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Bedspread Bonanza


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I'm sorry you are going through this and i hope you can pick up them hooks soon.


Thanks so much Julie for the photos,that really does help and im going to lay out the first 2 rows tonight and see how it works.Ive done big squares before but never this small and it was because of all the sewing that i didn't and there have been so many i would have liked to do...so maybe i will now after i get this monster done(AND I WILL GET IT DONE).



Did you figure out how to do the tri-squares yet??If not let me know and i will try to help you if i can,there easy once you get the hang of it.

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Melannie, I know how frustrating it is with the cast. Three weeks in it really depressed me - out of everything I couldn't do I missed crocheting the most. Visiting everyone on this site is what kept me sane...so keep on chiming in, typing one-handed as I did;) ...and you'll be back before you know it.


And my squares won't be done any time soon, either...so you'll probably STILL finish before me!


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Mellanie~ Judianne is right, it will be only a short time before you will be hooking again. and this string bedspread I am doing will take some time to finish, more so because I have a kingsize bed :faint, then I will have a couple of WIP to start on next week. See so don't worry there will be plenty of us to keep you company while you finish your blanket :wink

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Shay Im just trying to get the changing of the colors right with the bi color squares. Because you change color after a chain Im finding that hard to do. Also once you pick up the first color again, the yarn is in the row below do you just pick this up and just continue crocheting even though its below. Grrrr this is hard to explain.


At least I have worked out how to put the squares together and am going to use Julie's method. Its so quick.

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I am going to SCREAM!!!!! :yell ARGHHHHHHHH!!! I put together the colors for the striped popcorn BS certain that I had a TON of the apricot color to work with. I went to pull out another skein from my stash tonight and could only find ONE!!!!!! :thair There is some in an unfinished sweater that I can frog for part of another skein, but nowhere what I need to finish this BS. :yell ARGHHHHH!!!!! Now I guess I have to figure out a FOURTH color to add in place of the apricot for the middle of the thing & just have the apricot on each end. But WHAT??? :rant I am sooooooooo frustrated! :thair How could I have been so mistaken??? :bang :bang :bang

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Mel --

So sorry to hear your arm will be out of commission for 6 weeks . I have never had a broken arm or wrist ( broken leg once ) , so I am a little clueless as to how much use you actually still have with the injured arm .


Are you able to just hold onto stuff with it ? I am wondering if you could pick up a small cross stitch project or something ( something that you might be able to HOLD with the injured hand, then do the movement with the good hand )


Is that possible or not ? OR is the injured hand your main hand ( like my right hand would be )


I'm trying to think of other things you could do for 6 weeks ...


Do you like to read ?

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Poor Linda

Doggone, that'd make you mad- I can just see you madly scrambling around, unravelling everything you have that has this color in it !


Something CLOSE to that happened to me once . I bought a partially finished afghan at a garage sale. SOME yarn came with it, but not nearly enough to finish it.

It was done in a striped type pattern,and in RH yarn, so the colors were alll available but ONE .


None in the stores- even the BIG craft places in the big town I go to occasionally .

BUT, I DID find some on ebay --only problem was, the amount I needed, I had to order from 3 separate sellers. The first 2 only had small amounts, so I bought ( and GOT ) all they had. The 3rd lady had the most --- it would have been enough to finish it with no trouble . Well, Lo and Behold, it was the first ( and ONLY ) time I was ripped off on ebay- sent her a money order ,she got it, I got no yarn ,EVER . This was a year or so ago .


I looked at her record and it had always been good , up til around that time. It seemed that a whole bunch of us all got taken to the cleaners by her all at once. I emailed some of the others, and she did the same thing to all of them-- took the money and ran.


I filed a complaint with ebay, but never got my money or the yarn . The afghan got dropped at goodwill -- maybe someone unravelled it and used the yarn for other stuff .


So, how far back did you put the peach color , and could you unravel that much of the afghan and just replace the peach throughout the whole afghan with another color ?


Peach yarn seems to be very hard ( for me ) to find. Do any of you all have luck finding it ?

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Morning Julie, your up bright and early arent you.


I had a problem with a ebay auction as well Julie. I bought something from ebay UK and paid for it by paypal. One month went by and no product so I lodged a complaint with paypal and they contacted the seller. I was lucky in this case that the seller did comply in the end and sent me the stuff but if they hadnt paypal would have paid upto $500 of the products worth. So now I only pay for stuff on ebay through Paypal.


Linda is the yarn a known brand, can you find it on ebay. Or can you find a color in the shop now that might match that color so you couldnt really see it.

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Unfortunately, when I was in the store getting the two browns there was nothing that even came close to the apricot. I've got an idea. :idea I'm going to try a fourth color that I do have a lot of, saving the apricot for the two rows at the other end of the BS and a row in the middle where the pattern reverses. I'm not sure about the color, so I'm going to try a row and let the rest of you see it later today and see what you think. :tup or :thumbdown If it doesn't work, I think I'll try for a cream color and do the same thing. I really don't want to frog what's already done. It looks so nice. I've calmed down. I just HAD to rant a bit when it happened though.

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KnicKnac - It was called Phentex and each 7 oz. skein came in a cellophane wrapper. I bought it at least 15 - 20 years ago. I loved the color but just never seemed to find the right pattern to use it with. And obviously some of it got lost in one of the last two moves.

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Just went on the internet for Phentex yarn. Apparently they are a Canadian company and still in business. Didn't see anything close to the right color, though. Took me a while to remember what brand it was. I had thrown the wrapper away a couple of days ago.

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Good morning JulieKay~Ladies~ Wow it's photo friday already, I will have to get a couple of pieces attached to my BS and take pictures later. Maybe after the Auction today I will get a chance to. I have quite a few cars I will be looking at today, so wish me luck.


Linda~ I know just how you feel, It has happened to me before as well. Now all the yarn for a project gets put into one bag ( plastic shopping bag or large tote, or a large rubbermaid storage bin) Kind of helps keep me orginalized,

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Friday, friday, oh what a day!


We get to see a pics of WIPs


From near and far away!


Digital cameras come out to play,


What a wonderful invention we have with us this day.


So ladies and gents(?) step up to the plate


And share your photos so we all may scream "yay"


And drool and oogle with unreigned astonishment,


The creativity of our fellow CAL'ers


Ever prominent!


Okay, its Friday and early (for me anyway). So rev your cameras and get the pics going (I need to take me own advice, but first need to tidy up to find a place to photograph! I really need more caffiene first!)

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