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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I have returned to work. A necessary evil to support my hobbies etc. I have been playing with patterns and have finally decided on the Rosebud Ring afghan from one Julie's links. I did not even glanze twice at this pattern at first but when I tested it I decided it was the one. I have chosen my own colours and will be making the rosebud centre in several different colours. Then I plan to arrange the squares in a Around the World fashion.


Tabitha I love your colour choice. I considered this one but ran as fast as I could run as it is a graft one. Do you carry your yarn across as you work the pattern?


Linda You are whizzing along. Cannot wait to see your pinwheel.


Welcome Janine. I too began to crochet when I was 6 and did not learn to read patterns until much much later.


Brandy I have a 14 yr old who is prone to the moody blues swings. She does not crochet although every now and then she intents to learn. She is into paints screening.


City Girl I admire that Kaleidoscope afghan in your blog. So pretty. Shades of purple are my favourite colours and that Star is going to be spectacular. I usually prefer to have a more solid joining for my afghans but the joining of this afghan is part of the effect. On mine the edges that are not sewn slighly flute and give it almost a dazzle effect.


Carol I am so tempted to do the KItties in a Row..... so so tempted. What colours did you make yours?


Lynn how can I possibly concentrate on 1 afghan when all those other ones call to me? Are you able to post a photo of your fan one? I would love to see it. I have a beautiful fan pattern but have yet to make it.


PlaidKitty those colours are gorgeous. And those books your bought will keep you busy. Now you will make a decision ... go for it! What am I saying? Here I am giving you advice when I have just gone through my own choice dance.


Mary Welcome. Your afghan is a masterpiece. I showed it to my daughter. She too was impressed.



Julie One square at a time, a few rants and raves and it will be posted for all of us to admire. How many squares? 500 ... Your may run out of rants and raves :D


AJ What are you working on at the moment?


Well I am off to make a few more squares before I get ready to go to work.

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Julie, holy cow!! :mcow Your 'ghan is beautiful and you clearly have a huge amount of patience. That makes me :) just looking at it, it's so cheery. :D


Forines, thanks so much...the kaleidoscope 'ghan was a bit of a nightmare--I had to put it down for a bit even though I was on a deadine. But, I did get rid of a whole bunch of scraps! :hook


Alright, I'm 14 motifs into the Prairie Star, and the visit to the garden center never happened, of course! I'll post pics tonight. :)

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Now I'm in trouble...my DH just called and the couple for whom I'm making the drunkard's path afghan (the one I can't seem to get off my rear end to finish) are pregnant...so I need to finish their housewarming present before I start their baby blanket...huh :blush


Anyway...I might have to put a concernted effort towards finishing it this weekend...or at least getting all the squares sewn together!

okay, we'll give you a push, a prod, maybe even a poke.:cheer:tryme:kick how about a healthy dose of enthusiasm?:yay:clap you know you can do it!!
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okay, we'll give you a push, a prod, maybe even a poke.:cheer:tryme:kick how about a healthy dose of enthusiasm?:yay:clap you know you can do it!!


Sorry dazy...I've got so much going on right now outside of crochet :eek that I'm not my normal enthusiastic self about finishing projects:think ...I promise I'll work up to it by the weekend when I'll have time. Thanks for the talking too :hug I'm already starting to feel it coming on :hook

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Julie - Your afghan is outstanding:yay The colors are eye popping!


Forines - I made my Kitties afghan with Wool-Ease and RH ww. Different shades of greentoast and off-white. Like 3 rows of each color. I'm going to give it to my niece because she has 6 cats. This morning Annie's had a cute mouse magnet. I'll make one of those to send along.

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Cool, Julie!!:jumpyay:fame gives me hope that i can someday get mine done. even if i am alot slower than you are. it's a good thing winter is so far away. i am getting close to finishing color group C. trouble is, every group has 8 more squares than the one before :blink . did you make all your squares before starting to join them?

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:DI see everyone is happily hooking or wishing to any way!

Lynn Your husband sounds like a lot of husbands I know! I'm sure you'll enjoy the time he is gone but will be glad to see him when he gets back too! What kind of puppy are you getting?

Vims Beautiful start on your Prairie Star! I love seeing all the different combos people are doing. I can't wait to see your progress.

Tabitha That sampler quilt sounds very pretty...keep us posted!

Linda YAY for you...can't wait to see it!

Frann Wow you are fast and the colors really sound exquisite!

Brandy way to go and drumming up business for the 'ville too..woohoo!

Shelly I can't wait to see your quilt....keep going...you'll get there!

Julie OMG it is beautiful...so colorful and the colors all look so nice together! So now what is next for you?

Janine, Carol, and Crazyc welcome aboard...be ready to have some fun trying to keep up with everyone here! We all go at our own pace, mine is slow.

forinnes I can't wait to see your rosebud ring it sounds really intriguing! I haven't taken the time to go to the link yet, but I will check it out!

I got 10 more squares for a total of 20 done last night and hope to get at least that many more done tonight. We'll see...I gotta watch American Idol and sometimes I can't take my eyes off the TV!

Happy Hooking Everyone!

Theresa "2"

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Thanks for all the kind remarks, guys . Glad to have that one done . You can only wear sunglasses in the house for so long -- :lol


Anyhow, as for what I'm doing next -- I have a ripple started that needs done . It's the bulky yarn with a K hook ,so is fast and easy. I also did 2 of the diamonds for the prairie star just as a "test" to see how they were done. Not too bad so far - It'll be nice when you do so many of them that you have the pattern memorized and dont need to keep reading through it .


Dazy- Yep, I did all the squares first, then joined them .


Keep at it guys-- if I can do it, you all can too ~:)

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Vims: You're off and running...what a beautiful start!


Lynn: I'll keep you company 'cause I'll be here for quite awhile. There are at least two other quilt patterns I want to crochet.


Frann: I love your color choices!


Janine: :welcome!


Julie: Wow, Julie! You're so quick! Your afghan is absolutely beautiful!



I've been scouring around the internet looking for other quilt-like patterns to crochet and I'm not having much luck. If anyone comes across any publications or websites, please let me know. I'm really interested in the traditional quilt patterns. Thanks!


My favorite quilt pattern is the Bear's Claws. I want to crochet this...on point. Tonight I bought some color pencils so I can draft my own graph.

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Julie, figuring out the pattern to that point took me somewhere around 6-8 motifs, and now I'm set. :) I have a great night of hooking ahead! :hook


I'm SO looking forward to seeing everyone's progress! Keep at it! h

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IT's DONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~







Wow Julie! You win the Gold for this one!!! It's just beautiful!!!!! Is it a gift or are you keeping it?


You gonna try the Pinwheel next? Tee Hee!!!

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Hey Julie that is just terrrrrrrrific:cheer :cheer:clap :clap I love the colors you picked for it and you did such a great job. It is an inspiration to all of us. Can't wait to see what you do next:yay :yay

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It's Bea-U-Ti-Ful! Great job! :cheer The around the world quilt was the first one I ever made and it was all stitched together by hand... what a PITA! I'm going to have to search for the picture but I love your afghan MUCH better than my first quilt! My seams didn't quite line up right! :rofl


Everyone else--- thanks so much for the welcome! I started my first hexagons tonight since the baby is sleeping :c9 I'm using a light yellow for all my flower centers. A barely off white for the background. The flowers I still am undecided on. I started with RedHeart yarn and I have TONS of it in my stash so I'm thinking what a great way to use some of it up. The blankets are for 2 girls under 5 yrs old- Victoria and Olivia- so I'm thinking bright, vibrant, girly color flowers. Purples, pinks, red, etc. I really came online tonight to update my blog... so that's where I'm going next and then back to the hexes. I'm determined to get one afghan done by June 13th (Tori's birthday) and the second one by September 13th (Livi's birthday)


Hugs :ducky


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Yeah ..but I felt so neekid when I saw so many views. :eek


I bet we have many more making the afghan quilts, than have posted.

( See.. :blush I know that because I got myself involved in the Crochet Olympics.. but never posted. I wanted to learn how to make socks.. so I did ! And finished my first pair before the closing ceremonies.. plus was almost done with my own personal 'bonus round'.. a second pair. I have been wearing them as slipper socks everyday since. SO comfy. )


Glena, Now you have me rethinking the choice I almost made.:lol


-Pam L-

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Julie, your blanket turned out very pretty.

I went out today and bought the yarn for the praire star, the nine patch is going much faster than i thought and i also have the yarn to do the catherdral pattern. so now it will be a discission on which to start next, i want to get started now but know that if i do i wont finish the one im currently doing. all of you are doing such a marvelous job i envy how you can start something and finish it very quickly. Hello to all the newcomers, you will all learn alot in here.

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IT's DONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





:cheerWow!!! Julie!!! its awesome!! my jaw is still down(pic me like Jim Carey from "the Mask")!!! It is fantabulous.


Now Ladies thanks a ton for your engouragements and kind words:hug. I have set myself to do one round everyday . I finished my next layer and its waiting to be snapped by my camera. Will post an update soon:)




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