getting past the chain stitch. Holding the yarn and tension was a big issue for her.


Well, for Christmas, we decided to get her one of those Knifty Knitter sets and a skien of her own yarn. She was able to teach herself how to use the loom and made herself a fingerless glove on first attempt, which, of course gave he the instant gratification that she needed. She put glove on and wore it all day today.


Well, today, I took her to JoAnn's for more yarn and she was in heaven LOL

She bought herself 5 more skeins of yarn and 3 crochet hooks of her own! I am so glad that she didn't give up on crochet all together :D

I was so proud when she choose her own hooks!!! :hook


The lady at the check out saw her glove and asked if she made it and, of course, she said yes, and then I came in and became the "embarrassing" proud mom, and pointed out that she got the Knifty Knitter for Christmas, how it was her very first project and how proud I am of her. I got a "dirty" look from my daughter for that too LOL


When we go home, she immediately started on the loom again to make a wristband for her younger brother, but I noticed that she was holding the yarn as if to crochet!


Nothing like passing on your addiction to the next generation LOL :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:hook



I also broke down and bought myself the Susan Bates Silvalume hook set. I have been a Boye gal for almost 30 years, but I have been tempted to try the in-line hooks and see what the difference is :hook

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I, too, have been attempting to teach my 9 year old daughter to crochet. She is also having trouble with holding the yarn and the tension. But she is learning and is determined to do what mommy does. We, too have the Kniffty Knitters both round and long sets. She makes all kinds of hats and scarves, and has such a yarn addiction that Santa brought her 12 skeins of her own to pet and play with!

Enjoy passing on the yarn addiction tradition, I know I am:hook

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Starr, how old is your daughter. My 9-year-old daughter has been trying to learn to crochet and we just do not mesh. I get frustrated, she gets frustrated and round and round we go. I too have thought about getting her the Knifty Knitter so was wondering what age your daughter is? My daughter's b-day is coming up soon so I believe this sounds like a good idea.


Also, which set is better, the round or the rectangle. My daughter prefers to TRY to make scarfs so I'm guessing the rectangle one??


Thanks for your help.

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Starr, how old is your daughter. My 9-year-old daughter has been trying to learn to crochet and we just do not mesh. I get frustrated, she gets frustrated and round and round we go. I too have thought about getting her the Knifty Knitter so was wondering what age your daughter is? My daughter's b-day is coming up soon so I believe this sounds like a good idea.


Also, which set is better, the round or the rectangle. My daughter prefers to TRY to make scarfs so I'm guessing the rectangle one??


Thanks for your help.


My daughter is 9 yrs old also. I get very frusterated trying to teacher her, and she get frusterated also. The Knifty Knitter is really nice for that age I think. The set that we got her is the Assorted Loom series. It has 2 round looms (2 different sizes), 1 flower loom (just a smaller round loom), 1 long loom (the rectangle one) the hook, 1 plastic yarn needle and the instructions with some patterns. I like this set because it is almost like a "sampler" set


The round seems easier to start with though. The long one is done in a zig-zag and took me a moment to figure it out.


The directions are good though and the projects are mainly hats and scarfs in the instruction booklet for beginners.

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congrats on creating a new yarnie! :) I've tried to teach 3 of my daughters so far, but they are a little young. One of my twins (7) has really gotten the hang of it, but her tension is very loose. The other twin and the almost-9-year-old aren't as interested at the moment, though they can manage if I 'make' them (I don't, really, just try to be encouraging). I think it helps that we homeschool and have a little more time to play with stuff like that. They all love the knifty knitter as well, but actually have a little more trouble with that. Oh, well, maybe they'll be more interested in this stuff when their attention spans are a little longer! lol


Oh, and Jenn, I think you'll like the silvalume hooks! If not, just send 'em my way! I cant STAND the Boye hooks now....they're the ones I let my girls use! hee hee :)

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This is so great. I've never considered myself much of a teacher but after watching me make 10 afghans for the family this year, my best friend's 10-year old stepdaughter wanted to learn. We started her out finger crocheting a chain and once she mastered that I taught her single stitch crochet and we bought her a hook and yarn to make a potholder for her mom. She worked on it pretty diligently, making sure that her stitches were tight and she was staying straight and not turning too soon. It's been cute to watch her grow. Three years ago, she wasn't interested because it looked like too much work



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:manyheart :manyheart how wonderful to pass on your love of the art of crochet to your sweet dd. i finally taught mine too, she was so not interested until one of her friends wanted to learn and then all of a sudden she "HAD " to learn how. now she crochetes all the time god bless you and your dd. keep going and if you getr stuck come ask alot of us are former or current teachers of crochet:manyheart :manyheart
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i was going to get my daughter the Knifty Knitter for Christmas (as we were in the States just prior to xmas), but as she is SIX, i opted for the Sew Easy Knitting Machine - seemed less tricky for her...


but i tell you what - i even had a hard time dealing with this thing!! :think

i think i will get her the other set for her b-day... she still may be a bit too young, but she LOVES watching me crochet, and she has even tried it with my larger hooks (she's not TOO bad! i was surprised....she holds the yarn all funny, but she does have little hands) :clap



she also got some LOVELY soft Bernat yarn for Christmas - it's in the same purple (lilac) that matches her coat!! she LOVES new yarn!! :manyheart

she is dying to figure out how to make the mittens that are in the manuel for the Knitting Machine, but i just can't seem to figure it out... mind boggling!:(


does anyone have one of these things?? sounds to me like i made the WRONG choice and should have gone with my first idea - ah well, live and learn :)

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I just wanted to add in my 2 cents here....

I have 4 children.... DD14, DD10, DS6, and DD4. They can ALL use the Knifty Knitters! My 14 yr old DD tries to wrap backwards, and my 4 yr old DD and 6 yr old DS have me wrap for them, but they can all knit off the rows with ease. My DD10 can crochet an awesome chain and made a pair of ballerina type slippers for DD4 (with my help)

(end of my 2 cents) LOL



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These sound like a great idea. I was tempted to get one for my youngest but wasn't sure if she was old enough. Now that I see FlyBabyTina has a DD the same age using it, I'll grab her one. She's always interested in crocheting so figure this will keep her from asking me if she can use my tiniest hook with my thickest yarn.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Good for you Jenn! I been thinking of getting that Knifty Knitter for my daughter - how old is your daughter?


She is 9 yrs old. :D


She was so cute earlier today. She had a friend over and was teacher her friend how to use the Knifty Knitter! LOL I think that she is going to get her friend hooked too! :hook

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I have created a yarnie as well my daughter is almost 12 and she is making scarves right now, all she knows is single crochet but we are planning on learning double so she can make granny square bags for her friends, I taught her by having her sit on my lap and i held her hands on the hook while i crocheted with her hands. It worked and she crochets while watching tv, at family get togethers, and any time we are just sitting around like at the laundrymat just like mom. I think she is going to beg her aunt to teach her to knit too.


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Well I tried to teach my daughter who is 6 (almost 7) because I was about 6 when I learned. She does the chain so far but doesn't understand why I won't just finish it for her when she gets bored LOL.


I may have to wait and try again in a couple years when she has more interest.

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