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Impulse Buyers, Confess!

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When you buy yarn because it catches your fancy (oo, pretty/what a bargain/how interesting) without a pattern in mind, how much do you buy?


Usually, I buy 2 skeins. Which is stupid because its rarely enough to complete a project with. But it seems to be the maximum I can justify buying for no reason whatsoever (strangely, the price itself matters little. I'll buy 2 skeins if its $2 or $12.)


How about you?

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Well, it depends. Like when our HL opened and I got to touch all the Yarn Bee yarn, I grabbed 4 skeins of their Frosting yarn still trying to figure out what to make out of it. Sometimes I'll buy more but I'm like you to where I have no idea what I'll make out of it. Sometimes I just love to pet it! :c9

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oh, I am the worst offender on impulse buying... I have a trunk full of yarn and I still buy for NO REASON WHATSOEVER... I just LIKE it:devil therefore must have it. I generally buy about 500 yards, because many larger projects (shawls, shrugs) seem to need around that amount of yarn... and two skeins generally is not enough to finish a larger project... then you get to the problem of dye lot matching when you finally find the pattern to go with the yarn...:eek and discover you don't have enough!

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I always buy enough to make something with it, usually if I am particularly taken with the yarn I buy enough for two projects, one for me (or whoever) and one to sell to recoup the money spent.

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I have a real problem with impulse buying! If I see it, I want it and HAVE to have it. This isn't just a problem with yarn either, although, when I buy yarn for no reason....it's always 4 skeins. You just don't know if you'll find that particular dye lot again and what if you decide to make something larger than a hat or scarf? 2 skeins just won't do!


My shoe problem is another story.....when I find a pair of shoes that I absolutely love......I buy them in at least 3 different colors. Same with skirts, tops, etc. Usually I buy in 3 different colors. Don't ask me why I do this.....I just do. DH thinks I have OCD. I think he may be right. :rofl


The only thing I don't buy in multiples is purses. Usually my purses are too expensive to buy in multiples so I have to settle. Luckily DH can support my OCD otherwise we would be in BIG trouble!

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Well when that skein of yarn jumps out and says buy me buy me.. :clap Then ya got to think...hmmm... :think now does this yarn look like a project or just a do something small with me.. I judge according to what I think I may do with the yarn... A baby gift then you know about 20 ozs of baby or sport yarn for a small baby afghan etc. You might want to write some projects down you want to do on a small index card and keep in your purse to use as a guide. How much yarn you need for the project and what ply. yarn.:hook

It is all part of being addicted to yarn to just buy yarn for no reason when the mood hits ya.... LOL:yay



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:devil I am horrible when it comes to impulse buying! I normally buy at least 5 to 10 skeins... :flying(usually 10 if it's pink!)
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I usually will see what colors are available. if i like the color and yarn then i'l buy two or three of each color. But i try to get colors that go together so i don't have to worry about a piece and i can use multiple colors.

I did this when i bought 8 skeins of paton classic wool a few days ago. 4 colors 2 skeins each. But i made myself make a scarf with some of it and am thinking of another.

My mother just asked if i wanted to go to joanns :c9 . I think i'll try to limit myself but that will probably fly out the window :devil when i catch sight of the aisle.

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I do tend to impulse buy, especially if the yarn is on sale. If it's expensive yarn marked way down, I'll buy a ton, whether I've got a project in mind or not. If it's inexpensive yarn at regular price, I'll usually buy one or two skeins. If it's expensive yarn at regular price, I might buy one or two, depending on just how pricey it is.

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I'm a scarf addict and usually buy what I think will be enough for a scarf. I have scarves in all fabrics and yarn fibers and I wear them all! (not at the same time).:wgrin

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If it's novelty yarn, 2. Otherwise 4 of large skeins or 8 of smaller skeins. I actually just made my first knitpicks order last night and got 8 skeins each of the 3 types of yarn I wanted to try :blush

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