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2024 Stashbusting CAL


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I was busy working and trying to get my garden ready. Every time I thought I got the weeds out; they snuck back in :( . I have tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers and green beans ready to be planted. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so I'll work on the garden. I might have to wait until next week to plant things though. I had no points since May 10th. 

WTD:   0   YTD:   + 36

Ellie 13

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I’m afraid a big goose eggs again. I have a few days off after Memorial Day, so I’m hoping to continue with my more complicated project. It requires me sitting quietly to concentrate, but I keep not having the time (or the peace & quiet 🤣). 

WTD = 0

YTD = +6


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YTD scores for the end of May:

Gold Medal Winner: Ellie 13 +36

Silver Medal Winner: PBLKNP + 6

Bronze Medal Winner: greyhoundgrandma +2

No Shoot the Moon Winner!

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WTD = -2

The town next to us just opened a new yarn store!  The owner is still in the process of getting everything stocked and set up, but she has lovely yarn. She's planning to have open knitting/crocheting and classes, plus a square of the month class (to make an afghan) which sounds fun. I got a nice skein of sock yarn.  The picture doesn’t do it justice, it’s a lovely shade of blues, pinks, and a light brown color.


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1 hour ago, greyhoundgrandma said:

WTD scores for the week ending 6/1/24:

greyhoundgrandma 0

Shoot the Moon winner: PBLKNP -2

I’ll make a note to do the totals next week!  

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WTD scores for the week ending 6/8/24:

greyhoundgrandma 0


No Shoot the Moon winner this week! 

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I haven't been here since May 24th, 3 weeks :eek . I use my neighbor's WIFi and she's been having problems with it. I used/got :yarn so my score is +1 for all that time. I've been working and gardening most of the time anyway. I've got beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and summer squash (weeds too :lol). Everything's looking great.

WTD: + 1  YTD: + 37

Ellie 13

HAPPY FARTHER'S DAY !! to all the dads out there.

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I’m also 0 for the week, although I’ve resumed my sweater, so hopefully I’ll use up more next week. 

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Sorry not to post sooner, but I couldn’t get on the site last night for some reason…

I ALMOST was in the negative, but as I was leaving for the yarn store, we looked at our calendars and realized that yesterday was our grandson’s 7th birthday party!  We scrambled to get ready and over there.  I had to reschedule my Instacart order, which involved 30 minutes on the phone with someone not in this country, and even then they screwed it up.  My usual Instacart shopper texted me, asking if I really meant to put in TWO orders!  

Anyway, I didn’t make it to buy any yarn, so:

WTD 0  YTD +4


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