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Some musing on what I crochet

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I have been doing afghans. I love making them. But now I am pretty much out of people to give them too.  My sister had 9 when she passed away.  My dad has at least three and he only uses one. 

So I wanted to break out into making other stuff.  This is what I learned. I don't like making other stuff.  I don't enjoy it. Don't know why. I just don't.

So now I have three afghans on the hook and only one with a home. lol A round ripple. No home yet, A scrap giant granny also has no home. And one called Focal Point for my Dad's wife.  I have never done an afghan without thinking about the person it well go too.  So this is strange.

Thinking of giving the others to a charity of some sort.

What do you do after you have no one to gift anything too?

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I understand about liking or not liking to make certain items! I particularly enjoy afghans, scarves, shawls, and dishcloths. I've done several things that were definitely in the never again category.


You might consider veterans homes depending on the size of your afghans. I'm sure there are lots of charity options and one will fit the things you like to make.

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I do like hats and scarfs sometimes. But yes afghans are my passion.  Glad I am not weird. lol I like the idea of nursing homes. My grandmother is one and is always complaining she is cold.  Even in the summer time.

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The Crochet class I teach at our local Senior Center has made over 125 lap afghans for 3 different Veterans' hospitals in the last year and a half.  They requested 35" X 35" for those who are in wheelchairs, or 35" X 70" for bed afghans.  They really appreciate them!!  Another thing we've made is over 60 prayer shawls, for our local Hospice.  They are 20" X 60", and you can make them with almost any afghan pattern, or use a simple shell stitch, or dc.  We've even made them by making 3 20" X 20" granny squares sewn together lengthwise.

There are always places you can donate these "works of art"!!

Happy crocheting!

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I have been making afghans for charity for years. Project Linus is always looking for handmade afghans

for NICU's,childrens hospitals, and so forth. You can check www.projectlinus.com and see if there is a

chapter in your area. Vetern's long term care centers, woman's shelters and nursing homes are more places interesrted in aghans.

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I do a lot for charity. While my favorite are afghans, which are donated to outreaches, homeless shelters, hospitals, etc (I do them in all sizes from baby to toddlers to teens to adults), I am now doing prayer shawls for a local church. I also make hats and scarves, also donated to outreaches, shelters, wherever they are needed. I like having a variety of different projects to work on.


It is just a matter of what you like doing the best and where you would like to donate.


Have fun with whatever you decide.


LI Roe


Ooh, thanks katyallen8090, forgot about the pet blankets too, they need warmth to lie on at the shelters.

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All of the above are great, I have donated to vets homes, and they raffle them off to their members, and nursing homes, where they use them for prizes in bingo, home less shelters, red cross, march of dimes, not to mention hospitaLS,  and hospices, and have made a ghan for almost all my neighbors at various times throughout the years. Also baby ghans to Project Linus, and the Emerg. Preg. center locally, and pet mats to the animal  shelters as well, lot of places available to donate too, I never run out them, can't keep up most times,ha ha, Good luck, and how nice of you to think of donating, that way someone else will be sure to love what you have done and cherish it for a long time to come......I even have three afghans in Poland, that I made for a neighbor to tak with her when she went!! wow, that is cool huh!

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Some years ago, when I ran out of rooms to put them in and people to give them to, I started making afghans for Project Linus -- all sizes and types for kids from babies to teenagers who are seriously ill or traumatized. It gives me a lot of pleasure, and PL receives lots of enthusiastic thank-you letters from the kids' mothers. I put just as much planning and effort into these blankets as I do into the ones for my family. What can be better than enjoying a hobby while making a youngster feel just that tiny bit comforted? I urge you to check out the PL website. Donating to them is very rewarding.

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I have no one to give them too either, but love making afghans - like you, it's what I love to make. With rare exceptions, all of mine go to charity too. I have a contact in one of our large local hospitals. I give them to her, she distributes them where they are needed. They have been given, as I understand, to the hospice program, cancer center, maybe some to the abused children's center. Occasionally I'll send baby blankets as well. 


You could always call local hospitals and speak to the volunteer coordinator or social services or pastoral care offices. They should know if they could be used at the hospital, or if, not, might be able to suggest other places that would be happy to have them.

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One of my friends works at a nursing home, and she says the people there love afghans, lapghans and shawls! They feel very special that someone has made an item for them, because often they no longer have families.

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I love donating things, since I've run out of people to gift things to. I can still occasionally find something I can make as a gift for someone but for the most part my creations are either for personal use, or things to be donated to one place or another. I like to make hats and blankets for preemies at the area hospitals (if you do this please check with the hospital first, many have requirements about the blankets - generally they need to be quite "solid" with no holes... some hospitals will not accept knitted or crocheted blankets for babies because of the sort of holey nature of many patterns and they prefer quilts instead) and also things for cancer patients in the area as well. And of course as already mentioned by others above, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, shelters etc. 

Probably my favorite is making things for some animal shelters. The animals often have need for blankets to make their kennels more cozy, and they also appreciate little hand made toys to play with as well. Like with the hospitals just call and check first what is and is not acceptable, as some of them have various rules to follow. But more often than not, they're going to be very happy to have those items... and the animal(s) that get them will appreciate them too. 

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I'm with you....I make way more than I can ever gift.  Most of mine go to my local nursing home.  Although, I have made some for other charities.


My new kick is chemo caps....I have sent to Knots of Love before, but am now making for this charity:  http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/147646-crochetville-group-effort-hats-for-halos-of-hope/#entry2584160


Come join us!

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