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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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the next one I make. I'm going use a bigger hook so I can put this one on my bed.


This is what I plan on doing with the purple/lilac one. I'm not going to go up in hook size though until I get to the square. Hopefully it will turn out the way I want it too.


I'm hitting the road for work and unfortunately won't get to crochet on either ghan probably until Wed :angry but here's where I'm at with both.








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YEEEEEEEEHHHAAAAAAAA!!!! I FINALY FINISHED THE TAZ GHAN:clap :clap I's about time right. Well, I know theres a couple of mistakes there cause it doesnt look so much like him in the face but making this ghan for me was something like going through labor....I just wanted it to be over...:lol ok...i see you guys smerking and giggling....:lolth_FinishedTaz.jpgNOW I CAN FINALLY CONTINUE WITH MY LACES AND BOBBLES...YAYYYYYY:hook

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I know theres a couple of mistakes there cause it doesnt look so much like him in the face th_FinishedTaz.jpgNOW I CAN FINALLY CONTINUE WITH MY LACES AND BOBBLES...YAYYYYYY:hook


I think it looks like him!!! YOU DID A GREAT JOB!!!

And congratulations on finishing it!!!

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Oi, I should have gotten back to you sooner. I am about an hour and half from Myrtle Beach, in the middle of nowhere... I am so glad to know you like South Carolina so much :). I do too. Please, call me Meg, and I will endeavor to sign all of my posts. I ought to remember to now, anyway! I hope to be starting my afghan in a couple of weeks.


Hi Crafty -

( Can I ask what your first name is ? ) I always like calling people by their name, so it seems like I get to know you all better. You live in my favorite state, you lucky thing ! What part of the state are you in ?

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This is what I plan on doing with the purple/lilac one. I'm not going to go up in hook size though until I get to the square. Hopefully it will turn out the way I want it too.


I'm hitting the road for work and unfortunately won't get to crochet on either ghan probably until Wed :angry but here's where I'm at with both.








I really love the both one. looks really good.

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Thank You Cristin!! It feels so good to finally finish!


Thanks Julie....I'm backkkk !!! I'm gonna go full speed ahead now with the laces and bobbles .:hook




I think it looks like him!!! YOU DID A GREAT JOB!!!

And congratulations on finishing it!!!

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Madelyn - I love both of your's :manyheart


Olga - Taz is so cute


Cristin - Thanks for the encouragement :D



Heres an updated pic of mine. I just finished round 37 (today was a busy day) :blush



I wanted to share a pic of my little guy too. We went shopping today and found a mini drum kit for him for only $14 at Target :yay I didn't resize so I will just put the link :D




Happy Crocheting :hook

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Everyones' blankets look so pretty!! I got started and finished row 10 - I could probably do more but I think I'm going to go relax with hubby and read for a bit before bed. I think I've got a color palette I can live with worked out, too. :D


No pictures - once we get dh's camera back from the shop I'll get one.


I didn't realize just how many rows are in this thing! :lol

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Morning, Ladies


Just a note for those of you that may make the same error I did.... I cannot figure out what I did wrong , but in case you do the same thing, I will show you how I corrected it so you won't have to tear out a REALLY lot of work !


On row 53, when it says to ( sk next sc, work cluster,ch 3 ) across to next corner... I did as the pattern states, but I ended up with WAY more clusters than they said you should. It looked ok, not too frilly along the edges, but I knew the next row would have to be something a little "tighter" so to speak, to make up for all the extra stitches .


Well, on row 54, it said to (3sc in next ch 3 sp, sc in next st ) across. I started that and thought NO WAY --- this is gonna turn out with WAY too many stitches on this row. SO , I sc'd into each ch 3 sp and into the next st ( top of the cluster) across. It looks fine and tightened up all those extra stitches I had on the row before .


I have no idea what I did wrong or where I messed up, but at this point, there is NO way I am tearing out several rows of work . I just wanna GET IT DONE .


Anyhow, just a heads up .. maybe I'll be the only one that does that row wrong, but just in case -- here's an easy solution to you to correct the problem !


:) I am now on row 55 -- my next project is gonna have to be something totally mindless. I need a break ~~~~~ :eek

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Thanks for the heads up Julie! I will probably need that info when I get that far. This is by far the most complicated thing I have done. I have never even attempted a bobble.I didnt get to work on mine as much as I would have liked yesterday, I only get about 4 rows done. I noticed in the pictures that everyone seems to be weaving their ends in as they go, are all of you doing this? I hate doing it but I think I may weave as I go with this because I know that when I get through I will want to show it off right away and if I have to spend hours weaving in ends I will get frustrated.


How do you all finish off your ends? Mine never look very nice and was just wondering how yall did it....

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Ok, I wanted to get a lot more of this done today but I am haveing a problem...


On round 26 I have 66 sc on each side(youdo count the sc on each side of the ch 3 in the corners right? I did, technically there is 64 sc between each corner) and I can not get the ch 1 spaces in round 27 to come out right. I keep getting 24. What am I doing wrong? I am going to put it down tuntill I get a reply cause I dont want to mess it up




Oh, and thanks Julie, I started working over the ends today and I think I like it, Much less work!

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Shelain - If the stich isn't too open I crocet over my ends, and if I don't forget :) There's about 7 hanging on mine that I didn't do, I will just weave those in at the end.


I'm on round 41 now just finished up the bobbles this morning. I really don't mind doing them. It was the sc over them that was driving me nuts. I love this afghan, but the one thing I really dont like is all the sc's. I'm not a big fan of doing sc's, I like the way they look and everything I just don't like to make them :lol

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OK, THAT'S IT! I'm going to start crocheting over my ends now too! I used to try to crochet them into it (using two strand: tail and yarn) and never liked the fact that the stitches "bulked up" ....now I've found a better way! Thanks Julie!!! (and Danielle)


I only got through a couple rounds at lunch today. I'm on 24 now I think. :)

Loving my first crochetalong!!!!!

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I also crochet over as I go. It's so much easier that way! Then, I go back and cut off the extra. I'm hoping to get to work on mine tonight!! :clap

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Wow... Madelyn and Danielle! Your ghans are gorgeous! I can't wait to get started but I am forcing myself to finish my 35 grannies first and it's not even half way :(


I have been getting my yarn for this one, though. It's going to be the most expensive afghan I've ever made I think!!! I'm going to do it in alpaca. I've always wanted to do a ghan in alpaca-it's so soft and snuggly! Of course, it'll be many colors because that seems to be the way I do things. So far I have a burgandy multi color blend, an earthy orange, grey, dijon, lemon yellow... I'm bidding on some steel blue, grapevine, royal blue and cream.


Oh well, hope you all have a great day!

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Cristin - With this one, because we are finishing off and starting in a new corner, I have been starting in the oposite corner of where I finished the last round. This way I only have one strand to crochet over instead of 2.


Quiltymare - those colors sound so pretty. I bought the 2 colors of green and the verigated and then dug around in my stash to see what else I had that would go. I still have 3 more colors to add Soft White, Navy, and Dark Grey. I don't like the way the country blue in mine goes with the verigated but It doesn't bother me enough to rip it out and take it apart :lol

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Ooh, alpaca will be heavenly! Hope your keeping this one~:hook I want to get some more of mine done since its raining and for some reason I want to crochet when its raining. Maby I will figure out what I am doing wrong on round 27.....

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Is anyone else around row 26 that could give Shelain any pointers ? I am so far beyond that now that I won't be much help at this point I don't think !


I hope someone else is close to that point . The only row so far I had trouble with was the one I mentioned eralier this morning 52---

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OK, you guys are having too much fun in here. I have purposely avoided reading this thread because I love this pattern but was intimidated by it, but the post count was racking up so quickly I thought I'd come find out what the chatter was all about- you guys are a riot! Now of course, I want to get in on it. Sigh. But hey, I'll be here as soon as I can wrangle some yarn/pattern money.


I think this says chenille, and I have a few yarns already- I just need to pick up some darker tones for contrast. I can't wait- this sounds like quite the learning experience, plus it's not repetitive, so I shouldn't get bored. Great choice for a CAL!


See you soon!

<back to lurkdom>

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