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Your Christmas Wish List...

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Okay, folks!! Time to spill it!! What is on your Christmas Wish List this year?


For me, a fellow fiberholic, of course there's lots and lots of yarn and thread!!

Also, as I (nor anyone else I know) cannot afford any of the lovely Brittany hooks, I've been eyeing these wonderful rosewood hooks at Hobby Lobby. I've been wanting the Happy Hooker book for a while now, and, let's see, a membership to CGOA, tuition for the Certified Instructor program, and gifts cards, of course!! How about you?

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Yarn...yarn and more yarn. I can never have enough. I would really like to find more Christmas yarn, which seems to have disappeared lately.

Gift cards to Michaels and JoAnns would be heavenly.

The new Crochet for a day calendar. I have been stalking Costco for it.

More patterns...I love collecting them.

A housekeeper and laundry fairy so that I can crochet more.

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Wow, it is that time isn't it. It must be, since I'm working on my gift list for this year.


My main Christmas wishes would be

gift certificates (amazon.com, joann, and ACMoore)

more storage (bookcases, stackable crates, etc)

more time to finish everything I have to have done by december

a new coffeemaker (my old one went phblew recently)

Crochet and Knitting Pattern-a-Day 2007

more Knit Lite needles (I've got the 8s and 15s so far, I'm working on it)

did I mention time?

a big huge list of books that haven't been released yet

a yarn swift (maybe I'll be able to get that next year)

and more time ... for the crocheting, knitting, baking, work, gym, sleep, cleaning and everything else I need to do between now and December


And I just realized that pretty much everything on my list (with an exception or two) I plan on getting myself.


I'm thinking sleep may not be a high priority for the next few months.


Edit - I'm adding something to my list, because I have discovered I'll be needing one. A new digital camera. The one I have is old, and coupled with the fact that my photography isn't good to begin with, my pictures come out looking rather cruddy. I'm going to pass that one on to my guy, quite often, so he gets the message. :)

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Ouch, Yule...Hmm, for my list, first of all, a new toner cartridge for my laser printer. I just put my last one in and with all the printing I have to do in November, I'll be out by January. For the rest of my list...I have a very long shopping list of yarn and history books. Must make my hall-mates think I'm even more crazy by bringing more and more yarn and books into my room after the holidays. :P

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What do I want for christmas........:flake :flake

I want useful curriculum for the kids :help :help :school

I want a way to get my 4yr to remember her colors and number for more than ten second:pencil :nbook

I want my my brother to come home in one peice:2snowman

i want everyone to be happy with whatever they get

and of course yarn and more yarn for my mom:yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn

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I always hand my husband well-marked sewing and craft catalogues and he very kindly spreads the word about what I want. He finds it funny that I'd rather have supplies than jewelry. My parents always get my book list because they'll get (or try to get) everything on it. There are also usually a few CDs I want too.

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I'm just starting to think of this stuff as my birthday is at the end of November so people are starting to ask. But so far all I have is a set of bamboo hooks (I gave hubby a very specific link so he knows which ones) and on a whim I told him I'd like one of those torso manequins. Doesn't need to be new, but if he sees one in the paper or something I think that would be fun. I'm debating asking for a sewing machine as my mom has lent me her old one, but I'd like one of my own. Clothing gift certificates. And a renewal to a magazine subscription. But that's about it for now, I don't need much and I don't like having clutter, so family knows not to give me stuff that I can't/won't use.

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  • 4 years later...

My list looks like it came from a six year old! (I should be embarrassed!:blush)


I want the new Beauty and the Beast DVD

Also the Harry Potter Lego set of the Weasley's home "The Burrows"

Gift Cards for Barnes and Noble so I can load up my Nook.

Joann's gift cards - of course!

And Drew's Crochet hook/supply case.

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My list would be small for me and large for others!


I wish for all of our men and women overseas to come home safe and sound

I wish for health and happiness for my family and friends

I wish for a better economy in 2011 so that people can get their lives back


For me I would like some Tulip Etimo hooks in D, G, 7, H and a wooden cone holder from Hershner's. Also would like shank buttons in all the holiday styles to put in center of flowers for the military baby hats I make each month for the little girls (I make a certain number of the girlie ones and same number for the boys)


For my furples doggie treats of any type

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