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How do you store your miscellaneous crochet patterns? (got pics to work!)

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Ya know, ones you print off the internet and just individual patterns that aren't in magazines or books.....

I store mine in a large binder in plastic sleeves, and I use that binder ALL the time. It's very convenient and keeps the patterns nice and protected!




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When I find a pattern I like on the web, I save the entire page, including its images, to my hard drive. I put each pattern in a separate folder, and they all go into my crochet patterns folder.


This works well for me, because I take my laptop with me when I travel - so I always have my patterns with me. I only print a pattern if I've decided to make that one right away.

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I store patterns that I've printed out in binders. No sleeves, just punched with a 3-hole punch and stuck in binders by category. I put those little round stickers that you can put over punch holes over the pages near the beginning/end of each binder so they won't get torn up from turning the pages. I have the categories marked with tabs I made out of plain label stickers, (at the edge of the first pattern in the category, one label on each side of the page so it makes a sturdy tab that sticks out a ways--it's not as permanent as it sounds because I can just snip the labels off the edge if I want to reorganize). I have a couple of binders right now but I think I need to either get a third one or dig up the really big 3-inch binders that I know I have someplace, because both of the ones I'm using are getting really cramped.


Free pattern leaflets from stores, patterns from yarn labels, etc--I have no clue what to do with these. I have them stored in a folder right now that I taped up the bottom edge of so things wouldn't fall out. I wish I could think up an inexpensive way to work them in with my other patterns so when I look through the binders for inspiration I notice them.

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Yeah, I'm now saving all of my patterns on my computer now too.


When I discovered crochet online, I printed off everything, and I now have 3 enormous folders of patterns I'll never actually make.


Since I have a pdf making software, I'm now printing the websites to a pdf file, and cataloguing them in excel, like, name of pattern, filename, keywords etc. It's a bit more work, but it'll definately save trees!

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I too store my patterns in binders, but what I do with the patterns I find on the back of skein labels is - scan them and then I am able to store on my hard drive and print them if I want.

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I, too, do the binder thing. I only print out and put in binders the ones I have used or plan on using soon. I also save patterns from skeins of yarn by snipping the ends off and 3-hole punching them into a binder. It is a little weird looking, but it works for me. :D




I store patterns that I've printed out in binders. No sleeves, just punched with a 3-hole punch and stuck in binders by category. I put those little round stickers that you can put over punch holes over the pages near the beginning/end of each binder so they won't get torn up from turning the pages. I have the categories marked with tabs I made out of plain label stickers, (at the edge of the first pattern in the category, one label on each side of the page so it makes a sturdy tab that sticks out a ways--it's not as permanent as it sounds because I can just snip the labels off the edge if I want to reorganize). I have a couple of binders right now but I think I need to either get a third one or dig up the really big 3-inch binders that I know I have someplace, because both of the ones I'm using are getting really cramped.


Free pattern leaflets from stores, patterns from yarn labels, etc--I have no clue what to do with these. I have them stored in a folder right now that I taped up the bottom edge of so things wouldn't fall out. I wish I could think up an inexpensive way to work them in with my other patterns so when I look through the binders for inspiration I notice them.

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I have some of the patterns that I've printed in folders and binders as well, but the ones I want to save to print later I burn on RW CD's to retrieve later. My laptop was getting too full so I decided I had to do something else with them than just save them, so I now have a set of discs with many patterns and pictures on them.

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Boy, I'm not nearly as organized! I just stuck all of mine in a binder with a 3 hole punch and then the binder got too full and they ended up everywhere! I did get a nice big sewing bag in the clearance section at Jo-Anns awhile ago for less than $1.00!!!! Anyway, it's made of a really nastly feeling fabric so I threw all my patterns in there. I recently downloaded the PDF maker so I'm going to start storing everything there...

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I work at a Kinkos so I print mine out on a really nice heavy-weight paper then put into binders. Also save the web pages to a cd, and put that in the binder as well, in the back pocket.


Sounds organized right? well I always take out the patterns and have them all over the place. lol then my cat gets ahold of the paper and its alllll over with :lol


He has this thing about paper right now. Oh well, he stays away from my yarn pretty much at least :clap




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I do the binders with the plastic sleeves too. Then if I have a yarn band or other odd-shaped printed pattern I can just put it in a sleeve and it fits in the binder. I put little tabs on the edges so they are somewhat organized.

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i've got binders. and i've got a 3 hole punch. so, why are mine crammed into a folder which is crammed in my yarn basket? ohhh, because i'm to busy printing out patterns to organize. gonna have to do that one of these days.

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Yeah, I'm now saving all of my patterns on my computer now too.


When I discovered crochet online, I printed off everything, and I now have 3 enormous folders of patterns I'll never actually make.


Since I have a pdf making software, I'm now printing the websites to a pdf file, and cataloguing them in excel, like, name of pattern, filename, keywords etc. It's a bit more work, but it'll definately save trees!


Ah, but I have recently become a disgruntled employee (I'm this close to a new job) who has her own personal color printer. So 20-30 pages a day of color print outs are my way of saying, "thank you for paying me way less than my male counterpart, especially when I'm better at the job."

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So 20-30 pages a day of color print outs are my way of saying, "thank you for paying me way less than my male counterpart, especially when I'm better at the job."

Ah well, in that case, I'm with you :D


I was using my own printer, and even paying trade prices at my SO's work, it got pretty expensive :P


And - I hope you get the job!!

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I have a binder with sleeves, too. However what's in my very full binder is sheets I mailed in for and pages torn out of magazines like Women's Day and Family Circle.


Right now my printed pages and new torn out pages are going in file folders with pockets. I have tons of those folders. I need to get a new binder and sleeves.


I do that with recipes, too. Again, need a new binder and sleeves. Always seems like I need to get other stuff first. lol

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I save 'em on computer (I have a huuuuuuge hd) and only print 'em when I need 'em; I hadn't thought of scanning in the odd-sized ones and the ones on the back of yarn wrappers but that's a great idea and I'll start doing it, those are the ones that drive me nuts.

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Free pattern leaflets from stores, patterns from yarn labels, etc--I have no clue what to do with these. I have them stored in a folder right now that I taped up the bottom edge of so things wouldn't fall out. I wish I could think up an inexpensive way to work them in with my other patterns so when I look through the binders for inspiration I notice them.


I use the binder method, too, and for free pattern leaflets I bought these plastic evelope-type things at an office supply store that work great. They are 8 &1/2" by 11" and made for a three hole binder, but have a pocket on each side so that I can just slip my leaflets in there. I think they came in a 3 or 4-pack and I have one in each section of my binder



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I also store mine in a binder....but never knew what to do with the little ones off the wool...........Great idea - the one about the plastic envelopes!!! I'm going to a dollar store today so I'm going to look for some of them for sure!!


Thnx for the great hint!!

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I store my grandmother's old vintage book in a plastic box by themselves and the Magic Crochet patterns also in a plastic box. Patterns that I scan in or download are all on a DVD with a copy to spare just in case. I leave my definitely going "to do" ones on my HD because it is a laptop and goes everywhere with me. :))) For those how don't know, DVD's hold 4 GB of data as compared to a CD which holds 600 MB.



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