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Bedspread Bonanza


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Morning Ladies


Sorry for being behind...been a busy week,we get the U-haul Sunday so i am down to the wire here and trying to get it all done...we leave out on Monday morning...getting real nervous here,but i think once im going i will be ok.Then i ran out of my Buff yarn so cant make squares right now :(


Will try to check in later and see how everyone is doing..pantry today,then the bathroom.

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Shaylen, I am so covering you in prayer. I hate moving myself so I know it is not any fun but it will be worth it in the end.


And think of all the new crochet opportunities when you get in a new home :c9

Bedspreads everywhere

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Mel- that sounds fine to me, you should only have a few more weeks, right ? How much longer til you can get the cast off ?


Shay -- it's usually the THINKING about a big move that is worse than actually doing it, once you can get going, it'll be ok . You'll be in my thoughts as you make this big step and I will hope for you guys to like your new place even more than you like it there .

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Julie, I am thinking of changing my bedspread, the one I am working on is takng sooo long, and I am not in the mood to continue. I am going to change it to the Battle of the Blocks I promised my daughter.

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I am not missing I am still working on the bed spread. Tonight I will stitch another row on making my total sqs 17(dont ask) Anyhow I have to get more yarn from my mom(she is financing the project) and then I will be trying to bang this spread out!!!

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Julie, Change that, My daughter was thumbing through my Blue ribbon afghan book, and she wants me to do the pinwheel in red with black centers. I will save the battle of the blocks for another CAL.

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Good morning, all ~


Today is Photo Friday - so get those cameras out and snap some photos !

I have mine snapped and downloaded to photobucket and was all ready to put it in here and they say they are doing maintenance updates on their site, so I will keep checking back til it is working again and get my photo posted .


I got my 6 white sections done -- YIPPEE ~~~:D

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Good Morning, Ladies!

I won't have photos to share since I'm not assembling my BS until I see how many squares I end up with of the three colors I'm using.


Julie, my stash consists of a few Caron One Punders, so it looks like I'll be sticking to the three colors (under my siggy) and you can eliminate the question marks...I think:D


Have a great day...I'm off to repair the embroidery on an old afghan we rediscovered in the attic. I made it for my son when he was on the HS football team :cheer (too many years ago) using his school colors. I'll share a pic of that later on today... if that's okay?

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At this point, I don't have anything else done but my doll clothes. That would mean no Foto Friday event for me. :blush


If I can get something done before midnight and get a photo to post I will do so.


She really is a very demanding little girl you know... :wlol

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