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Bedspread Bonanza


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Yea Wendy --

Our last Survivor show was about 2 weeks ago, I think -- it was the Sunday night before Christmas week . I won't give anything away for you so it'll be a surprise for you when you see the final show . It was a really good one ! ( I have liked them all, though ) :)

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Wow, Ladies your bedspreads are going to be beautiful. I love the reds some of you have choosen. It is amazing how fast this thread has grown. We will be up to well over a hundred by the time the CAL is finished.


Okay as promised, here is a picture of my first square in green/ white string crochet. Oh Wow, sorry for the size, but you can really see the detail this way!


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Morning Ladies :ccompute



Love your squares..no way would i tackle all those puffs.



What pattern were you doing??



Swimming!!!Its 25 here this morning and foggy :wbrr






That is very pretty....cant wait to see some together.



For tv shows i dont like all the reality shows...just not my cup of tea...my favoret show is Supernatural(its about 2 brothers that fight evil)I allso watch CSI:LV....thats really about it for shows i dont miss...i watch alot of the history and discovery channels.We are on hatus for our shows here untill the 11th of Januray i think...Do you have a break over there.


So i have no plans for today so im going to try to get lots of crocheting done...Hubby is in NC finiching up the paperwork for our new house so im FREE....

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Morning to you Shaylen. its nearly midnight here for me.

Yes its hot here and this week on thursday its going to be 40 degrees celcius.

hot hot hot. you can have it if you like. I hate the hot weather.


Yes I love CSI as well. I like Goran you know the guy that always looks sideways at people and talks slowly. We have a break from our shows here too until Jan 15 although survivor is still going.


I spent the arvo crocheting and am now trying to stay awake to talk to you all but I know I will have to go to bed soon.

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I have no idea, they attach as you crochet them, I will find out tonight as to how difficult it will be. Hopefully, I will be able to get most of the second ring done today. If I can do at least one a day I will be happy.


I am a CSI lover as well. I perfer the LV show the best, Although I like NCIS as well. Hubby likes Ghost Whisperer, which totally surprised me.

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Jewel, that is so nice. It looks very rich and comfy.

Wendy, those square look terrific just the way they are. There will be color showing through the holes, so I don't really think that you need a second color. Of course, I LIKE red. : - ) You could use either dream or black as a border if you decide you want that second color. Black would make the red even more striking.

Tracy, that is gorgeous. I love the pattern!

I'm a CSI watcher, too.

Have a great day everybody. I'm off to take a shower and get the day going.

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I like the LV one best to becouse i love Grissom and Nick...watch NY to but cant stand miami.I watch Bones every once in awhile.


Tracey.. if your DH likes GW then he would love Supernatural.What man can resest Sawed off shotguns and supernatural beings...1967 impala and drive around the states.


Morning Linda

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thanks ladeis for sharing photos and lulie for your sweet words

i went to the yarn shop but it was closed for a holiday it will open tow days later until then i`ll try something else maybe ripple afghan small one only ;)

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Good Morning Fellow BSers! :yawn

Hi Julie! :D

Wendy~Your square is beautiful but I agree with Hubby, maybe use two colors. I think i'de have to make one in cream and lay them next to each other to choose, but thats just me cause i'm crazy, lol. Good Luck & let us know what you decide on.

Tracey~Your motif is beautiful, great job. :cheer:clap

Well i'm off to see if I can finish up this motif. :elle :elle :elle :elle :elle

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That is just it, He isn't normally into shows like GW. He normally only watches sports. If I am watching a show, he is on the computer reading about soccer or football. DH is from a small island in Greece and doesn't really get American programing according to him. My daughter Zen brow beat him into sitting through Lord of the Rings over three or four sundays. Of course he slept through most of it. But at least it was doing something with her. My Son works with us at the shop, so he is around his father all day long.

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Morning to all of you that I missed first time I dropped in . It sounds like the BS WAGON is rolling along well and most of you have settled on a pattern and colors.


Tracey-- love your first motif done in 2 colors together-- it's very pretty .


It sounds like we have lots of CSI fans here. I know this sounds stupid, but I LOVE reading true crime books, but can't stand to watch the CSI shows-- they are so REAL- looking .. Just too gorey to me . I guess I'll be telling my age when I say I liked Quincy -- he had the "first " CSI show, I'd guess. I can't think of one before that . It never showed any of the blood and guts, the camera would concentrate on Quincy's face or something else while he was working on the bodies .

I'm a big old chicken, I guess . :lol

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I love true crime books allso and own all of Ann Rules books...she is good...love to watch American Justise,Cold Case Files and City Confidential.I think im weird becouse Killers intrigue me...what makes them do it...i cant image ever killing enyone so its hard to understand someone doing it...how can there be thrill in it??What can cause a person to snap to the point of taking a human life??

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Julie... I remember Quincy, so guess we are close to the same age It was one of my favorite shows along with Berretta. I like to watch the court channel in the evenings, with Daryll Hickman the FBI profiler. I also enjoy Criminal Minds on NBC. What got me started was the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys adventures as a kid.

Okay going on too long now sorry for rambling

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Morning Ladies :ccompute






For tv shows i dont like all the reality shows...just not my cup of tea...my favoret show is Supernatural(its about 2 brothers that fight evil)I allso watch CSI:LV....thats really about it for shows i dont miss...i watch alot of the history and discovery channels.We are on hatus for our shows here untill the 11th of Januray i think...Do you have a break over there.




I love the CSI shows. I have never seen Supernatural. I bet I would like that one as well. I am not much into the reality shows either. I do watch the Hallmark channel alot and also some of the Lifetime Movie Network.






So i have no plans for today so im going to try to get lots of crocheting done...Hubby is in NC finiching up the paperwork for our new house so im FREE....


Are you moving to NC ??? I live in Gaston County.

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Seriously y'all, I can't keep up!! Everytime I come on here there's 5 more pages to read, then by the time I finish reading those there's another 2 more to read!!! I need to start crocheting in front of the computer or something. But then if I did that I might actually get some crocheting done!:think

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pretty .


I guess I'll be telling my age when I say I liked Quincy -- he had the "first " CSI show, I'd guess. I can't think of one before that . It never showed any of the blood and guts, the camera would concentrate on Quincy's face or something else while he was working on the bodies .

I'm a big old chicken, I guess . :lol



My mom and Grandma used to love that show. I know when I was little I saw it. I can sort of remember it.

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Seriously y'all, I can't keep up!! Everytime I come on here there's 5 more pages to read, then by the time I finish reading those there's another 2 more to read!!! I need to start crocheting in front of the computer or something. But then if I did that I might actually get some crocheting done!:think

:D Me too. I go away for a little while and come back to several pages to read. But it sure has been fun.

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I have only watched CSI a few times and I think it was the Miami one. The first time I watched it they killed off one of their main characters and it kindof threw me for a loop. My favorite show is MASH, but unfortunately I have seen almost all of them. They are perfect to crochet to. I am glad that everyone likes my squares. They are a bit time consuming, but I am definitely getting faster. The popcorns are what slow me down.

By the way has anyone ever crocheted a duvet?

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I think you should try another square in cream and put them side by side to see if you like it.:think Or crochet a border around one of the squares you have done now to see what you think. :think You can always :2frog the border if you decide you don't like it.

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Wendy I think you should do the majority in the red then do a border of cream squares and then do another border of the red around the cream. Something kindof like this:


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