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My 12 year old crocheter :) BRAG BRAG BRAG

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My 12 year old daughter bought some "fun fur" type yarn on sale for $1.50 and crocheted her sisters and all her friends trendy little scarves. She also crocheted hair scrunchies for them. She just took those coated rubber hair bands and used scrap yarn we have here at the house and crocheted up a ton. She is also crocheting doll clothes for her sisters. She keeps me motivated! I wish the other girls (I have 3 more) were interested in crocheting. My SON is the only other one that wants to learn (I am still trying to convince my husband that it is ok :D) My 12 year old has been crocheting for about 2 years now and does a very nice job. Her next project is an afghan. She is planning on a wild colored one done in the waffle weave.



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I think it is great that your daughter crochets. My 15 year old won't because it's a Mom thing to do. But I just recently helped my niece who is 16 learn, so maybe my kid will see my niece and want to learn how. I can only hope.


And tell your husband that it is ok for boys to crochet. It helps with fine motor skills and it could help him later in life.


Crochet is cool for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:clap


Horray for Crochet!!!!!!!!!!!1:cheer



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Congrats to your daughter...way to go!

About guys and crochet --

I'm fairly new to Crochetville, and this kind of info may have been posted before. If so, forgive me...:lol

My mom said her cousin learned to crochet in a military hospital during World War II. He learned as therapy, to help his hand and arm coordination. He crocheted often, and said he had other friends who had been wounded who learned in the hospital.

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Last week I held an after school holiday craft activity during which a twelve year old boy managed to crochet a christmas bell. He was so proud and looks forward to making something else this week. I hope your son does take up crocheting and enjoys it as much as you do.

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Just wanted to let you know that I have 2 uncles that crochet. 1 of the uncles even has his bond knitting machine and loves it. He bought it for my aunt-his wife 1 year for christmas but she just couldn't understand how to use it and told him to take it back to the store. So he sat down one day to figure it out and got really hooked on it. He made lots of afghans using it during the games on Sundays.

The other uncle made lots of baskets out of fabric by crocheting :hook with the fabric back when they were very popular.

I read somewhere kids who crochet and knit are very good in math at school. You need to know those things and know more as you get deeper in crochet over the years. so there fore better in math. Tell your son to crochet and not worry about what the kids may say. there are lots of boys who crochet. A while back about 2 or 3 months ago over at about.come crochet group someone posted an article from the newspaper that alot of boys are picking up crochet. It keeps them out of trouble. 1 boy whos a teenager crochets alot! He got in the newspaper.

Comes in handy later in life. Tell your husband that theres lots of navy men who crochets. They need to pass some times on the boat sometimes it becomes a hobby. does your son fish? He could make a net. Lots of deep sea fisherman knits and crochet as well.

Your daughter is doing great. I have not done the basketweave pattern yet and will next year sometime.

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Oh wow! Good for her! She's more experienced than I am! lol.


But seriously, that's really cool that she's into it. I think that's the problem with a lot of kids today. They have no bonafied hobbies.


I think it's even cooler that she's using her craft to make gifts for others! She sounds like a really great kid! Kudos to you Mom!

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if your boy isd interested let him do it but also teach him to sew mend and knit....it will help make him more self sufficient.



as far as the hubby tell him crochet dont make the boy a sissy....and can lead to him getting several dates when he gets older (youd be amazed at what you can run into a a craft store,)

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Congrats to your daughter...way to go!


About guys and crochet --


I'm fairly new to Crochetville, and this kind of info may have been posted before. If so, forgive me...:lol


My mom said her cousin learned to crochet in a military hospital during World War II. He learned as therapy, to help his hand and arm coordination. He crocheted often, and said he had other friends who had been wounded who learned in the hospital.


that where i learned too!

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Rosie Greer, the big tough former football player, needlepoints. A real man is someone who can feel comfortable in their own skin, no matter what other people think. So, if your son takes up crafts and enjoys them and doesnt' care what some uninformed people may think, then he is that much further on the road to adulthood. Good for him! :clap


Not to mention... my favorite craft store is called "Michael's" -- that's a guy -- and he's rich beyond what anyone can imagine (I know someone who knows him).... crafting served him well.

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My son is 2 and has expressed some interest in crocheting. I don't care what Dad says, I'm willing to teach him if he's willing to learn...maybe in a couple years though. Just the other day I caught my kiddo with a hook and the cord for the cell phone charger (it wasn't plugged in) he saw me and proudly declared, "look, mommy, I'm crocheting!" I thought that was pretty cool.:hook

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How great that your kids are into crochet - what a good activity to keep them occupied on long car trips - I know it keeps me from getting cranky :P


I was interested to hear about the connection between math and crochet and I believe it - my Uncle (in his mid 60's) does all the crochet borders on my Aunt's knitted ponchos. I've just recently learned crochet and we like to talk shop when we get together. He is an engineer, BTW. It is a cool thing to bond over.

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My 13 yo wants to learn to,... and he is my boy! I have no daughters so this is it! He is about as all boy as you can get, and recently learned how to cross-stitch and is even cross-stitching gifts for Christmas!


I was a 14 year Army vet and I knew several people, men and women, who learned to crochet as therapy for their arms and wrists. One guy in my unit decided he might as well do something useful since he had to do it anyway, so I taught him a few stitches and he made a beautiful afghan for his wife for her birthday!

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Congrats on teaching your daughter.... I know that knitting and crocheting together has been a great bonding thing for me and my mom... (She taught me to knit when I was about 10 years old.) But, the women in my family tned to flip which on they perfure by generations. Grandma crochets, my mom knits, and I crochet... ( I knit, too, but I like crochet better)... My sister has never wanted to learn so, I'm the only one that does it in the family...


As to men doing knitting or crocheting, I dont' think it's a big deal. I have heard that doctors recomend it to a lot of differnt people who need flexablity in thier fingers and wrists.

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