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It's NEVER too much to ask for a hug!!!




sorry about my extreme absence but the winterness and my depression have REALLY got me bummed.....

ibe been spending alot of time just letting my DH hold me...mosr rhe time i fall asleep in his arms

been talking alot tp my friend jw too....he brightens my day alot

have alot of project going at once, none of which are actually anywhere near completion......could i have crochet ADD?

would it be too much to ask for a hug?

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Quick stop in-

Hope those not feeling well are on the mend! Hugs to ALL!!


I had craft club after a busy day in Paradise- just what I needed!!! Today is another busy one- so must get going--then a little pampering with a manicure afterwards!!!


Have a good day one and all!

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Good morning all! Hugs to all of you even those that didn't ask for one or needed one cause we ALL need a hug!


Thanks Sherry it was a great bossless day yesterday......hopefully he'll be busy again today! Woot!


What I've been working on: I finished the wool SBT and just need to felt it.....plus I used the same wool for fingerless gloves and will try to felt them. No idea if I did them big enough so they will felt down to the right size, just thought I'd give it a try!


Well, Baby K needs her breakfast so bye for now!


Love from Mama Kuddles

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hi all I have just been lurking lately. working on my nieces lanket still almost done. work is stressing me out. somedays I am so sure I should have stuck with food service.

I work tonight yet had to go in this morning for 4 hours of computer comentency...umm I have been charting on my own for almost 2 months. and then i got my schedule last week. checked online again last night and they switched my whole schedule around and didn't say a thing. so now i work christmas eve and christmas day which one I thought was fair to have to work and expected it, but really both? I had already made plans based on my original schedule for christmas day and now have to cancel :(. I am so upset this is the one day I look forward to all year and I am going to have to sleep through it to get ready for work that night.some days I really wonder why i went back to school and am still going I am just disappointed in everything about this field

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Howdy Everyone! Hope you are all having a great day! Mine started out at the dr's getting my weekly injection. Luckily we were the first one's there this morning, so it was in and out! :yay DH has gone off to the alpaca farm this afternoon to do some work for them. When we were there a couple of weeks ago one of the owners asked him if we owned a tractor and would he be interested in mowing their new field....hmmm, DH asked if they would be interested in bartering....for yarn! I will be getting a credit at their place for their beautiful alpaca yarn! Can you believe it! My hubby is such a sweetie! :manyheart


Mama K - yea for having a boss free day!!! I'm home because they decided to spray Lysol all through the daycare and it makes me really sick, so I just came home. I bought some stuff for them to use that won't bother me or the cook (her allergies are worse than mine), but they never did mix it up.


Well, I brought little GS home with me since I can't go in to get him. He's taking a nap, may just go and join him.

Hope today is going better for you. Geez, you'd think that if they had the stuff that didn't bother you that they would use it! :hug


Hi everyone :hug hope you all are doing well/getting better :hug

Hi there! How ya doing?



Quick stop in-

Hope those not feeling well are on the mend! Hugs to ALL!!


I had craft club after a busy day in Paradise- just what I needed!!! Today is another busy one- so must get going--then a little pampering with a manicure afterwards!!!


Have a good day one and all!

Enjoy the manicure! I've only had 2 (professional ones) and they were wonderful!


Good morning all! Hugs to all of you even those that didn't ask for one or needed one cause we ALL need a hug!


Thanks Sherry it was a great bossless day yesterday......hopefully he'll be busy again today! Woot!


What I've been working on: I finished the wool SBT and just need to felt it.....plus I used the same wool for fingerless gloves and will try to felt them. No idea if I did them big enough so they will felt down to the right size, just thought I'd give it a try!


Well, Baby K needs her breakfast so bye for now!


Love from Mama Kuddles

Hope your day is bossless again! Good luck with the fingerless gloves! I bet they come out great!


Sue, hope you are feeling better today! :hug


Ducky, sending hugs your way! :hug

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Tonya, I feel ya. I work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year too. I still don't know if on Christmas day I work all day or 1/2 (or which 1/2). Last minute thing when dealing with animals. I spent a fortune on an electronic engineering degree that's worth about as much as the paper it's printed on. :hug


Ann, LUCKY GIRL!!!! :hug


Still feeling yuck. Had a bad allergy attack yesterday on top of the cold. Why do people feel the need to bathe in perfume???? UGH!!


:hug to all!



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hi all I have just been lurking lately. working on my nieces lanket still almost done. work is stressing me out. somedays I am so sure I should have stuck with food service.

I work tonight yet had to go in this morning for 4 hours of computer comentency...umm I have been charting on my own for almost 2 months. and then i got my schedule last week. checked online again last night and they switched my whole schedule around and didn't say a thing. so now i work christmas eve and christmas day which one I thought was fair to have to work and expected it, but really both? I had already made plans based on my original schedule for christmas day and now have to cancel :(. I am so upset this is the one day I look forward to all year and I am going to have to sleep through it to get ready for work that night.some days I really wonder why i went back to school and am still going I am just disappointed in everything about this field

I'm so sorry that you have to work both days. They tend to do that to the newbies it seems. :hug DH has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas night, but that is his regular schedule. It really stinks, but we're sort of used to it. We'll get together with the kids earlier in the day on Christmas Ever to celebrate and hopefully he will be able to catch a nap before going in to work at 11pm. Is there any chance of you being able to trade of days with someone else? :hug:hug:hug

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Tonya, I feel ya. I work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year too. I still don't know if on Christmas day I work all day or 1/2 (or which 1/2). Last minute thing when dealing with animals. I spent a fortune on an electronic engineering degree that's worth about as much as the paper it's printed on. :hug


Ann, LUCKY GIRL!!!! :hug


Still feeling yuck. Had a bad allergy attack yesterday on top of the cold. Why do people feel the need to bathe in perfume???? UGH!!


:hug to all!



Sorry you're still feeling yucky! DH came down with a nasty cold yesterday. I'm hoping he keeps it to himself! :lol

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I'm so sorry that you have to work both days. They tend to do that to the newbies it seems. :hug DH has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas night, but that is his regular schedule. It really stinks, but we're sort of used to it. We'll get together with the kids earlier in the day on Christmas Ever to celebrate and hopefully he will be able to catch a nap before going in to work at 11pm. Is there any chance of you being able to trade of days with someone else? :hug:hug:hug

Im going to try, if i was scheduled at 11 that would be fine, but i work 7p-730a and that weekend all of us are new, so none can be pulled anywhere else and the census is so low they dont need 5 nurses, we have been working with 2

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i am still in shock and denial.....

i was on facebook saturday and a post camer across that a good friend of mine was missing since 11 am that morning.......on one hand i though tthyell be ok but on another hand i thought to turn my scanner on....it was alive with activity. a few hours into listening to it i told my DH i had the oddest feeling something wa swrong with my friends back of his head. i went to bed that night listening to my scanner cause they hadnt found them yet...they dragged a pond near their home, nothing. at some point i had gotten frustrated with listening to the mindaneness of traffic stops and had shut the scanner off. told my BIL when he went tp church if he heard anything to call and ler me know. so about noon the phone rang and it was my BIL telling us they had found my friend in the woods a short distance from their home......strange thing about that i had just told my DH about an hour or so earlier that they were gonna find them in the woods near a creek. so then yesterday a bunch of guys were talking about where they found the body and the fact that theyd committed suicide. thats thje hard part to swallow for me cause this person did not seem like the type to do such a thing....im so numb right now i feel like im moving in molasses......i havent even been able to cry yet....i feel defective

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Im going to try, if i was scheduled at 11 that would be fine, but i work 7p-730a and that weekend all of us are new, so none can be pulled anywhere else and the census is so low they dont need 5 nurses, we have been working with 2

I hope you can work something out. :hug:hug:hug


i am still in shock and denial.....

i was on facebook saturday and a post camer across that a good friend of mine was missing since 11 am that morning.......on one hand i though tthyell be ok but on another hand i thought to turn my scanner on....it was alive with activity. a few hours into listening to it i told my DH i had the oddest feeling something wa swrong with my friends back of his head. i went to bed that night listening to my scanner cause they hadnt found them yet...they dragged a pond near their home, nothing. at some point i had gotten frustrated with listening to the mindaneness of traffic stops and had shut the scanner off. told my BIL when he went tp church if he heard anything to call and ler me know. so about noon the phone rang and it was my BIL telling us they had found my friend in the woods a short distance from their home......strange thing about that i had just told my DH about an hour or so earlier that they were gonna find them in the woods near a creek. so then yesterday a bunch of guys were talking about where they found the body and the fact that theyd committed suicide. thats thje hard part to swallow for me cause this person did not seem like the type to do such a thing....im so numb right now i feel like im moving in molasses......i havent even been able to cry yet....i feel defective


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Hi --lots of hugs for all of you--Ducky for losing a friend--you are not defective--all of a sudden you will find yourself shedding tears.

Tonya- That stinks about the holiday- My SIL has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas since those are his regular days so for my GS first Christmas he'll be at work! Nursing can be very demanding and frustrating at times- but can also be very rewarding. Hoping that in good time, you'll not be such a newbie and will get some days off that you want. Seems we all have to pay our dues at one point. I like that i'm in an office now- insurance---and don't have to worry about weekends or holidays. My DD was lucky that she was able to switch from the ER into the OR--she has weekends off too- and holidays-


Sue- There is one of the new employees that had started that I swear takes a bath in perfume. I had to say something to her. I almost gagged one morning when we went into the training room--luckily I'm not allergic


Ann- Insert jealous smiley---how nice of DH to barter to get you some Alpaca Yarn!! I'll bet it's going to be awesome!!!!


Shelley- I was wondering the same thing as Ann- why would they use Lysol if they know you can't tolerate it?

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Just checking in briefly - I hadn't been on the computer much at all until last night, managed to get caught up on at least 8 pages worth of chatter, and now I am actually posting to you all... :):hi


Ducky, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend ~ I'll be sending you some extra prayers, and here are a few :hug:hug:hug ~ hopefully that will help...


I don't understand why they continue to spray Lysol where you work, Sherry, it almost sounds like they either don't remember or just don't care. I think I'd hide all the Lysol, mix up the stuff you got that doesn't make you sick, and tell them all to SUCK IT if they don't like it. :devil Well, okay, I probably wouldn't. However, I WOULD totally support you if you decided to do that!! :hug


Mama Kuddles, Joanne, Sue, Ann, tonyal, everybody else - sending you :hug:ghug:manyheart I hope those that are feeling under the weather get well soon, and that your work goes smoothly...


Here are the pictures I took of the ugly but warm hat I made, I'm FINALLY getting them posted. Don't worry, though, I just got them off my camera. :blush They haven't been sitting on my computer for all that long... maybe 30 minutes. :lol




Okay, I'm out of here for now. I have some videos to post to You Tube and Facebook. My son Michael performed with the Hillsdale Wind Symphony tonight, and I got some videos of that, as well as his band concert from last Thursday night. :) My dad lives over 4 hours away, so I like to post a video every now and then so he can "watch" Michael's performances...


You all take care! I hope to be back more regularly... (knock on wood...)


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Good morning!


Melani- Good to "hear" from you! That's very neat that you post videos so that your Dad can "watch" your son performing. It's really cool that we have such great technology these days!!! Love the UBW hat- the colors are so nice!


Sue- Hope today finds you feeling a little better!


Kuddles- Happy Hump Day--we're half-way to the weekend:clap Actually I'm a little more than 1/2 way since I'm taking half-day off on Friday since my oldest is coming to town for the weekend!!! She gets here Friday around noon!!!:)


Ann- Have you been browsing patterns of things you'll want to make with your alpaca yarn when you get it? Sometimes, if I have nice yarn I have a hard time deciding what it is I want to make with it! I still have the teal colored Debbie Bliss yarn DD bought for me--and I'm trying to decide what to make with it. I may just make the same infinity scarf I made my DD with the gray yarn she picked out. But that will have to wait since I still want to make a few more things- and I've got to sew in the lining to a few of the SBT's I'm giving as gifts!!


Have a fabulous day everyone and heres some extra hugs-feel free to take what you need and pass them on:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug-

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Good morning back at ya Joann! Woot for it being Wed and double Woot you have Friday off!


Raining here in Chi Town and this afternoon, in the 50s! By Friday back to reality.....


Today for me? Just getting thru another day knowing that soon (starting next Thurs) me and Baby K will be off for the holiday break! Woot!


Have a great day all!


Mama Kuddles

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Morning Everyone!


Melani, love the UBW hat! It's so good to hear from you! :hug FB is wonderful for keeping up with family! That's the only way I know what my kids are doing! :lol My youngest son posted a video of his house all decorated for Christmas. He goes all out! I'm lucky that I didn't have a seizure, lol! Flashing lights everywhere, but it's very pretty!


Good morning!


Kuddles- Happy Hump Day--we're half-way to the weekend:clap Actually I'm a little more than 1/2 way since I'm taking half-day off on Friday since my oldest is coming to town for the weekend!!! She gets here Friday around noon!!!:)


Ann- Have you been browsing patterns of things you'll want to make with your alpaca yarn when you get it? Sometimes, if I have nice yarn I have a hard time deciding what it is I want to make with it! I still have the teal colored Debbie Bliss yarn DD bought for me--and I'm trying to decide what to make with it. I may just make the same infinity scarf I made my DD with the gray yarn she picked out. But that will have to wait since I still want to make a few more things- and I've got to sew in the lining to a few of the SBT's I'm giving as gifts!!


Have a fabulous day everyone and heres some extra hugs-feel free to take what you need and pass them on:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug-

I haven't been looking yet. My head is still spinning from the thought of it! :lol Plus I'm trying to finish up my Christmas gifts. Last night I was working on linining the bags that I made. I almost cut off the tip of my finger when I was cutting the fabric! :lol I'm such a klutz! Hope the rest of the week flies by for you!!!


Raining here in Chi Town and this afternoon, in the 50s! By Friday back to reality.....


Today for me? Just getting thru another day knowing that soon (starting next Thurs) me and Baby K will be off for the holiday break! Woot!


Have a great day all!


Mama Kuddles

Woot for time off! How wonderful for you! :yay


Sue, hope you're feeling better today! :hug


Ducky, thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers your way...:hug


Hope you all have a wonderful day! :hug

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Hi All, it's been a busy day. It was payday again, so I had all that to do and with having several days off at the end of the month, I have a lot to get done. (I have Dec. 23 and Dec. 26 off for Christmas since it's on Sat and Sun, then I get Dec. 30 and Jan 2 off for New Year's). I'm sorry for those that have to work. I appreciate your sacrifice to be away from family to do your jobs.


I don't understand why they continue to use the lysol either. I think it really surprised them that I left for the day when they did it. I guess they think lysol is the only thing that will "kill" the smell when it just makes it go away fro a short time. Not sure if my boss talked with them or not, but he knew I was unhappy.


Sue - hope you're getting better.


Ann - Sounds like you're busy.


Joanne - hope you had a good day today.


Ducky - hugs to you.


Love the hats!


I'm still looking for a battery for my camera. I guess I"ll have to go to a camera shop and see if they have one (there's one down the street from where I work but I know it will be really pricey but I can't find one anywhere else).


Well, I'd better get in there and get to crocheting. I'm almost done with another scarf. I think I have 3 more to do and then some dishcloths. I also found a cupcake ornament that I'm going to try to make for the child care director since she does a lot of cakes.


Have a great evening all. Hugs to all of you and get to feeling better for those that are under the weather.

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HI all,


Kuddles- I don't have all day Friday off- just 1/2 day- but I'll take it!!! DD won't get to my house till around 1:30 or so and I'm leaving work at 1!


Had a good day today- busy as usual. Then I got my hair cut/colored and I feel like a new woman!:lol


Off to crochet for a bit- I can' believe it's almost 10 PM!!!

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I'm still looking for a battery for my camera. I guess I"ll have to go to a camera shop and see if they have one (there's one down the street from where I work but I know it will be really pricey but I can't find one anywhere else).



Have you tried ebay? I often get batteries for my phone and camera's there.


Got some hooking in today sitting with my friend whose son needed some testing done at Childrens Hosp over in Seattle. :P hate the traffic over there, but she hates driving in it even more!

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Quick good morning!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise, but couldn't start my day without stopping by to wish you all a good day!

I'll be going over to DD's after work today since my sister in law will be visiting from PA.


Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Good Morning Everyone! Just popping in to wish you all a wonderful day!


Sue, hoping that you are feeling better still today! Try to stay dry today! :lol:hug


Joanne, one more day and your DD will be visiting! Woot!


Sherry, hope you can find some batteries. Who would think they'd be so hard to find, lol. Better get those hooks busy! Not many days left! :lol


Mama K, any boss today?


Have a great day my friends! :hug

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