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Shall I keep it for myself????


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This was going to be one of xmas presents but I'm thinking of keeping it for myself - I NEVER make myself anything & as xmas is a long way off I hav eplenty of time to make another.

The scarf is pretty short & sits like a collar - it looks really nice when it's on.

Shall I keep it for myself????????????

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Did you make it for someone special or just to add to a pile of gifts?

If it was for someone special, I personally would feel too guilty to wear it if I kept it.

I agree, make the second set and then you'll know for sure. Otherwise you might put it off and never get the gife made if you keep it.


Very beautiful and girly looking. :)

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You sound like me . I have made so many things and given them as gifts to my family members. I have started making things for "me". Especially things I enjoy.

That is pretty I think I would do what one lady suggest . Make another and that way you have one for you and the other for a gift. :yesPINKROSES

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I didn't make for anyone in particular & it only took 1 day to make.

I will make up another one but in a different colour as I don't want to make the same thing twice - I'm trying to make one off's.

I'm not really good at keeping clean so maybe white isn' t my colour lol

o'h well, back to picking colours again!

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i thik it is very beautiful........u said it was easy, and quick....why not chance the white if it is a good color for you....go on....u know you want too:) Think it will make me happy, you dont want to disappoint a double amputee on diaylsis now do you ??? huh huh??? (please see the stab at self devrecating humor)

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Laura, just for you I will chance the white & make another.

The weather here is so bad at the moment I will probobly get to try it out sooner rather than later.

Raining from Liverpool

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Laura, just for you I will chance the white & make another.

The weather here is so bad at the moment I will probobly get to try it out sooner rather than later.

Raining from Liverpool


Im glad, you deserve it:) My bf is from Devon (1/2 way betwen Exeter and Plymouth) He wants to know if the drought finally easing?



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Well Laura, it's been raining all week in the North but I'm not to sure about the South - it seems we had 2 weeks of glorious weather but i was in Turkey & missed it. We are not very prepared for weather extremes here - there will probobly be flooding soon!

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that is nice! I don't know about you but about 75% of the things I made turn out ugly. So I keep the uglies to myself and give the nice ones out (hey, the uglies need love too :D)


So if I were you I would make another one and give the nicer one out.

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Well Laura, it's been raining all week in the North but I'm not to sure about the South - it seems we had 2 weeks of glorious weather but i was in Turkey & missed it. We are not very prepared for weather extremes here - there will probobly be flooding soon!


In another group one lady quipped :


"In England, we dont expect the weather ever to be cold, so we dont double glaze our windows, nor too hot so we dont use air conditioning, we always carry an umbrella, and this is the worst water shortage we have ever had!!"



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It's pretty and you don't want to give it up - that means that it is both good enough for you to wear, and for someone else to really appreciate as a present. I'd keep it and make another one. :)

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