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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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That would be a special little birdie if he brought me some of that yarn -- i don't usually get to work with expensive yarns , but one of my Fairy Yarnmothers sent me some awhile back that I already have a project slated for. It's on the back burner til the flower garden is done, but I definitely have plans for it next !

I'll feel like a princess using it !


I know what you mean about feeling like a princess when you use special yarn. I have been very spoiled the last couple of years - our income status changed which has allowed me to enjoy a little more freedom. It was not always this way - wasn't that long ago that I could barely afford a few skeins of $1.50 yarn at a time and then felt really guilty! I like to share my yarn... my cousin gets to "shop" in my stash a lot; so do my daughter and neices.


I think I saw a bird rooting around in my stash this morning... hmmm, wonder what it's up to!

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Congrats Mare!! We too have had an income change...the kids still seem to suck it up just as fast though.....LOL


I'm on rnd 62 now -- slowly but surely.

I brought a doily project with me to work today so I wouldn't have to lug so much with me. I got working on it and realized that 2 rounds down, on round 16 while I was working on round 18, I had goofed. Enough that it was not fixable without a good, healthy :frog I whined the whole time. But I wouldn't have been happy with it otherwise.....

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Congrats to those of you with bigger bucks coming in ! That'd be great .


Also ,special gold stars awarded to those of you trying to attend classes and keep a family going , PLUS crochet ! :sstar :sstar


Shelain - that new little baby has a treat coming if you are making all those handmade things !


Mare - If that bird is heading THIS way, I hope one of our grouchy old neighbors who like to pellet gun the birds and squirrels doesn't see HIM coming. He may get shot down before he reaches my house !

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Hello All

I am still new there and still learing. I love to surf the net but this wonderful site has a lot of waves to check out.

Would someone please tell me what a Cal is??

Sorry I am lost on that one.

Well looking forward to getting to know some of you and getting to chat.


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C A L is a crochet along .This is where a group of people get together and make the same thing and post their progress and even post pictures when they are finished or as they go along...we also help each other when we are stuck at some point. Join one ...you'll like it!:hook


Hello All

I am still new there and still learing. I love to surf the net but this wonderful site has a lot of waves to check out.

Would someone please tell me what a Cal is??

Sorry I am lost on that one.

Well looking forward to getting to know some of you and getting to chat.


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Thank you for letting me know what a CAL is.:ty

Sounds like fun.

Hopefully I will get the hang of this site and know my way around so I know what is going on.

I really need to get the pictures of my crochet projects on disk here. I have been crocheting for years and years but didn't really start taking pictures until a few years ago. Shame.. Shame on me lol lol.

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There is hope!!!!! I have my yarn, but have been patiently awaiting my pattern. I emailed the seller today to ask if she had received my order and check.


She emailed me back and said it just came today. She said it was posted on 12/29 and took this long to get there! Wonder what kind of trip it went on!


Anyway, she said she was mailing it ouy yesterday, so hopefully I will have it this weekend and can finally start. Since everyone else is almost done I guess I will be CA (Crocheting Alone) :(

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I want to make another one too. Haven't gotten my yarn or anything yet and I do have other projects to do first - so, I guess now that I think about it - well, I guess you will be CA LOL sorry......well, not with ME anyway. I think we still have a few lurking! Didn't ThreeOlive say she was thinking about doing this one....and a few others are making more than one, too?

You won't be alone! We're all still here!!! I'm only on round 63, not making much progress these days. Hopefully, I can whip out a dozen or more this weekend.

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There is hope!!!!! I have my yarn, but have been patiently awaiting my pattern. I emailed the seller today to ask if she had received my order and check.


She emailed me back and said it just came today. She said it was posted on 12/29 and took this long to get there! Wonder what kind of trip it went on!


Anyway, she said she was mailing it ouy yesterday, so hopefully I will have it this weekend and can finally start. Since everyone else is almost done I guess I will be CA (Crocheting Alone) :(


Oh NO YOU WON"T :lol :lol :lol My last box of yarn arrived yesterday. :woo:jumpyay:woo I didn't get home from work till almost 9pm so I didn't get started on the ghan yet but tonight... oh yes, tonight is the night and I can hardly wait to get my fingers wrapped around that wonderful alpaca loveliness :drool :drool :drool


So, if you are just getting started or straggling along, you won't be alone!

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Sorry I've been MIA ladies... not only have I been too busy to work on my L&B, but I ran out of my smoky grey color. I'll have to get another skein when I go to Jo Ann's today...


My afghan is sitting on the ottoman of my chair (it's an oversized one) and everytime someone comes in, my dd keeps saying that she wants it and I just won't give it to her as it's for me. hahaha I might just have to end up making one for her in colors she likes. It is a fun one to make. And, I'm thinking the 2nd one should go much faster, don't you think?


Anywhooot.....I'll hopefully be back stitching on it tomorrow as the kids don't have school (an inservice day) and we're just hanging out at home. :yay

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Hey Mare

We are all waiting to see some photos of your afghan, so take photos and ost them often. We have all heard about all your colors and ow excited you are to get them all, so now we want to see the afghan as it progresses !



You probably won't be alone out there These crochetalongs seem to run on and on . You have ome people finish then new ones join in ,so there's constantly a new flow of people through . We won't leave you stranded in here. Those of us who finish will be more than happy to come in and keep cheering you on !

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I will be around for a while. I actually have plans to make 3 of these. I still haven't had time to do any crocheting and a I have a few baby hats to make before I can get back to this :(

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:rock Oh good! I am so glad there are people left that are starting this, and still working at it! I just got some of my yarn and this weekend I am planning to crochet, crochet, crochet as my dh will be away. The trouble is, I have so many projects going. I hope to do a little of everything, and get a good start on this.:hook
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Hey ladies. I've been on the road for work the past three days, so no crocheting has been done on my ghans.:( They are too large to travel with at this point. I've missed them too. I'm gonna see if I can get a few rows done tonight.




I'm just lurking on this thread until I get my pattern from eBay.. but I had to respond to this.


The last car trip I made I took a afghan in progress along.. in it's OWN SUITCASE. :lol umm I'm not addicted, I'm not!:sofunny:rolleyes

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Good morning ladies! :sun

It sounds like several of you have big crocheting planned for the weekend ! I hope you're all able to find some time to work on a project !


Crystal - sorry to hear of your headache. I get those too and they pretty much put you out of commission, don't they ?


To all the rest of the ladies who have been ill or have an ill family member, I hope you are all improving each day !


To those of you that have yet to start, I think there'll be company in here for quite awhile yet to come ! I also may possibly do another one of these at some point, but not sure when. I keep on finding more and more things I want to work on. I think there is one drawback to C-ville . I used to pretty well keep my crochet projects down to a minimum . I'd pick out one thing to make, buy the things needed for it, and work on it til it was done. THEN I would decide what to do next . I am a very one-track minded person . But lately, it seems that I keep buying more and more yarn , more patterns, and have more ideas floating around in my head for things I want to do. I have more --C -along projects in mind ,and bags of yarn labeled with what pattern I need them for . This is getting out of control here !

Oh well, it could be worse. My DRINKING, GAMBLING OR MAN-STEALING could be getting out of hand. Those would all be worse for me than crocheting , I think ~~~:lol

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I'm just lurking on this thread until I get my pattern from eBay.. but I had to respond to this.


The last car trip I made I took a afghan in progress along.. in it's OWN SUITCASE. :lol umm I'm not addicted, I'm not!:sofunny:rolleyes


Oh, if I were gone for a long time, I would of done this. Hope your pattern arrives soon Lisa. This really is a fun project.


I did two rows last night so I'm on row 73.:hook



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