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Dippy (and jimbo) make the BIG TIME

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Just tooting Diplohookticus Jimbosei's horn a little since he can't pucker up and blow by himself.... Check out page 82 of Interweave Crochet Accessories 2011. I don't want to spill the beans, but there's this HUGE hook being hauled around by some crochet beauties...

Oh, and as second billing, there's a very nice article at page 99 about someone you might know.



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Just got back from JoAnn's, thinking they would have the magazine in. They don't! I got mine, courtesy of the Dipster (which he now prefers being called). He fanagled it for me during his photo shoot in Denver. The "Dipster" got to fly there and play with lovely crochet ladies for a few days. I didn't get to go along. Ah but Laurie Wheeler did a very nice article mentioning me.

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The issue was supposed to be on the shelves around the 8th. Should be there by now, eh? It's really exciting to see that there are lots of familiar names, from here in the Ville, and from the CLF showing up in the issue. Makes me as pleased as a hog in slop as they say up on the Crick.

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Diplohookticus Jimbosei :rofl:rofl:rofl


I got the mag last week at the local book store and read your tribute that night. I meant to post about it but got tangled in yarn! LOL

When I first saw the pic of the hook the gals were carrying, I cracked up and showed it to DH. He immediately responded "No- I am not going to try to make a hook that big!"

Congratulations on such a nice write-up. You deserve the Kudoos!

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Diplohookticus Jimbosei :rofl:rofl:rofl


I tell you it's been a roller coaster ride on his coat tails.... We're all still a bit miffed though that the Guinness folk considered him "not far enough out of the ordinary" to make it into the record book.

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Wasn't at my local grocery this morning, I looked. (But then, I'm usually lucky if they carry more than one crochet mag there anyway.) next time I go out, I'm checking at HL. I WANT THIS ISSUE! (:sorry yes I know, I was yelling. I'm sorry, I'll be have now) Besides, if it's at HL, I can use a coupon :yes

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well, my HL didn't have it this week, but she said they swap out the mags about every week. So I know what extra stop I'll be making every grocery run. I just hope I can find a copy before they take it off the shelves!

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