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Bedspread Bonanza


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Julie, would it be okay for Athba - and all of us - to paraphrase part of the pattern...or just use a few words of it? Some published works allow a little quoting...

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a crochet garden of afghans

I don't have that book, but maybe it's printed in one of the others in my big collection of pattern books.

What's the name of the pattern?:think

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Athba, out of ALL my pattern books I don't seem to have the pattern you're working on:( ...I hope you can figure it out. Try your own idea instead of doing what the pattern says - many times there are slight errors in the patterns and this could be why you're having trouble.

Don't give up:cheer :manyheart

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I just computed how many squares I need for my BS:

56, unless I goof and it turns out not to have a long enough drop:( .

Not too bad, compared to everyone else's!

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I have the book and if you refer to page 143 along the right side of the page, there is a picture describing what the designer means by working around the stitch. Leisure Arts books are very good about using pictures. Annies Attic isn't good about it.


Look at it and see if that helps you and let me know.

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judi don`t stop


taby buy yarn as fast as you can and race as


Fidgement i know how to work around the syich but if you go back to the pattern we worked 4 sts betwaan each 2 chans spaces and in round 4 she is asking to work 3 sts as we understood

its confusing :(

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Howdy ladies


I got a note regarding the part of the pattern Athba is having trouble with ---


From what I understand, she'd be allowed to post the line or round of the pattern that is giving her some trouble, as long as it is just a small piece of the pattern .


So, Athba, if you are still stuck and needing assistance , go ahead and post the part that you don;t understand and maybe someone here will be able to help you .


Thanks to the member that checked into this ! :manyheart

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Athba, Later today I'll crochet up to the point your at. When I read it, it seems to work and I'm confused about where your confused. In round 4, you are working with stitches made in round 2 as well as 3.

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Good afternoon, all. Just checking in. It is gorgeous here today, so I'm going to go back out for a walk. Short-sleeve weather in January. Love it. :D I've been to a meeting and to church already. I was working on the striped popcorn BS at the meeting and got lots of compliments. The green is definately working well with the other colors. Will check back later. Happy crocheting.:hook

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yes i end the 3rd round with 30sts

i know that i should work with both sts of rows 3 &2

i`m confused about reading that i should (aftar the 3 chains counts as 1st dc) work 1 dc then 2 dc in one stich then 1 dc ( which makes 1 stich from the 3rd round without working on it)

and when i work before and after the space chain the sts are near each other to much ( no space between them)

confusing ha !!!

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Athba, is that all that the pattern says or did you add some. If you just give us the one row, no harm done and we will be able to help more.


Your comments don't help us to see the problem.


I am assuming that you are making the afghan with the flowers on the front page of the pattern book. What is happeing in the point where you are having a problem

are you creating the 3D flower?

are you creating the background of green leaves?

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my pattern says: abbreviated instructions


join with sc in first dc of any 3-dc group

2 sc in next dc, sc in next dc

working around next ch-1 work Lsc in skipped sc on Rnd 1


Does this look similar to your instructions?

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