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More sites than u ever asked for *S*


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Thank you so much for sharing! It really is a great resource!



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I do like poets site, but give me crochet pattern central anyday, organized, not the same sites three timnes. There is also so many more at cpc, you just dont know it cause it is so orderly and not all crammed together!!! Like I said, I do like both but the ocd in me likes neat and clean:D




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I do like poets site, but give me crochet pattern central anyday, organized, not the same sites three timnes. There is also so many more at cpc, you just dont know it cause it is so orderly and not all crammed together!!! Like I said, I do like both but the ocd in me likes neat and clean

Exactly how I feel. :)

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CPC is the first place I go (and I go there a LOT), but this has some different stuff. Sometimes I just go through and bookmark things that I like to suppliment CPC

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Different stuff as in free patterns with pics that aren't on CPC? I'd be interested in receiving specific links (via email or PM) if this is the case. :)


I don't see myself as being in direct competition with anyone. I just like having a good place to come if people so choose. :yes

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Dear Rachel! You must certainly know by now that everyone here at Crochetville loves your sites! I was so happy to find you here at Crochetville, because I had discovered and bookmarked CPC long before I ever found Crochetville! It was the first large crochet site I found because it came up first in my Google search:google

I just like having a good place to come if people so choose. :yes
You do!

For myself, I love going to three major sites....





And for the most part I see a great overlap between them.....still it is fun having lots and lots of wonderful sites to visit for crochet patterns!!!:c9

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Yes it's got a ton of links, but if I'm going to spend time and yarn to make something, I want to see a picture of it.


P.S. Rachel, CPC will ALWAYS be my fave place to get patterns! :hook

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Yes it's got a ton of links, but if I'm going to spend time and yarn to make something, I want to see a picture of it.


P.S. Rachel, CPC will ALWAYS be my fave place to get patterns! :hook


As that is ur right to do so.....as a Newbie, I thought this was a great site for those of us just starting....there are TONS of pics on some of those sites....Also as a newbie, I have not had time to search thru months and months of past posts to see if it had been posted before.....Just trying to be helpful here.....Think it best I leave the group......Good luck all it was fun

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Buckeye...don't leave! I hope we haven't offended you!!! I was just pointing out that the crochet poet link has been mentioned before (a lot) but I can understand how somebody relatively new here wouldn't necessarily realize that. (If you'll notice, it seems like quite a few people hadn't seen the link, even if had been posted so many times.)


Going or staying is up to you, but just remember whichever crochet link directory you visit is entirely your choice. I just happen to have a personal favorite because organization, and lots of people like it for that reason too.


Now, back to my crochet hook...umm, I mean back to getting ready to leave for work!

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