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More Scarves for Argentine Winter!


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Those srarves are pretty but they make me hot just looking at them. I am melting, melting, melting. :lol It was up to 97 yesterday with the heat index 105 in Virginia yesterday. Too extermely Hot. PINKROSES

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They look great! It is hard to imagine wearing scarves right now ... It's 101 degrees here! Love your blog! You have made some very nice things!

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Really pretty scarves!! I am trying to finish a little winter hat for my charity pile but with the temp about 100 degrees here and the heat index up to near 110, kind of hard for me to concentrate on it. But the good news is that it is supposed to break tonight and get cooler (like in the mid 80's) by Friday. This has been three days, unusual for us that high.


Guess I'll just think cold!!!!!


Thanks for sharing.


LI Roe

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OH yes...I long for the days of scarves!!!:wgrin ...although current reading is 79F....down from the 100 3 hours ago...amazing. I'm actually about to sit down and work on a scarf. Thanks for the reminder that there are cooler places in the world.



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all this talk about heat, here in NM we are getting one of the wettest summers ever...its supposed to rain here every summer, but this time its just unreal...along with the rain comes refreshing coolness in the afternoon and evening..i feel bad for those of you who are suffering through this one. but vik, argentina sounds lovely right about now...i would love to have a winter day tomorrow! wouldnt that be something?

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I see you are missing scarves and winter! We should rent a plane and bring all of you here to remember about cold weather and rainy days!

I´m sure you would pray to come back to the US Summer!!!


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