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Love Bug CAL


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I absolutely fell in love with today's free pattern from Annie's Attic and am going to make it for my DH to stick on top of his Valentine's Day package!


Anyone else wanna make this? Thought it would be a fun, fast CAL!


This pattern is only avail today so get it while you can!!!

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This will be so much fun to make! I may make several! I got started at work today but didn't bring enough red or any fill so I will pick it up again tomorrow. I think my DH will love this little guy!

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OK, so how is everyone doing with their :heart love bugs :heart


Here's mine!! (I ran out of pink so my bug has no hands for now)



My goodness! That was fast! Yours is so adorable!!!! I ran out of red here at work and forgot to bring more. Hopefully I'll remember tomorrow so I can finish him up!


Ok, how come when I stuffed mine you can see the stuffing? I always have such a problem getting things stuffed right! :think

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Mimi, he's adorable! I haven't even started mine yet, I've got a couple other things I need to finish up first. I think I'm going to give mine to the daughter of a dear friend for her birthday. That's not until March, so I've got a little while yet.

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I've already printed this. I've got a whole bunch of white and red cotton in my stash, so I was going to make a bunch for my co-workers (47 teachers and staff!!!!) So, I'm up for it.


I'll keep posting a running total as I go.

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I was really surprised at how fast it works up. I am not totally done with mine yet, but he (she?) is stuffed, with a nose sewn on. The rest should go pretty fast. What do you all think about giving one of these to your brother? Just to let him know you care? I was going to send one to my brother with some homemade candy (if I ever get the stuff to make any, that is.... I might end up buying some...) Anyway... :shrug



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This is funny cause I check before I leave home to go to work to see the post and I fell in love with it and printed it out and brought some pink and peach yarn to work with me. I am gonna make it also . I have to buy the fill anyway to finish up some projects at home. I am here . with ya donna:cheer





p.s I am kind of air headed today cause I thought you ladies were talking about the heart . I did the love bug the other day

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I have made one but it is not completely done.

:bump Just bumping this.. Has anyone made any more lovebugs yet? I started one, finally. I was thinking about making one in purple and pink. :vheart



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Mine is almost done. I bought the pipe cleaners last night for the antenna but have one more arm to finish then attach the eyes and it'll be done. I made a boo-boo and made the whole love bug in Red Heart Super Saver but used the pink parts in Simply Soft (not a good idea!) my wings are folding and not sitting correctly. Oh well, it's the thought that counts!

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How are everyone's love bugs coming? Valentine's Day is tomorrow!!! Let's get stitching! (All I have to do is attach the eyes and antenna)


I also loved that little "heart" guy with the hair! He is sooooo cute!

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Mine is finished, I've been keeping him up away from the kids. I wanted to make my own chocolate hearts to put one or two in his 'hands', but it doesn't look like I am going to make any until next payday or so... Anyway here he is:





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