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Crochet -a- Quilt


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OK OK, It was a bad afghan day! I was doing the flat braid to join my squares. I should have read those directions again. I finished 1 vertical row. Wrong!:angry Start over. I decided to do the row over and do it right, this time.


. You think you remember how to do it. Oh Well! live and learn. I think I may be getting senile or maybe just have too many patterns floating around in my head.:confused

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Hello ladies

Just a quick note :

If any of you need to get ahold of me for a specific reason, please drop a note here on the boards asking me to contact you . I'll get back to you as quickly as possible .

I turned off my pm's and em's temporarily .

Thank you ~~~~

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Hi! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing and say *thanks* for all the compliments. It's been slow going but hopefully I'll get some work done tonight and tomorrow. :hook


Keep up the good work, ladies! And to all who need them, I'm sending my best healing vibes. :hug

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Ok everyone who is sick...please be feeling better soon! Drink lots of fluids, get plenty of rest, and eat some chicken soup! Put your crochet hooks down and get yourselves better!

Here's hoping we all have a better day tomorrow:hug

Julie...I hope all is well with you too.

Theresa "2"

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Just wanted to send out an update... it's hard keeping up with you ladies but I'm trying hard to remember who's who... so forgive me if I don't participate in the chitchat yet! :haha I have one flower done for my Granny's flower garden quilt-gans. I figure I need about 15 per blanet x 2 blankets = 30!?! Oh boy! I better get moving. On a happy note, I used up the purple out of my stash for the flower and looks like theres enough pink to start the next flower. :cheer I have BAGS AND BOXES of yarn to go through but I should have enough to finish one afghan at least! Yipee! Hope everyone is busy!

Hugs- Janine

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WOW ladies, these look gorgeous!!!


Julie, congrats on finishing. I LOVE the colors, and the design is fantabulous! :: thinking about changing my design and keeping it for myself::


Do I smell a cathedral window 'ghan in your future???:devil

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Good morning ladies

Hope this finds you all well, or starting to feel better . I am almost up to par again .About as close to par as I EVER am . :lol


Anyhow, I am looking forward to the weekend and a couple days of quiet .


I have started my nine patch, so those of you doing that one now have another comrade along for the ride. I am making mine one round bigger than the pattern calls for and using RH , so the squares are turning out a lot bigger than my last ones did . Once I get enough colors done, I'll lay each square design out and post a photo of them so you all can see my colors.

I am going with much duller, darker colors for this one. I like my last one, but felt like I was making it for the circus after looking at all those colors- so this one is considrably different .


Celeste -

Well, I think the CW afghan will be on hold for me for a long time to come ... I tried it , and either the pattern has some errors, or my brain does ( probably the latter ), but I could not get it to work for me. I am no good at figuring out my own patterns or trying to find errors in a pattern and figure out what they are ,so I am sunk with it I think .



Janine -

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! Sorry I missed it, but just went to your blog and think it slipped thru the radar here . Hope you had a good one !

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Thanks Julie!It WAS a nice birthday even though I hit what I'd consider a big one (35) :eek I already started the "I'm 29 again...." :roflThanks for the reminder too... I never remember to update the blog. I'll get some of my colors on there today since I STILL don't know how to post photos here yet.:duckyJanine

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Janine -

Don't feel bad -- I can't put photos on here either, that's why I always put a link to mine ... :lol


Wait til you're scraping 50 -- THEN you'll be hitting the big numbers !!!!


You're still a young'un . :)


Have a great day .

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To everyone!


Wow, I've missed SO MUCH! Man, you go away for a few days and TONS of stuff happens!


I've seen quite a few new finished afghans -- they're all GORGEOUS! You have all done such beautiful jobs.


And I feel so badly for all of you who are suffering with one ailment or another -- spring colds can be treacherous!


Thank you so much to all of you who offered your support after I posted my message about the disappointing reaction from my family to my afghan. You ladies are great and you made me feel SO much better.


We've had a busy few days here -- we went down to Rockford to visit family for Easter and had a good time, then back up here in time to go back down to Chicago on Wednesday to take the boys to the White Sox game (which they won :) ) We had a great time! The boys loved it - even our 4 year old! Our 7 year old can't wait for Spring Break to be over so he can go back to school and tell his friends.


And then yesterday we went on a 20 mile bike ride. (That's our other passion - we do a LOT of cycling in the warm months.) My hubby pulls our 4 year old in one of those trailers behind the bikes for children and our 7 year old rides his bike. He keeps up BEAUTIFULLY and actually has more energy than WE do when we're all done! He's so resilient. About halfway through we stopped at a park and let the boys play for a bit before riding a mile down the road to have an early dinner. Then off it was on the 10 mile stretch back to our car. But the nice thing about that was it was all a slow downhill grade so we could mainly just coast and relax a bit. It took us no time flat to get back to the car! My 7 year old is so proud of himself for being able to handle a 20 mile ride his 3rd time out this year. Last summer it took us about two months of riding every weekend on smaller rides to even dare a 20. Now he's talking to us about going 50 or 100 miles in a day! LOL I told him we'll start small and build up. Maybe we'll be able to do 30 by end of summer. With his bike being just a single gear 20", anything more than 20 or 30 miles I think would be too exhausting for him, especially if there's a good amount of hills. But he's stubborn and determined (just like me ;) )


So anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;)


I've missed the action around here! Next Monday I have to go and buy yarn to finish an afghan for Mother's Day that I'm making for my mother-in-law (though truthfully, after her chilled reaction on Saturday to the Prairie Star for my niece, I'm not so sure I want to finish this afghan for her. Maybe I'll finish it for me and give her something else.)


Then I want to do the Americana Afghan for the Patriotic CAL and I'm sure somewhere in the middle of working on that one, I'll buy more yarn to do another Prairie Star (because I simply can NOT work on only one afghan at once lol)


I hope everyone had a great Easter and a pretty good start to this week!



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Morning, AJ !

Sounds like you had some enjoyable family time. Your son sounds like he may one day be one of those guys that rides his bike across America then writes a book about it ! ( I love those books, have read them all )

It's good to hear from you , and I don't blame you one tiny bit for not wanting to make an afghan for the mother in law. If she doesn't appreciate them , why waste your time ? Make one for YOU and give her a pair of socks or something . :D

Well, gotta get my rear moving this morning . Will check in later .

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LOL Julie, I think he might just grow up to be one of those guys! He's so athletic and changes his mind daily about what sports he wants to play.:clap


Yea, I'm thinking I'll definitely let my hubby buy something for his mother. I'll finish the afghan I've got started for either me or someone else. At least it saves me from having to hurry through it! ;)

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Good morning everyone! Ok, I took pics of how I braided the squares together. The dark blue doesn't like to photograph too well but hopefully you can see it good enough. I am still not sure if this is right or not. The way I did it, I don't like how there's so much space between the braids where you can see underneath. (Does that make sense?)


Pic 1 - http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c343/donnalynn2/Website%20Pics/Pinwheel004.jpg


Pic 2 - http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c343/donnalynn2/Website%20Pics/Pinwheel005.jpg


Pic 3 - http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c343/donnalynn2/Website%20Pics/Pinwheel006.jpg


Pic 4 - http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c343/donnalynn2/Website%20Pics/Pinwheel007.jpg

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Morning, Evelyn

I bet it's beautiful in your neck ofthe woods now, isn't it ? Pretty hot out there yet ?


Donna- Well, it looks ok to me .. does it look like the photo looks in the pattern ? I like the pinwheels, very pretty !

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Hey gang

Here are a couple photos of the colors of squares I am using for the nine patch, just to give you an idea .


The first is kinda a layout that they will be in -- the Cafe color will be that dark color all around the border of the afghan . The linen will be the light color between each 9-patch . The dark brown will be at the corners of each 9 patch . 4 colors for the 9 patches will be gold, dark blue, dark green and dark red .

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Donna very nice! that is a very pretty ghan! I've never seen or attempted that braid thingy and don't know if I'd have the patience to do it either! I think it looks wonderful!


Aj Nice to hear from you...the cycling sounds like fun too! I don't do much bike riding but am getting ready to get my goat out and start taking cart rides this summer! He's a big boy and is just learning to pull...I can't wait to start!


Hope everyone is feeling better and have a great weekend too!

Theresa "2"

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Julie you are so fast! Those colors are gorgeous too! Good job! You are going to have two of them done before I am even half way through mine!


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BAGS an BOXES?? i want bags and boxes of yarn.:( i'm going to buy groceries today and i'm gonna get some more yarn to work on my quiltghan. i ran out and so have been working on a UFO since yesterday. i think i may be able to finish it this weekend.

YAYY, QUILT-GHANERS!!:cheer :cheer

Just wanted to send out an update... it's hard keeping up with you ladies but I'm trying hard to remember who's who... so forgive me if I don't participate in the chitchat yet! :haha I have one flower done for my Granny's flower garden quilt-gans. I figure I need about 15 per blanet x 2 blankets = 30!?! Oh boy! I better get moving. On a happy note, I used up the purple out of my stash for the flower and looks like theres enough pink to start the next flower. :cheer I have BAGS AND BOXES of yarn to go through but I should have enough to finish one afghan at least! Yipee! Hope everyone is busy!

Hugs- Janine

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Good Morning all. I am feeling a little better today. I hope everyone is getting better too.

AJ Great to hear that you had a good time.:) My kids and I love to go bike riding in the summer. My hubby cant do too much of that yet but hopefully he will here soon.

Julie That is going to look awesome. I love the colors that you choose. You are speedy, arent ya.....:devil

Donna That looks gorgeous. I have never tried the pinwheels before and I am thinking that I would like to. I have never heard of braiding...where can you I find something about that?:think

Janine :birthday I know exactly how you feel. Will be turning the same age, but some days exspecially here real recent I feel about 80. I hope it was a good day for you.... :manyheart

To everyone else.....Keep up the good work. Everyone is doing an awesome job.:yay As for me I have to do some digging in the yard and go get some landscaping stuff and plant my blueberry bushes. So I dont get to crochet until later tonite. Have a great day all.....:manyheart

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