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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Thanks for sharing the link with us -- that definitely is a beauty .


Norma -

I sure hope walmart doesnt stop selling yarn. That would be a tragedy . I have talked to most of the ladies who work in the area and they tell me that they will be making lots of changes. Different colors, different sized skeins, etc . Guess we'll have to wait and see. I go over there every morning to look, but as of this morning, nothing new yet-- just shelves getting more bare each day .

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same here julie . I will have to travel to joanns which is almost 30 miles away where the walmart is less than 5 miles. I wish that ours would get thier act together . We use to have one walmart in cecil county . Now we have two . one in elkton which is 10 miles away that is a superwalmart. And they put one in the little town of north east . Which was a blessing because all north east had was a eckards a pizza place and fashion bug a mc donalds and a dollar general, Plus a Food lion. Now we have the dollar tree and the walmart . North East is a little town that If you don't pay attention you will pass right through and not know it . But I love the little town . Oh well off to see the endroconoligist and to my grandsons awards cereamony . I will take my work bag and get some squares done while waiting for the doctor. He is the only one of his trade in 45 miles and is so busy . You wait 45 minutes to spend 5 with him . Then I have to pay him 20 for that to be told to come back in 10 weeks. Ugh........... I will catch up with everyone later . This is how I spend a day off from work.........:manyheart

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Help Me Please! I can't decide on a pattern.:thair I have narrowed it down to 3, the nine patch granny, patchwork sampler quilt, or the Oh, my stars quilt afghan. I tried to have my hubby help, but that didn't help, he picked the oh, my stars which is basically all popcorn sts. It makes a beautiful afghan, but popcorn sts. are soooooo time consuming. What will I do, what will I do? These are all patterns from Annie's crochet quilt afghan club, please if you know what i'm talking about, HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!! :bang

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Donna! I printed it off! Now what i am going to do with three patterns sitting side by side and I haven't even started on the pastel pinwheels like I was supposed to two days ago!!!


I went yarn shopping today and my luck some bigwig passed on and so the shops were all beginning to close fearing riots!! Oh well have to go yarn shopping again this weekend!



And yes I can't crochet and keep up here lol!! And I am always curious as to who has finished what so i land up here half the time checking and rechecking !!!!



have a great day all!!!




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:cheerEVERYONES' afghans are beautiful! I am so glad I have decided on what to do...because if I had to choose after seeing these great pics I don't know what I would do! To anyone who hasn't decided...Good Luck! I wanted to post quick as it is going to storm here and I can hear the thunder...so I have to turn the pc off soon! I have one square of my Attic Windows almost done, just waiting till tonight to go get my remaining two colors and then I can finish one and hopefully get a pic posted. I am off of work until Monday night, so now I can crochet, crochet, crochet! More later when it isn't storming!

Theresa "2"

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Here you go! Pic of my Prairie Star so far:



55 diamonds joined! I'm SO excited. :)


CLICK HERE to read the entry on my blog (and see a wider pic of the whole star)




(edited to fix a glaring spelling error:blush)


This is absolutely gorgeous!!! pastel pinwheels goes bye bye and in comes pastel prairie star!!!! woohoo AJ this is awesome!!!


hey Julie I think I am fit only to be in the cheering squad! can't seem to settle down and start my dang project!!!:eek




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Queen of Crochet - I agree about Popcorns. I think that ranks up there with Reverse Single Crochets for me as most hated stitches! Maybe you could modify the pattern and do a puffy stitch instead? :D

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:cheerEVERYONES' afghans are beautiful! I am so glad I have decided on what to do...because if I had to choose after seeing these great pics I don't know what I would do! To anyone who hasn't decided...Good Luck!

Theresa "2"



You are so right Theresa! I am changing my mind every hour no make that every minute!!!





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Good morning all. Everyones quilts are looking so nice. I am glad that I finally picked something...but I am seeing future projects in store for me. Plus I bidded on a quilt afghan book last nite.


Popcorn stitches arent that bad. I did make the mistake of picking an extremely hard and slow one to do. It consists of popcorn stitches and sc and it is causing me to go :loco. I think I may have one block done tonite and I will post pics of it. I hope...keeping my fingers crossed.


Well I am out of here to get my day going...Have to go to work in a little bit. Have a great day all....Be back later.

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I need someone to block that gorgeous AA pattern from my computer! I keep looking at it!!! It doesn't matter that after the cat afghan I promised myself that I would NEVER do another ghan full of hundreds of little squares again!


I actually did get 2 rows done on my 2nd square this morning. I doubt that I will make much progress over the next couple of days though as I have a Doll Cake to make and I have to make the frosting and flowers tonite then assemble it tomorrow... I really love doing cakes but it cuts into my crochet time! (Although it does provide money for buying more yarn so I really can't complain! :))


Everyone's pics are gorgeous! I wonder who will cross the finish line first! (It certainly won't be me!)

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Looks like some of you are up and at'em already ! Good for you !

I've been up for hours, but doing boring crap like paying bills, laundry ... you know the HO-HUM stuff ?


Anyhow, here are my replies as follows-- can't leave anyone out !


Norma - you sound SO much braver than me about the doctor . I actually took some yarn and hook with me last time but was too nervous to do anything with it. I just dropped it under my chair and twiddled my thumbs and sweated bullets . Hope everything goes ok and also enjoy your grandson's ceremony. How old is he and what is he winning ?


Tabitha - I wish I could help you but I'm not familiar with all the choices so wouldn't be a good one to advise you . If you don't wanna do the bobbles then erase that one from your list. That will narrow it down to 2. Just close your eyes and point to one . Thats the one you have to do then .


Now, Vims --- We would gladly accept you as cheerleader, but we also want you to join in. Just do what I told Tabitha . Lay out all the patterns face down, mix them all up , close your eyes and point. Do the one you point to .

There's always time later to do a second one ! Waiting patiently to hear what you choose ~~~~

By the way , you live in such a fascinating place !!! We couldn't get anyone in our town to riot unless the local IGA ran out of TATER TOTS the week they were on sale .

Theresa -Can't wait to see a photo ! Enjoy your days off .


Have a great day at work .. See you later on ! You sound like me.. I have 10 billion patterns I want to make,but end up buying MORE patterns JUST IN CASE I live to be like 800 years old .:eek

Donna- I'm with you, i certainly won't be first to finish . Got a lot more of these little dudes to make .

By the way, pass me a SLAB of that cake . I LOVE cake . Chocolate with white frosting .

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Morning!! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.


Julie, your story about your husband and your foot being in uncomfortable places *ahem* ;):devil totally cracked me up!!! Great first morning laugh.


Vims, thank you for your praise! I'm glad you like the look of it. So you're going to do the Prairie Star in pastels, too? Great! I'm sure yours will be beautiful:cheer


OMGoodness you guys.. I'm starting to feel a bit... overwhelmed by this pattern. There's still so much to do and it HAS to be done by Saturday morning. I told my hubby this morning I just don't think I'll make it and he said, "Yea, I don't quite think you will either."


So much for that loving supportive-ness, eh? :loco

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AJ....repeat after me....I THINK I CAN....I THINK I CAN....I THINK I CAN....:cheer

Now I know you can do it....That one goes by extremely fast and the edging only takes about an hour to do.....I have faith in you.. Now I am off to work....

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AJ....repeat after me....I THINK I CAN....I THINK I CAN....I THINK I CAN....:cheer

Now I know you can do it....That one goes by extremely fast and the edging only takes about an hour to do.....I have faith in you.. Now I am off to work....


Just the :kick I needed to get me back on track with it! Thanks! :D

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AJ -

Need support ? Wear support hose . Men aren't always quite as quick-witted as they should be when responding to us. I actually TELL my husband I COULD USE A LITTLE PEP TALK TODAY .




Know what I get for an answer ?


What's for supper ?




Get any mail today ?


GEEZ LOUISE . :bang:rant



Or I'm in the mood to argue :box


He laughs .

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Thank you to everyone that offered advice:manyheart , I've decided to scratch the popcorn st. afghan off the list for now. I am still searching for the right pattern to call out to me, i'm going to get the yarn tomm. so I better choose fast. Maybe choosing the yarn will help:think , I sure hope so.

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When I picked up the yarn for my prairie star (well the one color I've found so far) I asked the WalMart lady what was going on with the department. I also specifically asked if they'd be getting anymore 1 pound RH supersaver balls.


She said they'd just done inventory and would be restocking (and she hoped soon). Mainstays, their no-name yarn is discontinued so other yarns will be taking the place of it on the shelf. She also said the 1 lb balls were coming back as well. She seemed very confident, and while she could be misinformed, I'm felt reassured that it's just temporarily sparse in the yarn dept. Maybe they're partly just trying to get the fall/winter colors sold?

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Ok I have decided not to do the scape one but do that one Annie's Attic (Flower's for Mom) has up today. Ill just have to buy more yarn. :lol But that is to pretty just to pass up right and more in the line with what you all are doign in this CAL.

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Afternoon all. Just checking in. Had a really crappy day at work. I need to find a regular job and not one where I have to put up with someone changing their mind every minute or forgetting things or cutting my hours back at a moments notice and then expect me to show up at a drop of a hat.....GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZ I did manage to get a couple more squares done on my afghan. Let's see that only leaves...156-10=146.....Then to sew them together...Going to go work on it some more and do some more laundry, that is a never ending job there. Check in later if I can get this one square all assembled to show you what it looks like...

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Just checking in .


Julie I have to go to this doctore every 3 monthsI have a under active or as he puts it now a dead thyroid . He does the same thing everytime I go . listens to my chest . checks for fluid build up on my hands and ankles and ask how I feel. Then tells me he will see me in three months out the door with blood paper work and perscriptions. But anyhow . My grand son will be 9 the 21st . He go an award for outstanding achievement. He is a really bright little man . I sometimes don't know what I would do without him. He is here every weekend and on my days off I pick him up and he spends the night and I drop him off on my way to work. He is the eldest child of the three my daughter has and they forget he is a little boy and he watches the girls for them to run outside and smoke a cigertet and he has to clean up after them . So at my house at least he can be a little boy . My dh loves him . He takes him fishing and spends time with him on the weekend . Thanks for asking I know I am rambling on now. I think I got three squares done today . I went to walmart to get dog food. I then picked up marigolds for the yard and some dafidils , two juiniper plants . So the afternoon was spent with my grandson helping me plant flowers. It was nice. Then the rest of the crew came over they ate lunch and left and I just got the house cleaned . I am going to kick back and crochet for a while now . catch everyone later. :manyheart

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Hey, gang! my 'net connection went on strike in the wee hours Tuesday, and I've just now got back on and read the 10 (!) pages of posts that had accumulated since then. You ladies are the greatest! crocheting, and posting? How do you do it? I can do one or the other....


AJ, first thing I saw was your Prairie Star. Simply awesome! It's settled; that's the pattern I'm going to do, thanks to your example! Colors.... hmm - pastels - I need to make a baby blanket. thinking of mixing a variegated with the other pastels, like the original pattern did with the fiesta.


Julie, I'm glad you're back with us, poems and all. Anything that could make you that mad and lose your sense of humor had to be pretty tough - glad you pulled out of it!


Gleda, you're going to finish first, I just know it! and you can go neener, neener all you want then - we'll need the taunting to keep us going! but you'll have to keep up the pace if you want to beat JulieKay - she's going blind from finishing all those little squares, but she'll finish, eyesight or not!


Dazy, I hope your husband is winding down on the whining and back up to being his normal self - that must have hurt, big time. Glad we can laugh about it, and not cry for something much worse....


(oops, gotta go - got to get to a rehearsal for easter music.. to be continued.....)

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This thread has got me buzzing. Although I became a member last year I have not posted as I feel that I may not have the time to keep participating. But this thread has got me hooked and yesterday I started a Prairie Star. Now I live in a location that is in the tropics and the stores do not offer a large selection of acrylic yarn colours although they do offer some wonderful pure wool. Call me crazy but what am I going to do with 100% wool unless I want to felt everything I make? So with no sage or wheat colours in sight, I bravely ventured forward with what I had at home. I am now making the white diamonds and if I am on track, I may complete it by tomorrow. I need to complete this as I am already thinking about the next one which will be either the Annie's Attic or the Around the World.


AJ - Your Prairie Star is gorgeous. Go AJ ....you will complete it by Saturday!

snbarclay - That nine patch is beautiful.


Julie I keep checking to see if you have given us a preview of your Around the World. I am sure it will be "out of this world" and it may decide which one I make next before I go back to work next week.


I hope it is OK for me to jump in and join you guys. I could not resist participating in this thread.

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Brandy -

Yea, it sounds like you're not real happy with your job. Good luck on the job search. Hope you find something you like better . How about doing the world a favor and getting a job at a CRAFT store ? Have any of you ever noticed some of the people who work in them ? You ask them a question and they look at you like you're from another planet. Don't know anything about crafts . Pathetic .

Shouldn't you be well-versed in CRAFTS to work in a craft store ?

( * Besides, you might get discounts ! )




Glad you Dr checkup went ok . Your grandson sounds precious. Believe me, I know what you mean ..:manyheart

Sounds like you had a busy day today. You're lucky you live someplace warm enough to plant flowers. The only ones we could plant right now are primroses or pansies . Too cool yet for any others .



Yea, this board keeps hopping. I like it when it's busy and like to hear and see everyone's updates . Yea, I pulled out of my FUNK . I am like a volcano .. when I get mad - TAKE COVER - SHE'S GONNA BLOW !!!!!

I can't say I'm over it yet, but it's in the past now. so time to move on, right ?

I could very well go blind making all them tiny squares - I still chug along on them. Will have to get a new count up by morning ,also take some photos tonite, although at this point there's not much to see but PILES of wee little squares .


Talk to you all again soon .

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