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Crochet -a- Quilt


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:devil Krystal, this is all your fault.:ohdear:lol I've been looking for a pattern to use for an afghan for a DF husband. I'd been thinking of the PS and when I saw yours I decided that's it.


So, I started it yesterday. I must be :loco . I have to get a hold of this compulsion. :thair I normally try to have only two things at once. Right now, I am doing a Harley flannelghan, a yellow ripple (on hold because I need one more skein to finish), a granny baby afghan (my travel project), my Kitty quilt, some nine patch grannies (to use up stash), and, now the Prairie Star.


I can console myself with the thought that once I get the yellow yarn I can finish up the ripple in a few hours. And, if I get it in gear, the Harleyghan should only take a day or two. That's not too bad then. I can kinda justify the nine patch and the baby as part-time projects. That means I am back down to two...Right????:think


I have to say I really like the PS. I am using the RHSS in Claret, Painted Desert, Country Blue, Windsor Blue, Buff and Soft White. Oh well, back to work. So I guess, what I'm saying here is I'm now doing two quiltghans. You guys have me hooked.:devil

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Join the 12 -step program. I think we all have your condition. There are too many temptations in here .Everytime I see a new idea, I wanna make it too !

Good luck on getting your other things that are almost done finished up soon, then you won't feel so guilty starting another one ! :lol

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Do you have a 12-step-program??? I really should sign up. When I started the PS last night, DH looked over and asked who is that for? I told him and he just looked at the 3 other project bags sitting there and sighed. :heehee

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I hope this doesn't offend you , but the first thing I thought when your husband gave you THAT LOOK ,was SLAP-SLAP . :tryme

You go right ahead and make whatever you want. He can sit in the corner and behave . Tell him I said so .


Krystal- you are just in denial ...... tell the truth my little dearie --- you DO have the same disorder as us. You can't get help if you don't admit you have a problem . :2nono


Just joking to both of you. I'm in one of them moods today, so look out . :devil


Where's Tabby when I need her ? She's used to these comments and is pretty good at firing some right back . :lol


Oh, Fellow Mouth-keteers !

Are you out there reading this ? :D

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Do you have a 12-step-program??? I really should sign up. When I started the PS last night, DH looked over and asked who is that for? I told him and he just looked at the 3 other project bags sitting there and sighed. :heehee

Just give him a bright smile back...and remind him that as addictions go, at least this one is respectable:lol

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Just give him a bright smile back...and remind him that as addictions go, at least this one is respectable:lol


I look at the quilts my wife has started and the misc. afghans she has going...the yarn in every corner and just smile, it makes her happy and as the saying goes "If mama is happy the household is happy" and if she isn't happy HIDE

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My DH doesn't say a peep. My yarn is bought with "my" spending money, the time is MY relaxation, and the storage compared to his vehicle parts is TINY... However, I'm thinking that I might move my yarn stash out of the closet it is in and into my "craft room". It's too hard to keep it neat when it keeps collapsing onto my head! LOL!

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I'm here, Julie. You are too funny. :lol :lol You ladies are here having fun all morning & I had to listen to a kid scream while he got a shot. :angry



Leslie~Welcome! You'll fit in perfectly because we all have an addiction to these CALS. Good Luck on your PS. :cheer

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I look at the quilts my wife has started and the misc. afghans she has going...the yarn in every corner and just smile, it makes her happy and as the saying goes "If mama is happy the household is happy" and if she isn't happy HIDE

You got it! My DH has learned that one, too!!

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I didn't intend to make Dh seem like an ogre. :) He was just kidding. Actually he doesn't really care what I do or how much yarn I buy. He is very familiar with the concept "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".

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My DH does the same thing anytime I ask him his opinion on a project. I think he didn't really believe when I picked crochet back up that I would still be doing it now or actually finish any ghans lol. But he knows the if momma's not happy rule too and is always telling our DD that momma's the boss and what she says goes. lol gotta love those men.

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I had to BUMP this back up there to the first page. ;)


I have been working on some squares today & am almost done with my ghan. :yay It is so dang hot/humid today that i'm not sure if I want to lay it on me to sew it together but we shall see. It is suppose to rain tonight & tomorrow so it'll cool back down into the 60's & 70's. :clap

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Well I added two rows onto my quilt. It's hard keeping up with these three afghan's I'm actively working on. lol (We won't even think of the UFO's in the bedroom):blush:lol I will have my picture for photo Friday though I *think* I'm halfway through with mine now.:clap

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Judy- I admire you for sticking with 3 of them -- wow, I cannot do that for the life of me. I may have 17 STARTED, but I have to put them all away and hide them or it bothers me that they are all laying here partway done. I wish I could do like some of the rest of you and juggle many at a time, but no-can-do . :lol

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I got a few more blocks graphed out but haven't tried to design a quilt with any of them yet. I may just go through and make one of each for a sample of them so I can play around with them in the design area.

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Here is my Friday photo. It's starting to get big. I have no idea how big it's supposed to be in the end. lol. I ended up with only two more rows done. For me that's pretty good. It's sort of my goal to do 2 rows a week.



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