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Need some Crochet inspiration

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Hello lovely Cvillers,


I'm wondering if you could offer some encouragement or words of advice. I am pregnant, YAY!:yay:cheerand am very happy about this. I am saddened though that I will be the only person crafting anything for my baby :( At the momet I feel so exhaused that I can hardly lift a crochet hook. How do I get around the feeling of sadness I have that I will be the only one crafting for my baby... can anyone help?


any advice would be much appreciated




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Aw many Congrats elki, that wonderful news! I took up my crochet again when I was pregnant with my first baby after a few years of doing nothing and I havent looked back since. I can remember that overwhelming exhaustion and used to fall asleep at a moments notice lol. I think the fact that you are the only person crafting for your baby will make anything you create extra special. I would start with something small like a hat or booties and as you start to feel a bit better tackle larger projects like afghans. And dont be sad about being the only one crafting for your baby this is a wonderful time and you should relax and just enjoy.

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Congrats! What wonderful news.


Just think, the items you make now, if you decide to put them away as Baby out grows, may become treasured family heirlooms. Does that help?


If it doesn't, I appologize, but I have very little advice, but lots of good wishes to send.

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First, get some rest, and get that exhaustion taken care of! :hug

Congratulations on the exciting news! Who knows, though, someone may surprise you with a special handmade gift at a future shower? :) And everything you do make for your little one, will be something you and your baby will always cherish. Maybe even more so simply BECAUSE it's something you made especially with him/her in mind. Don't push yourself too hard, though. k? your energy will come back. And I think little hats and booties are a fun place to start. they're a quick project as you start to feel up to crocheting again. not to mention, cute! check out the doilyghan CAL for inspiration if you want something different for a baby blanket, when you're ready for it. (of course, there's tons of darling baby blanket patterns out there, in so many different styles!)


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I am so happy for you and think whatever you make will be such a lovely keepsake as your baby out grows them. I personally love making cocoon sacks and especially booties. There are just so many cute patterns for baby stuff and a ton of them are free.


Good luck with your crocheting and may God bless you and your baby with good health and happiness.




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At least two well-known crochet designers/teachers (Jennifer Hansen, Stitch Diva, and Kristin Omdahl) turned to crochet, designing, and other releated endeavors when they became pregnant, so keep them in mind! Crochet as much as you like and, if you make something with an original design, keep your notes handy.


Best wishes!



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Congrats is in order first....and oh the tiredness became quite boring to say the least. I too was the only one crocheting for our babies but it did make it all the more special. By the time the Grands came some of my other family crocheted.


I started with a bib. It was fast and I felt an accomplishment quickly which I needed about then. Baby Blessings To You~~~

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Congratulations on your sweet little one! Children are a blessing from the Lord.


That tiredness and sleepiness is usually for only about the first half of pregnancy, thankfully. At roughly halfway it typically lifts and your energy improves. Having said that, know that I obviously can't speak for every pregnant woman who ever lived, LOL, but most women say pretty much the same thing. You should feel better before long. In the meantime, crochet when you feel like it. Like the other good advisers have said maybe you should choose smaller projects right now so that you will have a sense of accomplishment and not just frustration. Later, when your energy returns you may want to pick some more involved things to do.


This baby is going to have some very special things from his loving Mama!

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Hi, and Congratz! I was the only one that crocheted my daughter's baby things, but you know, I kind of liked it that way, as I could and did get exactly what I wanted when I made it myself! So enjoy your time, even the not so great times, it is all part of the miracle of birth! I finished up embroidering her abc quilt, while waiting the few days to take her home! I only had yet to finish up her exact birthdate, weight, and name!

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A big THANKYOU to everyone :) Thank you for your votes of confidence. I feel alot better knowing I could come here and ask for inspiration. I will look at the baby clothes and toys I make knowing that they will be cherished. I'm also quiet lucky knowing that my husband loves my craftyness. I've already made some booties and a sweater. I started a blanket but meh, blankets have never been my thing


Thank you all once again <3


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Inspiration, cyber hugs and even a few shoulders if you need them.




The tired will lift. It's your body telling you that you need to rest. Listen to it. Put your feet up. Get pampered and waited on if you can - you deserve it.


As far as being the only one making stuff for the baby - be happy that you know how so that the baby will be able to have handmade stuff. Just think how much love that baby will be wrapped in every time she curls up in one of her blankies.


I've found that when I'm that tired sometimes it's best to put the hook down. Either that or use a braindead pattern that your hands can make without the help of your brain. For me those are round ripples.

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elki conratulations! Hopefully the tiredness will soon pass and you will have a bit more energy (especially for crocheting). I'm sure you will enjoy making beautiful treasured heirlooms for the new arrival. If you like I would LOVE to make a blankie for the new baby after it is born.

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awww hookerangel that is sweet, but you don't have to do that.




Thanks for the votes of confidence everyone



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Awwwww!!!!! Congratulations! Don't give up on the blanket! Just put it aside and when you feel like it just pull it out and work on it! The time will fly by and you will have lots of things for your little bundle of joy! And who knows...maybe a blanket to bring him/her home in!!!!:crocheting:yay

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