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A Couple of Afghans I've finished recently...


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I've actually finished three since xmas, but one was for my father for his birthday so he's already got it. When next I get around to his place I'll snap a picture to show. While you wait, here are the other two :)


This one is for my 16 y/o son. HE picked the colour of his room, and it just so happens to be my favourite colour (dark grapey purple--the flash makes it look sort of blue). So naturally, I had to make an afghan to go with it. I've decided it needs to be bigger, but since I'm out of materials it's big enough for him to use for now :D I used the pattern that came free on the Red Heart yarn wrapper, the name of it is "Lacy Diamonds". Despite the name I thought it came out rather masculine-looking. He said it's "awesome" so I suppose I passed muster :D




And a closer view for detail:



And this one is for my parents-in-law. Another item for out at the lake. The MIL has done the living/diningroom (it's a small cabin :) ) in a sunflower theme. So, I went through my binder o' patterns and found this one. The pattern calls for it to be done with flowers in pink, the leaves in green, and the border in cream. I just adapted it to fit her decor. I'm hoping they like it, it's one of those "just because" things as I wanted to try this pattern anyhow. I can't remember which book it's from, but it's definately a Leisure Arts pattern book that was all mile-a-minute patterns.


I have to say that despite having to make all those flowers separately (there's 200 of 'em there), it did work up fairly quickly. Each flower took only a minute or so to make, and I ended up fudging the joining technique as I couldn't figure out their instructions completely. I do think I "got the jist" though :lol


(please ignore the mess in my livingroom :) )



And a closeup for detail:



Thanks for hanging in there to the end, and thanks for looking! :clap

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Those are really pretty! Your son's room is similar in color to my son's room, the way it came out on the monitor, more of a blue-ish color... It looks great! When you get more yarn you can just keep adding around it, but it looks a nice size already...


And the other one i so chearful - what a lovely gift! It's sure to brighten up their place and give them warm and loving feelings!

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Those afghans are both beautiful but I LOVE the sunflower one. You did a great job! I admire your patience since I would not be able to make 200 flowers before going out of my mind! MIL will really appreciate it and see the love that went into making something so tailored for her.:)

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