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Charity Square for Fallen US Troops

Cookie Hooker

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I didn't know were to put this. I was very proud of the design. As a "beginner" crocheter I thought it turned out nicely! I love Celtic knots, which inspired me on this one.





I learned on this one... cut your ends LONG... hehe... I didn't do a good job of weaving in... but my next will be better.

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There really isn't a pattern. I just made it up and didn't really write things down ... another thing I learned I need to do!!


With the first color (red) I just chained 16 and joined with a sl st, then dbl each chain, tied off. Then did the same with the second color (blue), but before I joined the chain, I wove it into the first circle, dbl in each ch, then tied off.


I joined them using the same method as the Yo-Yo square (I think there is a CAL). Then I but the border on.... Finished size was 12'



It looked really crappy until I blocked it. I had almost decided not send it. But I think it blocked nicely.


This was my FIRST afghan square ever!


There is a square out there called "waldo's square" and I want to make that one next it uses 4 circles, not two... I'm thinking I might use a 4-patch pattern rather than 9-patch.


Thanks for all your encouragement!!

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