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Oh, my aching back!

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I am almost finished my first granny square baby afghan, and oh, my back is killing me. I've been working non-stop trying to get it done. Granny squares look nice, but they are just too much work for me! Next time I'm just doing one big square and calling it quits!


What project gives you the biggest headache (or back ache, as the case may be!) ;)

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I don't crochet anything that gives me a headache. (Which means I don't do granny squares!) Sometimes working in black thread with beads can be difficult, but I'm working on something in that combo right now and it's not so bad. I can't really think of anything else. :think

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i finished my first granny square baby blanket about a month ago...yeah what a pain!! hee hee. i ended up making i think about 100 squares...in all in solids - white, pink, and blue. was alot of work (esp. the 3 days it took to string them/finish them/edge them) but it was well worth it, the design i took with them (an X) was stunning. when you get ALL done you'll sit back and look at that blanket and be proud of yourself.

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I also have decided to only do "one giant freaking granny square" projects if I am going to do grannies from now on. Tucking in ends and sewing together squares have to be the downright WORST part of crochet. I hate it. Despise it. LOATHE it.

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I just finished an afghan that used some granny squares and they were crocheted together as you went along, instead of having to sew them together at the end.


I really hate sewing them all together.

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Am I the only one that doesn't mind granny squares? They're so easy to do while watching tv or in the car. Even sewing together and tucking in tails is easy to do while watching tv.


I have to think what I don't like doing. I know there's something but I just woke up. lol

I love doing squares, it's the attaching that drives me nuts. I used to hate weaving in ends but now I'm finding that if I weave as I go it doesn't bother me. And I love the way they look.

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I'm making a 200+ square blanket right now. I have one of my friends weave in the ends for me. She gets a great big stack of squares every day in our last class and happily weaves them in while the teacher lectures. She says it gives her hands something to do. :D I'm also teaching a girl in my Anat/Phys class to crochet, and I have plans of getting her to help me put the squares together. :devil


Thread gives me such a crick in the neck, OY! I don't like threadwork at all.

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My biggest "pain" so far is ripple/chevron stripes. I just can't quite get the "peaks" to line up right. They always lean to one side like ocean waves. I'd leave it like that and call it an original design, but the finished product doesn't look all that great. animal0083.gif

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I am new to crochetting and this site. I started a blanket and completed half of it but found that the first row, although I started it loose, became very tight therefore giving the blanket a weird shape. It didnt lay flat.

I was going to do a granny square and just continue it and have that be the entire blanket. Any idea why my blankets first row becomes tight. it doesnt get tight right away. I hope I explained this and it make sense.


I am also going to sell my scarves at a craft fair tomorrow but think people may think they are too expensive. They range from $20.00 - $35.00. yarn is expensive and I also added hand dyed silk to the ends.

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but you have to do it for work, what was corp thinking :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

I also have decided to only do "one giant freaking granny square" projects if I am going to do grannies from now on. Tucking in ends and sewing together squares have to be the downright WORST part of crochet. I hate it. Despise it. LOATHE it.
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I'm not the best at pin-pointing a problem. Maybe post your question in the help section. There is a wealth of knowledge on this site! :)


In regards to scarf pricing, that *might* be high, but it all depends. Test out the waters at this sale and if people aren't buying, maybe try dropping the price a bit for the next sale. Isn't the price of yarn crazy?

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:scared You guys are scaring me. I want to make an afghan for my dad for Christmas and I picked out a pattern with squares. It's not really a granny square afghan but there are some squares. What do you think?

Really, your pattern does not appear to have tooo many squares. Be persistent and tuck in those ends as you go. (I usually do about 10 squares at a time and then tuck them in.) The only one I quit on was a six-sided "square" with six different colors in each small square. Yikes!!! What was I thinking! I used the finished ones as hot pads! So all was not lost.



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The only one I quit on was a six-sided "square" with six different colors in each small square. Yikes!!! What was I thinking! I used the finished ones as hot pads! So all was not lost.
I tried doing hexagons once, too, and got frustrated long before I had enough to finish the project. They were a major nuisance. In the end I sorta haphazardly sewed together the 12 or so I'd finished and gave it to the cats :D
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