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63 Wannabe Club


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Hi Lani ,

It's nice to meet you and sounds like we have at least one thing in common, our ages ! We also have a grandchild . Aren't they a blast ? We also have a daughter who lives out of state, mine is in Maryland .

Virginia is a beautiful state . We love driving through there when we go to Myrtle Beach . My husband always says it's the prettiest state he's been in . My parents live in Florida in the winter time, down near Webster .

It sounds like you have a great job if you're allowed to crochet while working !

You are so lucky your grandma taught you to crochet -- mine died before I was old enough to take an interest in learning it .

It sounds like you have been a very busy crocheter latley .

The off white afghan will be so pretty, it will make the stitches stand out well !

Good to meet you !

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Hello Olga, My good friend !

I'm so glad you came here to join us !

Plastic canvas is something I never learned to do . I am like you, though, I like crochet best. I have tried lots of other crafts and crochet is always what I do most of the time . I have already talked to you about the beautiful place you live.... I bet a lot of the ladies on here would like to hear about it !

And so far, I am crowning you the Queen of the Wannabees !

You have 20 squares done ! That makes you the Queen, and we will all come to you with our questions when we get stuck , ok ?

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Hi Jennifer

That will be an easy name for me to remember , that's my girl's name. Yes, there are lots of Jennifers out there !

Your 2 color schemes sound pretty. I can't wait to hear which one you choose !

Can I ask what Elizabethan Blackwork is ? Sorry to sound stupid, but I've never heard of it before !

Glad you are joining us , and for good reasons . It's too bad you never got an afghan from your grandma-- but now you can carry on the tradition and start making them for your family !

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Alright, beat me with a wet noodle .

I changed my colors today . I am still going with the tan, but now am using coffee , dark brown and orange . I thought that might make pretty fall colors, and orange is my cousin's favorite color, so it will be a wedding present for her .


By the way -- square one is now done !

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okay guys while you were busy giving your intros I was sleeping:) Its friday morning here in India!! My fullname is Vimala but my friends call me Vims or Vimsy . I will be turning 39 this Oct 2nd !! I have been married to a wonderful guy for the past 12 years who can't understand my passion for crochet but knows its worse to ask me to stop lol!! I have 2 kids a son and daughter 11 and 8 respectively. I have taught both of them to crochet but its my daughter who seems to have a flair for it! She keeps egging me to start my own crochet shop!


I also teach crochet to anyone who shows a little interest:) I was in the US for nearly 6 years and thats where it became more of an obsession for me:) I collected tons of patterns and yarn and thread . Unfortunately I could only bring back a fraction of it back with me. My friend Barbara is taking care of my stuff for me :)


Well thats that from me if you need to know more just holler:)


Julie no I haven't read that book :)


Yes I did start on my square yesterday and like I said before its going to be scrap sampler and my first square is in pale yellow and I did about 4 rows before falling asleep:) I had to use an "I" hook to be able get the required 7".


talk to you later:)




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Hi Vims !


Nice to meet you and learn more about you . I think this will be a big help if we all get to know a little about each other, then we'll be able to remember who is working on what colors, how far along they are, etc. Hopefully, that will make us more enthused to keep going .


You do sound like a great crochet lover ! It's too bad you had to leave a lot of your stuff over here when you went back home. Would you be able to have it shipped over ,or is it so much, you'd have to hire an airplane to bring it all over on ?


That's nice that your kids are both learning to crochet too. I taught my daughter several years ago and she is always working on something for one of her kids or someone else she knows .


That's interesting that you had to use an I hook -- I am using a G . It's interesting how much different all our guages are that we have to do that ! My squares are actually turning out bigger than the specified size, even using a G , but that's ok with me, just so they all turn out the SAME size.. that's where it gets a little tricky .


Anyhow, thanks for telling us a little about your life . This is so interesting ,don't you all think ? So many of us, from so many different lives , all working on the same project together !



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This morning's square progress -

I had time to work some last night on this. I now have squares, 1-2-3-4-5 and am working on 6 today ! ( Of course, those are all the easy ones )

What order are the rest of you going in, the numbered order, or the order in the chart placement ?

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My name is Lin and I have done about 10 of the squares. I've been crocheting about 25 years. My next door neighbor taught me. I love making afghans and baby afghans. I've just started crocheting bookmarks in thread. I used to crochet doilies but then I had to start wearing tri-focles. I can see again, though, so I've started crocheting some with thread again. I've had a lot of problems with gauge and I've had to rip out several of the squares to make them smaller. I guess I didn't get that you can use any size needle to get the gauge required. So that's the frustrating part and then I did put it down for about 2 years. I'm doing it in the same colors as the book. I still have all the yarn. I especially liked the examples shown on the other 63 website. They're bigger than the ones in the book, so it's easier to see how to do them. I just have to start doing them again. It takes so long to do just one square. Keep prompting me, though. I really hate to not finish something.

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Hi Lin

And welcome to the Wannabees !

Someone else finished the afghan in the original colors and boy, was it pretty !

You have a good start on it though, with 10 squares done -- don't give up now. If it's been waiting 2 years, it's time to pick it back up and get going . Yes, it is frustrating getting all the squares the same size.

If I get an idea in my head for a project, it has GOT to be done.... so I decided to see if I can get my rear motivated by getting someone on here to motivate me, and visa versa .

So how did you start your squares, going in numbered order or by the chart in the book ?

I'll give a cheer for you today and see if you can get another square added to your ever growing pile... think of it that way !

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I'm still debating colors for mine. I'm leaning towards all white (I think it would be gorgeous done) but it doesn't seem as cozy/friendly. I may just ask him flat out which he might prefer, although that would kill the surprise. Maybe I could ask my aunt ...

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Hi, I'm newish to Crochetville and just joined the 63 square CAL. I'm glad I found this thread cuz I was thinking I joined the CAL rather late and perhaps many people have already finished. :)


Stats: My name is Sue and I live in the bay area in northern CA. I originally grew up in Westchester county, NY just north of the big apple. I'm 45 and have been married for the past 20 years. My husband supports my crochet habit since he's got a computer habit! We're 2 peas in a pod! I've got 2 kids, 15 and 11.


This is a perferct project for me. I've got a 1/2 hour wait in the car 5 days a week when I pick up my daughter from school. I have to go early and wait or else the traffic is baaad. So far, I've made 7 squares and am currently frogging the 8th! ARG! I'm using the colors from the book...too pretty! I look forward to learning new stitches and improving my technique. I've been crocheting off and on since I was a kid but only in the last few years took up the hobby seriously.:hook

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In anticipation of the project boredom / attention deficit I always develop, I'm bypassing the regular CAL and joining this support group version :) After months of hunting for the 63 squares leaflet at my local craft stores, I found it today! I'll be working it up in the same colors as it recommends, b/c it matches my faves perfectly :)


I have a lot in common with Sue in that I'm originally from NY, and now live waaaay across the country -- in Arizona though, not California. I stopped before I hit the other coast! :manyheart I taught myself to crochet on the internet as a freshman in college, because I was bored with my classes and needed a hobby. It's turned into a full-fledged addiction! I recently finished my third afghan (pictures coming soon!), and have completed dozens of scarves, booties, and baby sweaters, too. I love Crochetville, and am psyched to join this CAL! My goal is to finish before Christmas! :2snowman

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Hi Sue !

Welcome to our group . I'm glad you decided to join us . I'm hoping to keep this group as active as possible so we can keep everyone on track a little more and more interested in finishing .

You sure did make a BIG move, from one side of the country to the other !

And it sounds like you have a perfect part of your day carved out to work on this .. It's amazing how far you can get on it in such a short time of you only commit to doing it .You've got a good start so far mif you're already working on number 8 .

Thanks for joining us---we'll be excited to see your finished afghan .

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Hello Celeste

Welcome to our growing group ! I'm glad you decided to jump in here and join us . We will try to keep you motivated to get this done !

I think you can definitely get it done before Christmas .

You too made a big move. And here I am in the same place I've always been . How do you like Arizona ? I have a cousin who lives out in Tucson . She loves it out there .

Sounds like you chose a great hobby to relieve boredom, andthis afghan should do the same ... It's a new group of stitches every time you turn the page !

Can't wait to hear how you're coming with it . Check back in often !

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Lani, I just have to ask after reading your age....who is the picture of in the corner of your post???? If that is you I would have NEVER guessed or believed that you are 47! I also noticed you have a 23 year old daughter and a 2 year old grandson that live in FL. I am 23 and my son is 2 and we live in Jacksonville, FL!!!


Ooh Ooh I'll go next :) I'm Lani, also 47, currently live in Virginia but have lived all over the eastern US, Hawaii and Germany -- never in the midwest or west but my fiance is looking at contracts in Utah and Colorado so who knows? I have a 23 year old daughter and 2 year old grandson who live in Florida :( and my 21 year old son is in the process of moving into his own place this week here in Virginia. I recently went back to work to help my daughter out during her divorce; I work at the customer service call center for a large company and love my job (although I'm not nuts about the current evening shift that'll change). I can crochet between/during calls, so this afghan is going to be my work project :D My grandmother taught me to knit, crochet, and embroider when I was about 6; I still crochet and do counted cross stitch but rarely knit, my sister knits and does needlepoint but rarely crochets so it all balances out ;) I also love afghans but recently I'm branching out; I did a Serafina shawl, a draped bed jacket for my daughter, my first shrug, and a bunch of scarves in the past couple of months. I've decided to do this entire afghan in off-white, both to show off the different stitches and because my fiance dislikes the multicolored square look ... I'm going to pick up yarn today, and will start next week!


Next please ...

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I am new here and do have projects already in progress. BUT I have to say that you perked my ears up on this. Do you have a picture of what the 63 square afghan looks like? And I noticed thread was mentioned, is it done in thread or yarn?




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Julie Kay, I love Arizona! I'm so excited about not having to dig my car out this winter. . . I already donated my ice scraper :)


The massive afghan for my sister is officially finished, as of yesterday! Yay! I just need to run it through the washing machine and get it in the mail. . . oh, and take a photo of it, too! It's a very neat pattern, a crocheted aran. Took a LOT of yarn!


My first square is done! #21, same as my age, and it only took half an hour! 62 to go. . . . :manyheart

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Lani, I just have to ask after reading your age....who is the picture of in the corner of your post???? If that is you I would have NEVER guessed or believed that you are 47! I also noticed you have a 23 year old daughter and a 2 year old grandson that live in FL. I am 23 and my son is 2 and we live in Jacksonville, FL!!!

Oh I wish I still looked like that! Nope, that pic is my handsome son and my beautiful daughter :D This is me:


Jacksonville is a great place to live, we have friends there :) My daughter and grandson are in Panama City Beach, which is actually my home town.

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Hi Kirsten


The easiest way to show you a photo of the afghan is to refer you to Donna's original home page for this crochetalong.


She gets all the credit for starting it. I joined a LONG time ago, started several times , then finally gave up on it, but it was still in the back of my mind rattling around-- FINISH this ------

SO, I decided to post a new thread to see if anyone else out there was like me... had started it and laid it down and more or less given up on it . I thought-- maybe we could form a group of WANNABEES !!! We all WANT to finish this thing really bad. And I think if we keep posting in here frequently to keep interest going on it, we WILL finish it this time !


The book is available at every Walmart I've ever been in ,and maybe lots of other craft places too, we just don't have a very big selection of craft stores in my area, so Walmart it is .


One of the ladies originally said she wanted to do it in thread, but changed her mind. It'd sure be beautiful, but I could never do it in thread -- I'd be blind as a bat before I got the first square done !

We'd welcome you to join us if you'd like.

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I was thinking the same thing about your photo -- OH MY GOSH !!!

Is that what 47 is supposed to look like ? I was about ready to run and get my birth certificate and see if the date was blurred . Maybe I was born in 1938 instead of 1958 ...

In my opinion, you still look great ! Our family doesn't age well, and I think I look like every day, hour and minute of my 47 years .

Luckily, I'm not one of those people that's real concerned about my looks - I keep too busy with other things . I look in the mirror once a day and that's good enough for me .


((((( GEEZ , this makes me sound like Beauty and the Beast .... guess which one I am ? ))))))


No, I'm not that bad, just regular- looking . :lol

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