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Brain Fart

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Does anyone else brain fart when reading a crochet pattern? I am making the lion brand mittens and instead of reading that you should have 30 stitches, I read that you should do the increase row 30 times. I would have had the biggest mittens ever.:lol I still can't stop giggling about it. Nobody at work crochets so they don't get the humor, I had to share it here.

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Yep, I have that problem to. Only I usually realize about 3/4 of the way through a project.

I saw a bumper sticker that reminds me of this:

"Quiet brain! Or I'll poke you with another Q-tip!"

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Oh I've done things similar to that:eek . I have also been reading a pattern (and I mean over and over again), and I'm like what? :confused You're not alone....:D

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What I love is when I make a mistake,:eek Frog it and then put it back in just the same way again,:bang Well, they do say third times a charm. :think Sometimes I feel like my life is really charmed :lol Either that or I really love to frog things. :frog

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Don't you luv it when you're thinking, "What was I thinking?" and you realize, "Probably nothing!"


Brain fart is a kinder explanation than senior moment. I think I may be having both.

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I do this way too much. I've learned to just set it aside and work on something else or just leave it for a while and when I come back I can often read the directions more clearly.


What I love is when I make a mistake,:eek Frog it and then put it back in just the same way again,:bang Well, they do say third times a charm. :think Sometimes I feel like my life is really charmed :lol Either that or I really love to frog things. :frog
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:lol at all of us here!! I have discovered that I absolutely cannot read a pattern worth diddly if I'm too tired, so I work on something either in freeform or that has an easy pattern repeat. Otherwise, I end with :frog :frog :frog :frog and reworking it the same way about 5 or 6 times!!


I find that when this happens, I have to :frog it all out and start over from scratch. It's amazing how the words in the patterns change when I start over....:think

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I've definetely had those moments. I feel so silly sometimes. Then, to help I try to read the pattern out loud or something, and DH is like.....what?!?!? One thing that really gets me though, is trying to concentrate and the family won't quit being loud, and bugging me. DH once was playing the PS2 it was some kind of gladiator game, and one missioin, his character was running around, trying to distract guards or something, and kept on whistling! Drove me nuts!!!!!!!

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Here I was thinking I was the only one that misread a pattern more than once wrong. I don't feel so bad when I do it just once but when you have frogged a piece more than once and did the same mistake each time it makes me feel STUPID!!!:angry


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I did that the other night with the chenille stocking from lionbrand, vicki (mythunderbirdz0 helped me, and it was lik:nworthy , and I started a lollipop romper from craft town, when I was prego with Anna, I never did figure out how the pants were put togeather! I got all of the pieces made and never just never could figure out how to sew them togeather.

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Yeah, it happens to me too. And lately while I've been trying to decipher patterns in English, it's gone way beyond farting, my brain's felt positively constipated from time to time. :lol

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What I love is when I make a mistake,:eek Frog it and then put it back in just the same way again...


This summer I made a doily and had to frog a row three times because I kept making the same mistake in the same spot. I wasn't about to frog it a fourth time so I fudged it and continued on my merry way. I entered that doily in the Western Washington Fair and, wouldn't you know it? I got third place! It was the first thing I'd ever entered so I was pretty happy with that. But next year, I'm going to get something perfect and try for first place!

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I was making a doily while on my normal mix of planes, trains and automobiles and frogged that doily about 20 times....once all the way back to the beginning, several times I would frog back, get to where I had been and find another mistake past the one that I frogged back to! I swear that sometimes my mind takes a leave of absence and goes jetting off to the Bahamas and several Rum Runners without the fun being shared with the rest of my body! :lol

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