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They liked their gifts!

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I vowed to make an all-handmade (all-crochet) Christmas this year, and except for some slippers and towels for Mom, I did. And everybody liked their gifts! My sister thought her placemats were doilies, and is going to use them as such, so I guess that means I can make her more placemats next year. :lol Best of all, my nephew, who I was afraid would think the Crunch Tie was lame, really liked it. Mom said he put it on and wore it all evening, on top of a hooded sweatshirt. That's pretty brave for a 15-year-old. I'm riding high, but now worried that my skills had better get better fast, so I can make some clothes for next year, because now I have to top myself. On the agenda for 2006--real doilies! Patty

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Isnt it great when everyone loves what you made for them. Every year I give the "girls" in my family a Janet gift as I call it. Something extra just from me. This year I started crocheting and they all got scarves and they just loved them. They all said - You made this???!!!! :cheer Same here, now I have to learn something new for next year - i am new to crocheting so I am limited in my skill but am willing to learn

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I also did a crochet christmas, it was fun though it puts you under a bit of stress trying to get everything done in time! This year the big hit for me was that i crocheted earrings for my boyfriends mother and sister-they LOVED them. I made them out of a thin gauge wire and glass beads to coordinate with the purses i also crocheted for them. I'm just so relieved that they liked them :)

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I did the same for my girls. My attention-span's not quite up to something hubby-sized (especially after he "lost" his cell phone cozy 'cause the guys at work made fun of it :grumpy), but the girls' all got lots of crocheted stuff. It's a lot more economical for me this way, & it helped thin the stash a bit.

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i think we all did something crochet for someone! isn't it wonderful! we draw names so for the 2 i got mom: shawl, nana: felted bag and 2 scarves. then i did wrist warmers for my daughter and neice, mittens and a scarf set for my nephew as requested (he's soo cute!) poncho for best friend, hat for best friend's hubby, hat for dad, scarf for friend, and dang if i can recall what else but i know i made more! i know all my reipients love thier gifts, and the rush i get from making and giving is immense! so i give a huge thank you to my mom who taught me to crochet when i was 7!

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I made a scarf for my brother which he was rather indifferent about but the hat (Dot's "Honeycomb Hat") that I made for my friend was very well received. I guess one out of two isn't bad. :)



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I think my best received was a scarf (one that was already made up) given to a new friend of my "girl" (I'm her adopted mom). He was not expecting anything and when he opened it, almost cried - he was so thrilled with it. It even went with a new jacket he got. I gave hats, crochet covered CD coasters and potholders. All were really well received.

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i made scarves for my family, my mom loved hers and wears it even to bed(she gets cold easy) my brother and sisters nieces and nephews all oved theirs. bil his and then there was what i made for my hubby and kids. made hubby a blanket(he loves it and is using it as i type) and kids i made dd a purse and son i made him some bookmarks(he is a teacher and has lots of things bookmarked. mostly i crocheted , but did also buy some stuff, next year am hoping to make it a all craft christmas, not just crochet, but knitting/cross stitch/plastic canvas/painting ect. lots of different mediums. but this next year i can tell you, i am starting in janurary as soon as i finish the projects i have going now:think :think:lol :lol :lol:hug :hug :hug

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... my sister in law LOVED her corkscrew/curly scarf! (I did too. I did'nt want to give it up, such a beautiful chocolatey color with a soft mohair-esque off white trim. So beautiful!) and my brother in law... well, he does'nt want to take off his camo hat I made him (it striped! It's so cool looking!). My mother thought her pink and white furry scarf I made her was beautiful, but my sis was indifferent about her plain pink scarf I made her. OH, and my mother in law would'nt stop gushing over her scarf. :D I love making people things.:D:D

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