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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Ann- sounds like a wonderful day for you:manyheart =oh, and the bars- they are the parallel bars!:lol. My middle DD did competitive gymnastics growing up- she was so full of energy as a toddler- jumping all over the place so I put her in gymnastics and she ended up doing it through high school. The balance beam was her favorite event! How nice that Maddie fell asleep in your arms:manyheart.


Kuddles- Your day sounds like fun- lunch with BFF and Joann's, plus Baby K being excited to have her older cousin coming over to 'play' with her!


Sherry- That sure sounds like a fiasco last night at the restaurant! And to think that even the manager couldn't right!:eek I hope you had a wonderful Sunday!!!


I did get my headlight replaced- and decided to replace the other one too- I know my luck, and the other one probably would have gone soon and then I'd have to go and have that replaced- so it was only 2.00 more in labor to replace the 2nd one too so that's what I did.


Sue, Jana, tonya, Melani and everyone--enjoy the rest of what is left of this Sunday!


I worked on a shawl I'm making for my DD with the new yarn and read a bit today. We also did the taxes (not fun), but we ARE getting $ back this year!! WOOT!!!

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Ann - glad you had a great time at the party and to have a sweet one fall asleep in your arms is wonderful!!


Mama K - hope you enjoyed your day, and Baby K too!


Joanne - hope your day was good.


Sue - hope you're feeling better.


We didn't do much today. I did a lot of crocheting on the RR. It's looking good! Hopefully I can get it done by this weekend so DD can give it to her friend.


Have a great evening!

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I am feeling much better.

I am making a blanket for stacey's little girl. I have started it 2 times started a RR and for some reason it is wont lay flat and is rippling..lol so i started one in baby blanket yarn. not sure if this is what I should use for texas weather :think. i am just not getting along with this :(

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Ann, glad to hear you had such fun!


So did I!


Mama K

Thanks, glad you had fun too! :cheer


Ann- sounds like a wonderful day for you:manyheart =oh, and the bars- they are the parallel bars!:lol. My middle DD did competitive gymnastics growing up- she was so full of energy as a toddler- jumping all over the place so I put her in gymnastics and she ended up doing it through high school. The balance beam was her favorite event! How nice that Maddie fell asleep in your arms:manyheart.


I did get my headlight replaced- and decided to replace the other one too- I know my luck, and the other one probably would have gone soon and then I'd have to go and have that replaced- so it was only 2.00 more in labor to replace the 2nd one too so that's what I did.



I worked on a shawl I'm making for my DD with the new yarn and read a bit today. We also did the taxes (not fun), but we ARE getting $ back this year!! WOOT!!!

Ahh, that's right, the parallel bars! I never could do those things in school no matter how hard I tried! :lol Of course being scared of heights might have something to do with it! :P Smart thing to replace the other headlight at the same time. Great deal too! What shawl pattern are you using? I keep thinking that I'd like to make another one. We go for our taxes tomorrow. just dropping them off. I sure hope we get $$$ back this year!


Ann - glad you had a great time at the party and to have a sweet one fall asleep in your arms is wonderful!!



We didn't do much today. I did a lot of crocheting on the RR. It's looking good! Hopefully I can get it done by this weekend so DD can give it to her friend.


Have a great evening!

Looking forward to seeing the RR when it's done! :cheer


I am feeling much better.

I am making a blanket for stacey's little girl. I have started it 2 times started a RR and for some reason it is wont lay flat and is rippling..lol so i started one in baby blanket yarn. not sure if this is what I should use for texas weather :think. i am just not getting along with this :(

Glad you're feeling better!!! hang in there with the RR, they can tend to ripple. have you tried switching up your shells on the points every 3rd row or so? That usually helps me. Good luck! :hug

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Glad you're feeling better!!! hang in there with the RR, they can tend to ripple. have you tried switching up your shells on the points every 3rd row or so? That usually helps me. Good luck! :hug

I am doing that. for some reason the center part is the problem not the outside. I have never had this problem and ugh I didnt want to rip it all out.

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Quick pop in before getting ready- Read the posts, but out of time!


Monday's are not my favorite day---well except for after work when I go to craft club!!


Have a good one everybody!

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Morning! Had a bit of a rough start to the night, but I was able to sleep in til 8 once I finally fell asleep! :) Didn't get any hook time in yesterday, but I hope to make that up today. I'm going to run out of yarn for my afghan though! Does anyone know if any of the stores have the Bernat Waverly marked down? Joann's has it listed at full price online. I only went with it for the Mystery CAL because it was on sale and now it looks like I may have to pay full price for more anyway! :(


Joanne, Mama K, and all other that have to work today, I hope your day goes quickly and smoothly! :hug


Tonya, I never had a RR that the ripple problem came from the middle :think I wouldn't want to rip it all out either. Hope you can figure it out. :hug


Have a great day everyone! :hug

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Does anyone know if any of the stores have the Bernat Waverly marked down? Joann's has it listed at full price online. I only went with it for the Mystery CAL because it was on sale and now it looks like I may have to pay full price for more anyway! :(


I buy from knitting-warehouse.com sometimes when there's no *% off at other places. But I looked and the Waverly is only 20¢ cheaper there, so you'd probably do better with full price and free shipping at JoAnn.

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the Michael's here had it on clearance right before the mystery cal/kal started...it's all gone now but maybe some stores still have it?? I would also check ebay, sometimes you can find a bargain there.

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Hi ladies! My 5 day headache has finally lifted. Good thing since I had to give my speech this morning. I've been lurking, but unable to think clear enough to type a thing until now.


Work yesterday had me thinking about something. I was in one of our conditioning rooms (this one is about 6' by 8' and they are used to get birds that have been in ICU for a long time ready to go out into the outside flight cages) and thought how weird it was for me to think my "normal" is to be hanging out in this little room with...a bald eagle. Who gets to do that??? :lol


Tonya and Ann, I hope you are both feeling better. :hug


Sherry, head's been aching too bad to respond to your last PM, but I will get to it soon. :hug


Mama, Joanne, Melani, Valerie, Evelyn, and everyone else just sending HI's and :hug



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Just got this video from a friend of Andre's release. Thought you'd like to see. :)





This is completely awesome! Thanks for sharing!


Glad to hear the headache lifted!


:hug from Mama K

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Sue - glad you're feeling better now. Was beginning to get worried about you and thinking you should go to the dr!! Haven't watched the video yet, no speakers here at home. Will try to look at it tomorrow.


Today was not too bad, boss was out all day. Tomorrow I have to get a report done and it's not coming out right, GRRRRRR. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to see where the problem is.


Hope you all had a great day and evening!

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I am doing that. for some reason the center part is the problem not the outside. I have never had this problem and ugh I didnt want to rip it all out.


Usually they will flatten out after several rows. Which RR pattern are you using?

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Just got this video from a friend of Andre's release. Thought you'd like to see. :)




Awesome video!!! So glad you're headache has lifted too! :clap


Today was not too bad, boss was out all day. Tomorrow I have to get a report done and it's not coming out right, GRRRRRR. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to see where the problem is.


Hope you all had a great day and evening!

Good luck with the report! I'm sure you'll get it worked out! :hug



I worked on the afghan some more tonight. Now I'm out of one of the blues, so I'm at a halt. I've been checking around online for prices and no one has it anywhere near what I paid in Jan. DH is willing to drive to Michael's, but isn't too thrilled with the idea that they might not actually have it :blush Ugh, that's one of the drawbacks of living in the country, it takes an hour to get anywhere! :lol

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Good morning!

Sue- that video was great! Thanks for sharing it!!!


Ann- Can you call the Michael's beforehand to see if they have any of the Waverly? What color are you looking for? I can't stop tonight, but could stop on my way home tomorrow from work to check the one here for you!


I had a good time at Craft club- and worked some more on the 'brain-dead' afghan!


Tonight after work, heading over to babysit so my DD and SIL can have a 'date night'


Have a wonderful day!

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Thanks ladies. A friend made the video. Sherry, it just plays a couple songs so no biggie if you can't hear it and BTW, I know why I get the headaches so no need to visit a doctor about it, she already knows. :)


Bruce's brother and wife will be in town today (driving back to NY from S. FL) so we are going to meet up with them for lunch.


I hope everyone has a great day! :hug



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