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This could be crocheted... right?

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alrighty!! I'm FINALLY up to the point of putting in the armholes. Whew!! :tired Man, what a job. In retrospect, and if I were to do this again, I would definatly go with a J hook. The I hook is slow going. last night I thought I had about 9 rows to go till ready for the armholes. Not so!! probably actually about 15. I measured across my back and then did enough rows to give me about 1.5 inches "moving room". Not much will be needed I think, as it is nice a stretchy, which is a good thing, and more like the knit version. I've worked off and on all day, and it is really looking nice, if I do say so. :hook The plan is to now switch to a J hook for the collar. Two reasons, I want the stitches to be a bit bigger and more defined, and it WILL GO A BIT FASTER! :lol I tell ya, my hind quarters are numb from sitting on them all day. ;) Took one break to run to walmart and pick up some more yarn. I started with some that I had in my stash, and knew that would not be enough. I'm guestimating that this whole thing will take about 13 to 15 (6oz) skeins of SS. So far at this point, I have nearly 3 into it. I'm increasing in a sequence of one stitch each row, example, first row 1 hdc in first stich, 2 hdc next stich around, next row 1 hdc in first 2 stitches, 2 hdc in next stitch, next row 1 hdc in firist 3 stitches, 2 hdc in next and so on, to give it an even increase and insure that it lays flat. from here on out, the plan is to do two even rows, then one increase row, we'll see how that works out.


Darski, that's an excelent idea on the sleeves. I'm thinking that if I use the different hook sizes using largest at the shoulder and graduating them evenly in the same place downward, that will decrease the size. Still not convinced it will be "fitted" to the wrist like the knit version, but I believe that it will at the very least take away from the "bell" or "flared" effect.


Can't stay up half the night tonight to work, I have to be at church tomorrow, and I usually use Sunday morning to finish my weekly laundry before going. So I need to be rested. I do plan to continue to work tonight until at least 10:00pm, which will give me about 10 hours on it just today. Honestly, I'm very well pleased how it's looking, and I still think this will be a nice crochet version of the original. Might even have to send a pic of the completed project to Berocco (sp?) folks and show them "it can be done"....who know's maybe they'll post the pattern ;)


speaking of pattern, I've not been writing anything down, but this is SO simple to do, it will not be hard to duplicate it, or explain how I'm doing it. Another reason I'm using this here forum to jot down my plans along with my thoughts and views on how the project is progressing. It really is just a simple circle sweater. the differenc being working all stitches in the back loops, and turning at the end of each row.


Ok! I'll check back in tomorrow and give you guys an update. Ta-Ta!!

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Melissa, you are incredible! I can't wait to see what you have done and I agree that you should submit it to Berroco. They will likely love it


:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow

:wlol my hat's off to you girl. Well it will be in the spring when the weather improves. :)



I am seeing a CAL coming for this one down the road.

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Just one thought before I start the laundry :) I've decided to go with two straight rows, one increase row, for the collar. I think this will give the me the quick incrase in size (roundage) and will achieve the size I'm looking for without it touching the floor. Eh, its a work in progress. Ok, I'll check back in later tonight and give another update. I'm on vacation all week, so I can stay up late and work.


Just a side note that has nothing to do with this, I checked my email this morning, and my hubby (who has NEVER in all the years we've been together done this) had sent me the sweetest prettiest anniversary card with lots of gooey sticky sweet stuff to say to me :) I just sat here and cried! Thursday (yes, Thanksgiving day) is our 19th anniversary!



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Just a quickie update. Coming along nicely :) it is big to point that it is taking about 45 minutes to do one round. I'm doing one straight row, 2 increase rows for the collar. Had much to do yesterday only got a few hours of work into it. I'm about 6 rows into the collar. Considering doing a few more rows, and moving up to a J hook. Just a thought thought, haven't made up my mind yet.


Thanksgiving dinner is at my house this year (for the first time :) ) and I have massive chores to do today to get ready. Standard stuff like moping, dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, plus a few extra's like washing the slip covers and living room curtains. Doncha hate housework? 'specially when I'm on "vacation". I'll be working on my project between chores though. Have to do the dinner food shopping tonight. Am I odd, or does anyone else like to grocery shop?? Ok, I'm probably odd. :) I really can NOT wait to get this finished and get a picture posted. I was gonna take a picture this weekend and show you guys the progress so far, but I didn't make it up to the office. I don't own a digital camera, so I always have to use the one at work. I'm slated to work 1/2 day on wednesday, it was either that or find someone else to post the Staff Notes and answer my phones, and since everybody including my two bosses (the chief and the assistant chief) are off Wednesday afternoon, I told them I'd just come in and get that project done and be there after 12:00. So, I'll take the wrap in with me and get a few pictures of it.


I can tell you now, its not going to look exactly like the knit version, 'specially up close. Those of us in the "crochet-know" and knitters, will most certainly be able to tell the difference. But I laid it on the bed and stepped back to the other side of the room and took a look at it, and it will be a very very close look a like. The back post stitching is not the same as the K2P2 (or whatever it is) ridging of the original, but dang! It does look quite similar, especially from a distance. For those who don't crochet or knit, I dont think they'd know the difference without pointing it out to them.


Yes, Darski.....I TOO see a CAL for this down the road. I'd be happy to host one and be there to help anybody. Lets see what kind of response we get once I get this puppy finished.

I'll check in later. Ta-ta!

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I just can't wait to see this finished. It is going to be so much fun to make this one ... down the road of course.


Your enthusiasm and enjoyment has been a big part of my enjoyment of this project. Ooohh, love it! :yay

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:sweat Still working it. I tried it on last night, and I figure about 15 or so more rows and I'll be ready to put on the sleeves. Also, I started a blog with notes and stuff on how to make this. So when it's done I'll post a link to it. Lookin' good!! :hook Had to run to walmart on wednesday to get more yarn. Once I finish up the skeins I now have on hand, it will have 9 6oz skeins in it. Still estimating one more yarn run and will end up with about 13 into it. I'll continue to keep you posted.
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Now, is it just me or does everyone get that ridging effect if you do a crochet row and then come back the other way. I find that it forms itself into a single pair -IYKWIM :think i.e. a ridge. I use that effect for fast counting all the time.


Wow Darski, I always thought I was the only one who got that effect! I often end up with that look, and non-crocheters look at stuff I've done in sc and ask how I got those "subtle stripes" :devil

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  • 2 weeks later...

just an update. I had to put it aside this week because the scarfs i was making for christmas presents had to be finished. my friend, who lives in Wisconsin, emailed me and asked could they be sent sooner, because her little girls want to wear them for their christmas program on the 19th!!! so for the next couple of days, that's what I'm finishing up. The wrap is so big now, that it takes nearly an hour to do each round. As I said, I also started a blog for this wrap, and I'm keeping notes on how to do it, so that anybody can copy it. So sorry to keep you guys in suspense so long, but I didnt realize how long it was going to take with each round as it got bigger. These scarfs are working up pretty quick, so I hope to be back to this wrap by Monday. and it is my "firm" plan to be putting on the sleeves by the weekend. It is sooooooo lovely! I can NOT wait to get it done and show it off. I am planning to wear it to our church Christmas program next week, so I gotta get it finished. I'll keep you posted.

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Like everyone else I am chomping at the bit waiting to see "the Darski Wrap" (:)). And please add my "thank you" to everyone elses' for your willingness to make this crochet version of the Berroco wrap for us (:yay:hook:yay ).


You are amazing - :woo:woo !!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everybody!

I'm new to this forum and I actually just signed up because I need help with the pattern ("radha") this thread is talking about. It is my first real knitting project after several scarves and gloves etc, and it took me about 3 weeks to finish knitting all the pieces. Now I am stuck with the instructions because I can't seem to put the pieces together. Either I made a mistake or I simply misunderstand the instructions (english is not my first language). What I ended up with are 4 seperate pieces, two sleeve pieces and two for the lower section. But how on earth am I supposed to get a shape resembling that on the picture? There is no photo of the back side and no picture of how exactly the pieces are put together. None of my bits look circular either. Do I need to make the lower section out of 4 pieces instead of 2 maybe? I already asked 2 friends and nobody is able to figure it out. I would very much appreciate if somebody could help me with this. I actually emailed berrocco about it too because I am so much at a loss, but they probably can't get back to me for that. ;)

Thanks a lot in advance,


Illi the clueless

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Fortunatly for you, we have some knitters that frequent this board. Maybe one of them will see your post and give you a hand. As for me, I'm "knit-stupid", and would be absolutely no help to you at all.


UPDATE - You guys will not be waiting much longer. I know I keep saying that :D . I completed the body last weekend and started the sleeves. Had to put it down again for another project. I'll be transparent here and be totally honest, i got kinda sick of looking at it and needed the gratification that comes with finishing a project. So I picked out some yarn and started (and almost completed now) the smokey quartz tunic from the last issue of Interweave Crochet.


As i've been saying, it is gorgous! and the drape of the Caron SS is perfect. I'm having a bit of a fit with the sleeves though. Even changing hook sizes going down the arm with the sleeves, just....i dunno...i just didn't like it. So I opted to just use a small hook and "go with it". because of this, the sleeves will not be fitted like the original knitted pattern, but I promise, it doesn't take away AT ALL from the beauty of the overall finished product.


Would I make this again? Heck no! LOL :lol Too time consuming. Well, lemme take that back. If I knew I wasn't on a tight time schedule and knew I could take months (my own sweet time) to complete it, I might. MIGHT, mind you. This has definatly been a labor of love, so to speak. I'll be sure to post the link to the blog where I've kept my notes on it, and invite every one to make one. Just keep in mind, it is a very time consuming project. It is definatly NOT something you can whip out in a few days or over a weekend. It starts out pretty danged quick, but as it gets bigger, it takes longer and longer and longer to do each round. When I finally finished the body, it was taking about an hour to do each round.


Ok, so I'm off now to go and finish up the sleeves, so I dont have to keep you guys in suspence any longer.

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Oh wow, this thread is awesome!!


It makes me wanna go out and convert it myself, but I promised that I would finish my WIP's in between new projects.


I can't wait to see your work!



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I just found this thread! I can't wait to see how the wrap looks when you've finished it. I've been dying to try crocheting clothing....this would probably send me to the nut house if I tried this first, though. :lol

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I just found this thread! I can't wait to see how the wrap looks when you've finished it. I've been dying to try crocheting clothing....this would probably send me to the nut house if I tried this first, though. :lol


this topic from a while back at the Ville might be a faster version of something like this




It is not as intense as Melissa's wrap but it could be a simpler start.

Mrs. Who links to her fuzzy pink shrug as well. (the fuzzy pink shrug is what brought me to the Ville)


Just a way to get into clothing

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Oh Darski, that's definately a winner! I love the idea of making this but I wouldn't have room in my "traveling house" for such a bulky item. I agree with others that the ridge stitch is the one to use. I hope you give this a whirl.

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This is beautiful! Doing a quick calculation for the yarn needed for just knitting it would be around 2,745 yards. I wonder how much yarn you'd need if you crocheted it? I might switch from a heavy wool to a lighter cotton if crocheting just so it's not too heavy?

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