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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hi, Brandy!


thank you for the super fast response to my question. I do understand what you've said here.


I wasn't clear on my post (how that is possible with that much text, I'll never know...), because I realize now that the last dc of the three is actually right next to the ch-5, not in the same stitch. Still looked funny when I joined them together - made the dc side by side with the first three chains of the ch-5 look like one very wide stitch.


I'm going to try it again.... and take a picture of the result (where, oh where is that camera!) to show - maybe folks will be able to tell from a pic what I've done wrong...


thanks again, gotta go - bedtime, and The Easter Bunny has yet to make an appearance!

Ok Patricia, I know I am not AJ but when you join round 1 you slip st into the very first sc. everything is right up to the last 3 sts of round two. you put a dc in tr, dc, and hdc and then slip st into the 3rd ch. Does that make sense? I hope so.
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I just want to wish everyone a Happy Easter. I know Julie asked for some cake earlier and I thought maybe she would like this, but then I thought it wouldn't be nice if i didn't offer everyone a piece! So this is for everyone! Enjoy!



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I just want to wish everyone a Happy Easter. I know Julie asked for some cake earlier and I thought maybe she would like this, but then I thought it wouldn't be nice if i didn't offer everyone a piece! So this is for everyone! Enjoy!



That is soooooo Cute!!!!

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It looks like everyone has busy today!

Julie I am doing the Attic Windows quilt. The pattern is from Vanna's favorite gift afghans. I love the texture.

Enid The colors I am using are dark brown, cream, tan, and two shades of blue.

Lynn Thank you. The pattern is pretty easy after you do a couple. It is basically 1 treble in sc, 1sc in next sc followed by a row of sc.

dazy I think mowing should count since that is what I did today too, and I know I will be sore tomorrow, and I didn't get any crocheting done at all! Good Luck with the job! That is what I went to college for many years ago! I worked in flower shops for 30 years (since I was 16) until I my hands became so allergic to everything I touched I had to quit...it was so hard and I really miss it, but at least now I can dress myself and tie my own shoes! LOL Gald to hear your hubby is better too!

Pam I sure hope you get some yarn soon! I would be going nuts if I were you!

dragon fly I bet you will get that Prairie Star figured out soon especially with all the expert help from AJ and Brandy...aren't they awesome!

forrines I hope you had a wonderful and safe trip to visit your Mum today! All my kids will be home to go to church with us in the morning and then to my brothers for dinner! It will be so nice!

Evelyn I bet you will get that figured out....just takes patience like someone else said...You can do it Girl! Thanks for the compliment, after I did a few they are easy.

Brandy Sorry to hear about the yarn shopping catastrophe! At least you did find some. I think after I do the 80 squares that the pattern calls for it will seem very simple!

Diane Thank you! The squares aren't so much detail as they are textured...the stitch combination of a treble and then a single crochet gives it that look. I can't wait to see all the color varieties and combinations of the Prairie Stars that you all are doing! It is going to be great!

Linda Congrats on 25 years! It will be 24 for us this year! Oh where did those years go?! I hope you are feeling better real soon too!

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Now for my second post... To the other PRAIRIE STAR people.

Gleda and Cathy: I am so glad you are doing the PRAIRIE STAR too! There are so many beautiful variations of color that can be used. I am sticking to colors similar to the pattern, but aren't AJ's and Forine's gorgeous. What are your colors? Any problems so far. Right now I've got the diamond pattern down pretty well, but I am making mistakes joining the diamonds. I guess I have to learn to focus.



Diane: I'm not doing the Prairie Star....yet...but when I do, can I come to you for advice? There have been so many posts to this CAL that I, too, get easily confused. I think I should create a cheat sheet to keep in front of me when I read this thread. :lol


Julie: I started out with an Around The World pattern, but have put it aside for the time being due to technical problems.:blush

Someone is doing the Drunkard's Path pattern and when I saw the picture I just had to make it too. I'm using LB Homespun Harvest and Golden. I can't believe how quickly the squares work up. I beginning to believe I'll have an afghan done rather quickly (which will be a first). :lol


Everyone: I was in A.C. Moore today and noticed the Red Heart Super Saver is on sale: 2 skeins for $3.00+. What a deal! :yay I need to win the lottery NOW so I can get some relief from my YAS addiction. :devil

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One more note before I go to sleep (I can't believe I stayed up this late (2:48 am):tired just to keep up with this thread - and do a little crocheting...


Dazy - Sounds like you and your husband need to spend the day relaxing. Hope you enjoy your day.

Linda - Congratulations on 25 years! I hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you've got way too much work to do. Hope you can rest tomorrow.


Theresa, what a cute cake. I hope you enjoy the day with family!


Gleda :thinkI wonder how I got the idea you are doing the Prairie Star. People are talking about cheat sheets here. I actually get out a notepad so I can remember what I want to comment on. This is a BUSY thread! I saw the Drunkard Path picture here and really loved it too. I can't wait to see your version.


Patricia - you are the one doing the Prairie Star -oh good. :) Have you had better luck figuring it out? It can be confusing at first, but it's not bad once you get it.


Evelyn - Congratulations on 44 going on 45 years! See, you have a lot of stick-to-itiveness. If you can do that, you can do the Prairie Star!


Good night, Everyone and Happy Easter. I'm finally ready for sleep:night

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First of all..better late than never:

Norma ,:birthday



JulieKay, Forines, and Teresa,


Thanks for the sympathy on my lack of yarn and current project. Yes.. It felt very odd. Thought I had a pattern, decision and plan.. but there seems to be no raspberry colored yarn within driving distance.. as I have no searched high and low.

So...new plan ... what pattern and what colors ?

I have now acquired a couple pattern books.. since they consolidated several JoAnns stores for this SUPER store. There were a few great crochet books that may not get reordered.. so with 50% and 40% coupons each day.. :shop I've been busy driving..thinking and checking yarn at different locations. Not being experienced in the craft, this seems to be part of the learning curve.


I now have an OFFICIAL stash !:juggle

Even a few Caron one pounders.. they were on sale for $3.89, so now with a few basics ..my small bunches of older colors might work into something.

Grabbed a few other colors I love in better quality and may end up using for this or ?


I'm mending my broken heart over the current lack of yarn for the 'Flowers for Mother' afghan. Seems that needs to sit on the back burner and stew.


So..for now I am only dating the yarns and types of squares, not ready to make a commitment yet. :blush Making a variety of types of shapes with the different yarns. I'll know it when I see it ! :think


Have a great holiday everyone. :manyheart

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Well, you guys .....


I have led several CAL groups and you guys are the first that have gotten me to do this :

I actually woke up today and had 4 new PAGES of posts to read, so in order to try and answer all of you, I had to take notes . Here goes :


Forines -Hope you had a wonderful visit with your mom .


Evelyn - hope you figured out the PS afghan . 15 times ? Wow, you have more patience than me.... I would have screamed til my head blew off my shoulders then tossed it out the front door by this time . You guys are worrying me now. My knees are knocking together just thinking about starting it .

and Congrats on almost 45 years of marriage. It'll be 29 for us in June .


Brandy- Man, I hate when that happens-- you go on a yarn search and the store is closed. What a letdown . I just got some periwinkle blue ,too. Isn't it pretty ? No idea yet what I will make with it, but I have some anyhow ..


Thank you to everyone who stepped in to help clarify directions on the Prairie Star .


Linda- Congats on 25 years of marriage .Hope you are feeling better today. My husband has had a nasty cold since Thursday night .


Theresa- thanks for the cake -- sure looks tasty !


Gleda- :lol what were your technical problems with the Around the World ? It's ok if you don't work on that one and choose another ! :)

The colors you chose for the drunkards path sound pretty. Will you be posting a photo so we can see them ?



OK....... I think I'm caught up now. I hope all of you that have plans today have an enjoyable day . We won't be doing anything special today, as all of our kids are grown and only one lives close nd they are going to my DIL's family for dinner ... So, no egg hunts or jelly beans for us . It's ok, though .

I enjoy listening to quiet . I plan on finishing up my afghan today -- I only have 20 squares to go and have started joining it , so my goal is to finish it by tonight . I'll post photos when I do !

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The technical difficulties I'm having is with the joining of the strips for the Around The World pattern. I was getting frustrated enough that I thought it would be best to put it aside for now and go back to it later. After all, crocheting is supposed to be fun, not work. And :yes , I'll be posting a picture of the Drunkard's Path quilt when it's completed. Looks like I won't be doing any crocheting today though :( as I have about 100 pages to type. :compute I wish I could move my computer outside...the weather is absolutely perfect here. :sun

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I have posted in a couple days, but I thought I might cry:( if I talked about my troubles. I had my heart set on certain colors for my ghan & Walmart had NOTHING! Nothing I tell you :thair. So, at this rate I may get mine done by Christmas :worried. But, the good news is I found someone to take me to Joann's tomm. :cheer (which I never knew we had around here). Yeah, you guessed it, I don't drive, so I have to wait for others to have the time or for hubby to have a day off :bang. I'm soooo excited about going to Joann's, I hope it's better then what I imagine:c9 . I can't wait to get started on this ghan:hook . On that note, I hope everyone has a fantastic, HaPpY eAsTeR!:rabbit

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Hi Gleda

Yes, I am beginning to see what you mean about this afghan . A little confusing ,to say the least .

I laid all mine out on the floor to get the pattern of squares all in the right order . Then I am using my handy-dandy join method. It usually works a little easier on other afghans that are just plain squares and the afghan turns out square. Since this one has the "jagged edges, it makes it a little more difficult .Also, I have to start with the center strip ( the widest ,and work outwards in one direction then will have to start back at the center and work outwards in the other direction . I join 2 rows together to start with, then add on the next, and next, etc, so instead of joing a SQUARE at a time, I join a whole ROW at a time . This is kinda tedious to do with this one , but it's slowly coming together . I'll try to get it done today -- but so far haven't started yet this morning ,so off I go .

Hope this will help a little if you understand what I was trying to say-- it's a little fuzzy-sounding !

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Know what you mean. My wallmart has nothing. But at this time that a good thing. I can barely close my closest door with all the bags of yarn and my close in it. Its a small stach Im sure compaired to the rooms I have seen some of you have but I feel so guilty not using it. lol So I am determended to get it down this year. No more yarn buying.:angry Maybe I should turn it all into a ripple and be done with it.:think


Everyones work here is so very nice.

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Well I'm still prodding along on the nine patch, havnt had much time to work on it . I did however decide to try and put one of the pieces together to see how the colors look and it is very pretty I think so seeing it together is giving me the incentive to keep on going and put together as I go then it doesnt really seem like I'm making all those squares lol. All of your work is beautiful. Watching all this talk of the praire star makes me think I better rethink doing that one.



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Hi Tabby

Happy Easter to you too. I know what you mean about walmart- they are doing inventory right now, from what they tell me, so they havent been putting hardly anything out on the shelves, although in the last few days I've been seeing a little movement with new colors ,etc so hopefully things will improve soon .

JoAnns is pretty nice. We have a small one about 20 miles from us, and their yarn selection is ok -but not fantastic. Then there's a big one a little farther away and it's got a real nice selection .. I actually like Joann's better than Hobby Lobby . It's almost too big, if there is such a thing -- too many choices to make .

Hope your yarn trip tomorrow goes well and you find just what you want !

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Good morning ,Angie and Andrea !

Good to hear from you guys this morning .


Angie- I know what you mean about having too much yarn in your closet -- mine is multiplying like rabbits in there . I went this morning and bought some of those new ziploc bags that are size xxl --gonna see if I can get it all organized and put into them to keep them neater and get a little organized about what I have . They are all just in the store bags right now-- every day I seem to bring home another sack of yarn and throw the bag in the closet . If I did a ripple with all I have in my closet - it'd cover our TOWN .


Andrea- Do you have a camera to post photos of your first square so we can see it ? The 9 patch should really be pretty easy to join , compared to this around the world -- it IS a little confusing . I am with you on the prairie star-- it sounded easy from what the first few ladies said, but now the next few are having trouble with it. SO .. I haven't decided yet if I'll give it a shot or not .

I already bought yarn for it, so will probably try it at some point . Today I have to get this afghan finished up, then I can decide where to go from there .

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Good Easter morning all! :hug


Just wanted to say HAPPY EASTER to everyone! You are all doing so well on your afghans! I have yet to post a picture of mine. I'm not too thrilled with it but it wasn't my choosing, it was my granddaughter's so I'm sure she will like it. Kind of wild for me! a TRILLION little ends to weave in too!!! I usually don't mind weaving in the ends but I'm sure sick of seeing them now!


Everyone's afghans look beautiful! :cheer



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Happy Easter everyone! I spent yesterday working on a couple of squares for the granny swap so I never did finish the edging on square #3 for this. I should finish it today though. Hope everyone is coming along great on their quilts!!!

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Morning everyone! Just checking in before we're off out of town for a couple of days.


HAPPY EASTER to you all!!


Everyone's afghans look SO pretty!


To those having trouble with the Prairie Star -- keep at it! Once you figure out the first join, you're off and sailing. For the middle star, you join diamond #2 to #1 at the ch 3 loop. To join #3 to #2, do the same thing, and so on. Remember, when you join #6, it'll be joining first to #5, then on to #1 to make the star.


Grandkids, you wanted to know what yarn I used. For the pink, green, blue, purple, and white, I used Bernat Softee Baby. For the yellow, I used Red Heart Soft Baby. (The Bernat yellow was just too bright and looked ... garish, almost.)


Update. Before when I gave a size for mine, it was a rough estimate on what it was because it *looked* about the size of a throw (46x60). I measured it yesterday before the party and it's actually 38x48. Not too bad a size for a toddler. :)


As for the party, I'm kind of disappointed with the reaction. :( My niece wasn't too interested in it (but she's only 2, there were toys to play with ;)) but it was my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law who just didn't say ANYthing. My sister-in-law's mother-in-law asked me if I made it and SHE said it was beautiful, but not much response from anyone else. Oh, except I was asked what kind of fabric softener I use to wash it because they liked the smell. :angry


*sigh* All that hard work and so little appreciation.


At least YOU guys made me feel like I did a good job, and for that, I'll be forever grateful. Thank you ladies so very very much.


And once again, Have a WONDERFUL Easter! :hug:ducky:1sheep:sheepjump:rabbit:rabbit


And a picture of the eggs my boys and I dyed this morning: They had so much fun!



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Morning Lynn, Shelby , Donna and AJ -


Hope you're all having an enjoyable weekend . Sounds like everyone is still working along steadily .


Lynn - I know what you mean bout weaving in the ends ... I have an idea for my next CAL which will have VERY FEW ENDS to weave in . Some of these things get pretty tedious after awhile .


AJ- hope you all have a nice trip ,and thanks for sharing a photo of your Easter eggs. I colored eggs with my grandson last week and he was so cute-- every time he stuck an egg in the coloring then pulled it out, he'd say OOOHH and AHH -- it sounded like he was watching fireworks or something . Then he said MAMAW , THIS MAKES MY HEART HAPPY ..

I thought that was so cute .


Anyhow, as far as the poor reaction to your afghan, I am wondering -- are all the people at the party Helen Keller's offspring?

Some people really do not realize the work, time and emotion you put into a project, do they ? It kinda makes you feel like it's not all worth it sometimes, but then, the next time you give something to someone ELSE, they seem so grateful for it . I guess it all evens out . My mom and sister don't really think much of crocheted items--- they think it's a stupid waste of time and I should do something BETTER with my time . My dad always comments a lot about what I'm making though . I think it depends on the person .

Don't feel discouraged-- anytime you do , make a small lapghan for someone in a nursing home , or a hat, scarf or slippers for a homeless person who is cold and doesn't own hardly anything . Make an afghan for a newborn baby whose family might have very little to offer their new baby ( money-wise ) . THEY appreciate what you do .

Hopefully, they will keep the afghan for the little girl for when she grows up -- THEN she may be so glad she has something special that you made just for her .:manyheart

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