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Bedspread Bonanza


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my country is too small

its smaller than one state in us

and its a deserted country so no mountains , no rivers , no snow , no valley`s

but we love the desert in spring it all turns amazing as if it covered by carpet of grass an desert flowers


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Athba, with everyone's encouragement we'll get our work finished! If it takes a while longer than we thought it might - so what!:hook

In your case, school comes first...darn!:lol

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Good morning, everyone. It's Photo Friday! Whee! :devil I love seeing what everyone has done. I'll get mine posted this afternoon.

Athba, I think that you are doing great! :yay Your snowflakes are beautiful! You're in school full time. You can't be expected to go as fast as someone who's home full time. I keep finding more I want to do. I'll probably be here forever.

Melanie, I keep getting comments on my "knitting", too. It's amazing how many people don't know the difference between knitting and crocheting. I've had several people express some interest in learning or relearning how to crochet. I may be doing some teaching in the future, too.

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Hey, I am sorry I haven't been on recently, but my friend has been in town and I found out I am pregnant, so I probably won't be back on until Tuesday, because that is when she is leaving. Sorry, I will try to post pics next Friday. Everyone keep up the good work.

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Wanda - That is sooooo pretty! :yay You truly are the popcorn queen!:nworthy

Jewel - You've been missed. It's nice to spend time with friends, especially when you don't see them often. Pregnant! Wow! Congratulations!:hug

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**q8 crochet

I like your snowflakes, you're doing a great job:clap



Your squares are so pretty, great job:yay :hook


** Here is the square I picked out to make for a bedspread,

Have a great day:manyheart


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Carol, that's pretty - what pattern is it:think ? It looks a lot like the wheel lattice I'm doing... Is it also a 12 inch square? I love the bigger ones - you make so much progress with each one!:hook

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Hey, I am sorry I haven't been on recently, but my friend has been in town and I found out I am pregnant, so I probably won't be back on until Tuesday, because that is when she is leaving. Sorry, I will try to post pics next Friday. Everyone keep up the good work.


Congratulations jewel:cheer That's wonderful news. I was going to ask how your BS is going. I will post my progress as soon as I can take a photo as my youngest has borrowed my digital and she has not returned from her sleep over at a friend's home.

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wow everybodies looks so good. I got 2 more rows on this that was my bs :lol I guess I'll go ahead and post a picture of it. I still plan to put 6 more rows on it so it will almost end up full bed sized I'll see when I get there how big it is but I'm not planning to make it a bs unless it's just too big for the couch or not far from big enough for the bed.:think



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Carol, that's pretty - what pattern is it:think ? It looks a lot like the wheel lattice I'm doing... Is it also a 12 inch square? I love the bigger ones - you make so much progress with each one!:hook



The square I made is a 12 inch one, and here is the link to the pattern I'm using!!

Instead of changing colors, I just wanted one color for it.



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