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2024 Stashbusting CAL


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I'm at my parents this weekend so I'm checking in. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. I had trouble with WiFi so been off line since around June 20th (off/on). I went to a Cafe Nero near me once, just to check my e-mails (70+, mostly SPAM). It was very crowded so I didn't stay long. Without WiFi, I went to work, :crocheting  and worked in my garden. Others at work saw my hats and wanted them too. So, I'm made more hats and I have to make more bunnies too. I used 4 slightly used skeins and 8 balls (+ 16) :cheer. Being off line and having some :2rain days turned out to be a good thing :lol . Yesterday I went shopping with my mom and got 2 skeins for the hats and bunnies (- 4). But I :crocheting after lunch and last night, so I used a ball and rolled a skein down (+ 2). Got all the hats done and started a bunny :rabbit . I'll try to get some more :crocheting in today.

WTD: + 14  YTD: + 51

Ellie 13

P.S. during that time I got some exercise in and lost 3 pounds :yay .

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I may or may not have had a yarn influx... :devil

A friend from my knitting/crocheting group is moving to Tennessee very soon.  I'm going to really miss her, but I understand...they're transplants from the south, and sick of New England weather (although, one might argue that we're having Florida summer weather at the moment 🤣). They're trying to clear out their things, to have less to move.  SO...yours truly is the happy recipient of all her Lion Brand Wool yarn! I figure I can make sweaters with it.  It's 19 skeins, so:

WTD = -38



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16 minutes ago, greyhoundgrandma said:

WTD scores for the week ending 7/6/24:

Gold Medal Winner: Ellie 13 +14

greyhoundgrandma 0

Shoot the Moon Winner: PBLKNP -38

Oh, dear… I’ll make a note to do the totals next week!

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WTD Scores for the week ending July 13

Gold Medal Winner: PBLKNP +2

greyhoundgrandma 0

NO Shoot the Moon Winner!

May we all have a good week and may we all count our blessings. :ghug

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I didn't get to post because I was offline again :irk . I'm at Cafe Nero now. I had to work today because I needed Mon. off, so no posting this morning either. I can add the + 1 to next week. My garden is starting to pay off. I got 7 cucumbers, lots of green beans and I should have some cherry tomatoes in a week or 2 :) . I have to do a family ZOOM in a few minutes, so I'll sign off now.

Ellie 13


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WTD Scores for the week ending 7/20/24:

Gold Medal Winner: Ellie 13 +1


greyhoundgrandma 0

No Shoot the Moon winner this week!


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Did not use up a skein, although I made progress on both my WIPs.  I did some work in the car down and back from our grandson’s reception in Waterbury—they married on the west coast back in May, but had another reception here for those of us who couldn’t go to California.  It was a wonderful time.


WTD 0  YTD -32


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I ordered the yarn (and paid for patterns) for two Christmas gifts--a dinosaur sweater for the baby grand and a shawl with pockets for his mom--so I guess I'll have to pull up my big girl panties and crochet whether I feel like it or not.

Meantime.....WTD 0 

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Goose eggs again, I’m afraid.  However, I’ve started up work again on my sweater, so hopefully I can use up a few more skeins soon.

WTD = 0


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I FINALLY used up a skein! I’m making good progress with the sweater. I’m hoping to using up another skein this week. 

WTD = +2


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