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Patriotic CAL ~ Anyone interested?


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Last year I started working on this pattern. It's huge and is really nice but it got tedious and I put it away. (Plus I planned to make it as a Christmas gift but my DH loved it so much he said he wanted to keep it when finished so I had to make something else for this person.) Anyway, I have the WIP along with all the yarn in a box under my bed. I happened upon this box this morning and realized I really needed to finish this... It would be a lot easier if there were a group of us cheering each other on...


Or maybe you're wanting to make something else patriotic? Is there enough interest to do a CAL for this?

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Those are lovely.... would anyone have a link to a Britsh flag pattern? I'd love to join in as my DS has requested his next afghan be a British flag design as a nod to his 'discovery' of British Punk Rock!

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Those are lovely.... would anyone have a link to a Britsh flag pattern? I'd love to join in as my DS has requested his next afghan be a British flag design as a nod to his 'discovery' of British Punk Rock!
My DP is English...this would be a hit if you could find a UK flag pattern. An England flag is much easier, though.
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what a coincidence.....I started to crochet a flag but it's the Puerto Rico flag. Im trying to do it on my own because I cant find a pattern


I did find one that was not free so I am going to order it if I cant figure it out.:hook

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Alright, Donna


I'll bite !


I came in last night, signed up, then thought "What am I thinking ? " How am I ever gonna get this done, along with all my other things I have going at the moment ? ( So, I deleted my post )


BUT .... it was too hard to resist. I have been eyeing this flag afghan for a LONG time now and went this morning to get the yarn, so I am IN .


Cannot promise it'll be done in this century, but I'm gonna try to work out a system with all my started projects ,and try to do a little on each one every day .


Here's the pattern I'm using :




Howdy Gang- I see some familiar faces in here ! :hook

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Julie - That's too funny! I'm glad now that I thought of posting this as it appears that I'm not the only one with this WIP and no inspiration to finish it!! The one you're making looks pretty close to the one I'm making. It'll be interesting to see how it looks when finished!


Ok, so now when to actually pick this thing up and start on it again???

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Well, I picked mine up this morning and have started on my first row, so I have offically started ! :)


WOO HOO! :cheer:cheer:cheer You go girl!!! I really need to finish this stole I am making as a gift (should have it finished by tomorrow) and I'm making a set of dishcloths for my niece for her wedding. (They asked for money, no presents and since I hate going to a wedding with just a card, I thought a nice set of items for the kitchen would be good) so hopefully I can pick this thing up this weekend.


My DH will be glad when I do as that's one item he keeps asking me about...

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Nightly update


Got my first strip of red done and on second row of white now . Chugging right along . Love this boring sc --- you can do it without even thinking !


( Making all those stars will be the killer on this one ! )

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How about an afghan of your choice of colors in the shape of a star??



Here is my 5 star afghan:



Baby Star Afghan

© April 2003 by Beth Espina-Cole




1. Red Heart Sport Baby Pompadour Yarn in colors of choice.

  • Aluminum Crochet Hook Size F/5

Gauge: 6 rows from center to one point is 4â€


(As long as the afghan is relatively flat…gauge is really not that important).


You may also use soft or worsted weight yarn and a larger hook for “bigger†babies :D


Special Stitch:


Shell Stitch = 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc


Author’s Note: It is to be understood that ch 3 = 1 dc at the beginning of each round throughout the entire pattern.


The size of the afghan is up to you…these are just the basic instructions to start with.


The picture is a sample of what the afghan looks like after 6 rounds.


Please read the entire pattern before starting! It could save you a headache!


Round 1: Ch 5, sl st in first ch to form ring.


Round 2: 20 dc, (ch 3 + 19 dc) around ring, sl st in 3rd ring of first ch 3.


Round 3: Sc in first dc, {sk next dc, shell (3 dc, 2 ch, 2 dc) in next dc, sk next dc, sc in next dc}. Repeat { } all around. 5 shells & 5 sc’s. Sl st in sc, sl st in first 2 dc’s of first shell, ch 3, dc in 3rd dc of first shell, {shell in ch 2 sp, 2 dc in next 2 dc, sk next 2 dc’s, 2 dc in next 2 dc’s}. Repeat { } all around. * Sl st in 3rd ch of ch 3, sl st in dc after ch 3.


Round 4: Ch 3, dc in next 3 dc’s, {shell in ch 2 sp, dc in next 4 dc’s, sk next 2 dc’s, dc in next 4 dc’s}. Repeat { } around. Repeat * of Round 3.


Round 5: Ch 3, dc in next 5 dc’s, {shell in ch 2 sp, dc in next 6 dc’s, sk next 2 dc’s, dc in next 6 dc’s}. Repeat { } around. Repeat * of Round 3.


Round 6: Ch 3, dc in next 7 dc’s, {shell in ch 2 sp, dc in next 8 dc’s, sk next 2 dc’s, dc in next 8 dc’s}. Repeat { } around. Repeat * of Round 3.


Round 7: Ch 3, dc in next 9 dc’s, {shell in ch 2 sp, dc in next 10 dc’s, sk next 2 dc’s, dc in next 10 dc’s}. Repeat { } around. Repeat * of Round 3.


Continue pattern until desired size. Edging of sc or reverse sc is recommended. Do choice of edging stitch in each dc stitch below. 3 stitches in ch 2 of shell, sk 2 dc’s when you reached the stitches that were skipped in the previous row. Fasten off and weave in ends.


After 7 rows, you can see where the pattern is going…just add 2 dc’s in between the skipped dc’s and the shell tips on every row and you should be fine.


You may alternate colors to give it a bit o’ sparkle!


A star pillow can be made by making 2 stars of 10 rounds each. Trace the star shape on to fabric and make 2 fabric stars, sew 4 sides together and turn inside out. Stuff to desired “squishinessâ€, sew last side of star together. With the crocheted stars, place wrong sides together and sc through both thicknesses around 3 points, place stuffed pillow and sc the star closed.


Here is the picture of my first star afghan and pillow using a slightly different pattern.


This one required that I make the star first and then make the “ripplesâ€. The pillow was made the same way.






Here is a picture of a star afghan that’s almost finished





Here is a finished one with my son modeling it. Isn’t he a cutie! :D



Hope this helps,


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Hi Beth

Those are all very pretty. Thanks for showing them . That would make a pretty patriotic afghan !

The one I'm doing, you have to make 50 wee little stars to sew on the blue background.

That's gonna be where I start moaning , i bet ! :eek

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Howdy gals... Well, stupid me was in such a hurry to get home last night that I left ALL my crochet hooks at work! UGH! You should have seen me last night trying to find something to crochet with. I finally was able to find a lonely hook hiding under some papers on my desk. It was too big for the stole I'm working on but that's ok as I was just working on the edging and even if I have to frog it tonite I was able to work with my crochet last night...


Julie, so on your ghan you add the stars later? On the one I'm working on you actually stitch them while you're making it. Mine's all in DC and you hold the white and blue while working with the stars. Some stitches you hold the white while working the blue and visa versa. It's a pain in the behind!


I must get started on this again by this weekend! I'll try and take a pic of what I've completed thus far by tomorrow.


Go Go Go Go!

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Hi Beth

Those are all very pretty. Thanks for showing them . That would make a pretty patriotic afghan !

The one I'm doing, you have to make 50 wee little stars to sew on the blue background.

That's gonna be where I start moaning , i bet ! :eek


Oh, I'm soo sorry that you have to sew 50 of them! Let's be thankful that it;s only 50 :lol


I made a patriotic one for my BIL and it was like 7 feet across and he's 6'4" so it was just right for him!


I need to get that picture posted!!


God Bless,


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Depending on how long you ladies keep going, I'll join. We're in the middle of moving and hte yarn funds are limited! But I have wanted to do an american flag afghan for my father. I just can't start for a few weeks. Hmmm, actually I have some off white nad dark blue yarn left from previous projects--i could start on the field...between packing up the boxes :)

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I would like to join in as well, as my SIL is deploying again to Iraq in June for another stay in the "Land of Sand", this time for 18 months.

I was thinking of making him an afghan in camo colors to send to him....as long as there is no rush, and this KAL goes on for awhile, as I have many things in the works right now...

Now, since seeing Beth's Star pattern, I am thinking I am going to make him one of those...I love the pattern!

Thanks for the pattern Beth...and your little one is precious:)

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I think I may have to sign up for this one. Oh my! I have been eyeballing this one for a LONG time. My sewing/craft room is being decorated in Americana Patriotic. It's in the antiquey colors though. So, I'd change my colors to represent that. I think it would look really cool though. OKay....when I go out today I'll get my yarns. I'll just switch between this and my Lace and Bobbles since I got all the babyghans done now. :cheer



In other words...COUNT ME IN!:hug

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I would like to join in as well, as my SIL is deploying again to Iraq in June for another stay in the "Land of Sand", this time for 18 months.

I was thinking of making him an afghan in camo colors to send to him....as long as there is no rush, and this KAL goes on for awhile, as I have many things in the works right now...

Now, since seeing Beth's Star pattern, I am thinking I am going to make him one of those...I love the pattern!

Thanks for the pattern Beth...and your little one is precious:)


You're very welcome!


I've had many online friends make this pattern and it never fails to please!


Now if I can only get a copy of the humungo-patriotic one I made for BIL.


I can't wait to see how your afghan looks in camo!


God Bless,


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Looks like you've got a hit with this CAL . Yep, mine you make the stars last then put them on. I may cheat and get sew on type stars I'm not sure yet-- i'll see when I get it further done . I have never tried doing an afghan like yours, when you change colors like that. looks like more than i have patience for !


Rachel - sounds like you have enough yarn left to get a good start .


Nancy- the old-fashioned colors of RWB would be gorgeous !

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  • 1 month later...

Boy, I am bad about picking this project up again! I figured if I started a CAL I would get back into it, but I keep finding other projects that need my attention!


I am, however, going to be designing some kitchen items with a Patriotic flair to them so maybe I'll get to that ghan before Christmas yet!

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I started this flag afghan long ago and after seeing BarbaraJean make the same one, I was hoping that I would dig mine out and finish. I haven't quite done so, but I'm still going to say that I too want to join and make that particular flag design. The starts are made individually in rounds... I think that's why I stopped. Lots and lots of stars!


But I'll join and hope for the best. ;)

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