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Bedspread Bonanza


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JulieKay~ The book I PMed you last night, there is one afghan with matching pillows called Heaven and Earth. It is to die for. Here is the image for you to drool over.





Abtha~ Great job on the exam. :woo You rock Girl!

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Congratulations, Athba ! :cheer


Linda- good luck at the Dr


Knic- you sound excited about your new square. I hope you end up being pleased with it . Photo Friday is coming soon . Can't wait to see what you came up with .



You do have a good idea. I actually did break down and go to the expensive shop next town over , but the yarn lady was out of town on vacation this week . ( the shop is divided into half yarn, half quilt supplies - 2 owners, and the quilt lady won't do business for the yarn lady when she is gone )

SO... I took that as a sign that maybe I shouldnt blow more money than my grocery bill on yarn right now . :lol


Darski - thanks for your kind words. I'll get in the groove here again soon . Just need to do some re-vamping of the old brain ,look through patterns again and see a new color that inspires me . :)


Tracey- thanks for showing us the afghan -- that is pretty and looks like expensive yarn for that one !

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I find myself wishing I had done my pattern in two strands.


I think my bedspread just may become a Throw :eek


I am beginning to believe that people win ribbons more for stick-to-it-tiveness than for any other element ...besides creativity of course.


Mine would make a very nice blankie, :sigh

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Poor Julie. :hug What an awful selection. I guess I'm lucky. We have a WalMart (with a good selection of yarns), a Hobby Lobby, and a Michael's all only about a mile from the house.

Athba - Way to go! That's GREAT!!! :yay:h5

Tracey - That is just beautiful. Drool, Drool.:dreaming

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Forines, We are doing the same pattern. It definitely takes alot of yarn, and I have only made almost six, but the pattern is worthwhile. The color you are using is the exact color my Oma (grandma) used


Good luck with your project. I need to piece what I have together and see how it looks.

Jewel your oma's BS makes me want to keep working on mine. It is beautiful. I agree ... these motifs take up a lot of yarn...must be all the puffs. I am making mine in a very fine yarn working with a 3.5 mm hook. The conversion table tells me that is an E hook. I never work with this yarn but this time I felt it was suitable. My motifs/squares measure 7.5 inches and I will be working on it for a while as I want it to fit my double bed. As I want it to drop on the sides it will be huge.

I am also trying to complete some WIPS so I only do a few squares every day and some days none. I cannot wait to see yours pieced ...love the colour.


Julie - I can relate to what you are saying ...I have a few WIPS that are not going anywhere because I do not feel happy with the way the colours sing together. I sometimes would love to have some of the hues of blue, rose and others but have to make do with the colours I can get. Very often if I leave the project rest, it takes on a new life and the end result is so far removed from my original intention.


Almost show day again. I will post mine on Saturday morning as it will be Friday to you guys.

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hello every one

i`m so happy i took in one subject B+

wow i was crying of happyness


q8 crochet ...congratulations. You did well. :clap


I return to school next week ... my vacation is almost over. I teach English. Not so much the grammar etc but what we call critical literacy, although of course we also focus on the the mechanics of English.


Are you on holidays now?

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thanks every one for your support


jewel i`ll be teacher for high school and because english is second language so i have to focus on all the english sides


now i`m in holiday untill feb. :)

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Actually, JulieKay I bought the yarn for that blanket and pillows, it's on my list. 2.29 skein at Joanne's last week it was on sale. Then they gave me an addition 20% off if I bought more than 8 skiens. Of course the blankets requires more than that. So it came out a lot cheaper than I was expecting. roughy $80.00 shipped and taxed.

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Yea, your pattern would probably have pushed me over the edge and mine would have been about the size of a placemat . Like some of you who don't prefer doing a certain stitch, mine would probably be FPDC and BPDC --- they seem to take forever to show much progress. Your yarn gets smaller and smaller, but then you look at the afghan ,and it's grown by about 1/2 inch in about 12 hours of work .

If you want to choose something else, go right ahead. I certainly won't point fingers at you !

Out of all the CAL's I've been involved in, this one seems to be the biggest challenge for people to choose a pattern, colors, etc and not change their minds.

I think because it is so BIG that it represents quite the challenge.

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If I lived that close to that many nice yarn stores, we'd have to hire a moving van every payday to haul all my yarn home from the stores !



Thank you -- It seems you have Been There, Done That , and Got the t-shirt .

I have these spells once in awhile when I search and search for a particular yarn and particular pattern --- I usually have no idea in my head of what I want til I actually SEE it ..

Then all at once, WHAMMO - I see a yarn color or a pattern and off I go again .


For those of you that like to read a lot, same priciple : I get in reading slumps, and I have heard many others say the same . You just can't find anything to hold your attention once in awhile, so you may start many books and none seem "good" to you. Then all at once, you manage to find one that attracts your interest again .


Wow, Tracey !

That is wonderful that you have already ordered the yarn for that afghan and got such a bargain price, along with shipping, etc !

It looks like really soft, fluffy yarn - what is it called ?

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I think I am going to go with a "bedspread" that I had started but ran out of yarn to complete. it is the Coronet Doily




I am at row 29 of 76 rows and I just bought the rest of the yarn I will need for it. This is much more interesting and challenging so I will send you that new pm with the change. Good thing that no electrons are harmed in the creation of all the messages we write ->because we change our minds...

(that tagline is from a 15 yr old friend of mine)

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I spend hours at Celt's going through all the patterns every so often so that I have an idea of what is there. Even ones I have seen - i just look at them again; it is eye candy. Hope that translates for you

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Darski, I've been wanting to do that same doily in yarn too but I just can't figure out what it means when it says make 1 bl. I was also thinking about doing the Between Meals Centerpeice as a bedspread. Maybe I'll add that to this Cal too:yes:no:yes

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when they say, "make one Block" they want you to create a set of 4DC where they did not (necessarily) exist before.


Sometimes, you add in stitches making 4 stitches where only three were or you fill in over a space on the row below. These are increases. sometimes they just mean - form 4dc into a block


One word of warning... I discovered that the row counts may not work to your advantage. I was short from her row count once and I could not make it all work out. the pattern said you should have 343 dcs; I had 327 but when I checked the math, it really needed to be 336 dcs so I finagled the row until I had the 336 and not their 343. With the 343, I had 7 stitches left over that could not be anything.

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Morning everyone,


Julie - Im sorry to hear that you are in a slump. I think we all get that way with all crafts, that we just dont know what to do. We think we have found something and we start it only to find we really didnt want to do it in the end. Im sure you will find something soon.

You could always do the Casablanca with the rest of us.:D


Athba - Congratulations on the grade. well done.:hug:yay


Darski - Have you changed your mind on yours as well. The Coronet Doily looks interesting. Had you already started this. Can we see a pic on friday.


Tracey - I love that afghan and the pillows pattern.


Tabby - How is your prairie star going? Can you start the Casablanca soon.


I am up to row 7 on the Casablanca. I will post a pic of mine on friday.

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