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My First Share - Bear Cap and Poncho


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I've never shared a photo of any of my projects so I really hope this works. I got frustrated with finding enough yarn (dye lots - yuck!!!) for the afghan I am making. I bought my daughter this bear at Michaels ($1.99) a few weeks ago and let her use the 40% off coupon to buy a dress for it (reg $7.99). So then she wanted to get more and more outfits. I let her get one more with a coupon last week and it just fed her habit. She wanted to go back right away and get the poncho they had. So I told her I'd make one. So with a $1.00 ball of what looks like Bernat Sweet Stripes (although has a different label/brand but the same blue/green baby-ghan pattern on the lable) that I got a Big Lots I first made the poncho. It went so quickly (design-as-you-go kind of thing) and I had more than half of the 1.75 oz ball left. For some reason I thought maybe a preemie cap would be about the right size. so i printed the "Caps to the Capital" pattern and there you have it. Now my dd wants a hat to match...good thing I also scammed a couple balls of purple/white and yellow/white! dd is VERY pleased with the outfit, in fact hasn't put on either of the "bought" ones since...go figure! now what else can i make to use up the odd balls of yarn i acquire at dollar stores...of course this also makes dh happy that i'm using up already purchased stuff in my stash!!! see, crocheting makes the whole family happy!!!






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