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Our House Part Two


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Dusti, thanks for the prayers they are felt and they work!


Julie, that's an ambitious project, but beautiful. As for storms, I prepare for them and then wait. I've been under the bed a couple of times here and during hurricane Charlie in FL was in a closet and could feel the walls "breathing" That's a little scarey *LOL*


Enjoy your game with Cam.


Still raining here with the occasional thunder boomers. Only one of my furples have gone out. Don't understand it, the girls will play in the puddles, but heaven forbid you want them to go out WHILE it's raining. I know they have to because they haven't been out since before our naptime. Guess when they have to go bad enough, they will go out, regardless :lol



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Joanne, in the spring and fall we have severe weather here. Lots of watches and warnings and right now, flood warnings because of the huge amount of rain we've had today.


The scaredest I've been here is when the gravity wave hit and kept going and going and going and I didn't know what was going on. I was afraid it would tear the house apart. I just lay in bed, it came at night time, and prayed the 23rd psalm over and over and over again. That's how scared I was. All the hurricanes and tornadoes I've been in and that scared me.


As for the crawling in bed, was the only way I could get warm. It's not cold here but I was cold and nothing worked. Not even a hot cup of chai latte.

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Toni- I hope you are able to "warm" up- and I don't think I'd survive all those bad weather storms- that hurricane when my girls were young really, really scared me and I wouldn't do well living in places that get them all the time- or in places that get tornados often- not that there is anything I can do about Mother Nature, but for all the bad press NJ gets, our weather is actually not bad at all!! So that's a plus for me!


Pizza should be here in a few and the Yankee game is set to begin- so have a good night all!!

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My niece sent me a nice birth announcement. Her ninth arrived on March 21 and it was a quick and easy delivery.


Here's my Friday Photo. These are the last two pair of socks I made. Have another pair started, well one sock waiting for it's mate :lol



very cute!!:clap

Hi gang


The next lap quilt I ordered has several different quilt designs all on one. I'll find it online and post it here in a bit .


That's so pretty!!!

Judy- Heard on the news that they put Hughes on the DL and added Colon to the starting rotation! Mmmm now why didn't I think of that?:lol;)

yeah, they need to listen to us more often:lol

The scaredest I've been here is when the gravity wave hit and kept going and going and going and I didn't know what was going on. I was afraid it would tear the house apart. I just lay in bed, it came at night time, and prayed the 23rd psalm over and over and over again. That's how scared I was. All the hurricanes and tornadoes I've been in and that scared me.

I googles gravity wave....but still don't understand the effect. Does it make the wind strong and go in different directions?

I was an Earth Science nerd in school...:D


Off to watch the Yankees!!!


'nite all.:hug:manyheart

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Hey ladies :hi


Work wasn't bad today and went fairly quick :yes Then I came home and found a present in my mailbox, which was very exciting and sidetracked me from coming in to clean the turtles right away :lol A sidetrack well worth taking :yes Totally made my whole week!!!! More on that later..........


I'm going to clean the turtles to get that out of the way for the weekend and that automatically leads to cleaning the kitchen because I have to sterilize the sink after washing the filter in it, so then while everything's out, the whole kitchen gets done, not that it's very big or anything :lol So hoping to get that done tonight, which is a little over an hour job and then I'll either start the next section of my map, or finish a square to mail out :think I need some hook therapy :wink


Wrennie - Oooo, I love red robin too :yes I don't go often, but I like to get the bonzai burger. and ihop too :drool Food and yarn....it doesn't get much better :lol


Julie - Did colonel mustard do it with a crow bar in the study? :lol I was never very good at that game :think


Toni - Glad to here you slept well and your socks are beautiful :manyheart


Judy - I surely don't feel any pressure to be here, I just LIKE to be here :lol I think you ladies help keep me sane sometimes :think:lol And yep, I got the pattern idea from Joanne after she did that one :yes (I stole it when her head was turned, but shhhhhhh.....don't tell her :wink )


Linda - Glad to hear that Kim seems to be a bit better today. Did you get to do any crafting today?


Tam - The croc stitch came out beautifully, I've never done it but have heard of it and watched a utube video on it. :yay to the boys doing so well at their concerts....wow, they really are well rounded!!! That's great :manyheart


Dusti - :drool mmmmmmm....I love enchiladas!!!


Joanne - Enjoy your pizza and the game. Sixers have their first playoff game tomorrow at 3:30 in Miami :eek:xfin It's away so I'll be watching from the comfort of my home.

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Judy, gravity wave is just that wave after wave after wave of high winds battering everything in it's path, like waves crashing onto shore. They don't happen often and usually aren't as strong as this one was, but they are NOT nice.


Here's a link to our local weathermans blog with explanation:



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Thanks for all the nice comments on my socks. It's STILL raining and rumbling, but I heard from my dd in Birmingham that she's okay. They had a couple of big tornadoes down that way, so I'm glad she text me and let me know.


That's it for me tonight. Going to check on other discussions and sign off for the night. Looks like storms may be out of here by 11.


Sleep tight everyone and see you tomorrow! :hug :hug :hug

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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.....


So when I openned up the package that was in my mailbox....it's an amazing tote bag that Dusti made for me :yay She does absolutely beautiful work and I'm sure the picture doesn't do it justice :no I am just beside myself it's not even funny I did have a heads up since she had to ask for my address :lol but had no clue what she could be sending me :think She also included some binder tabs to use while sorting all my practice/business info and a very lovely note that brought tears to my eyes :blush


Thanks soooo much again Dusti :hug


So without further ado, here is my new tote and one of Dusti's finished projects for the week :manyheart


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On that note, I'm heading upstairs for the night :c9


After I checked in earlier, I decided I didn't want to do anything so played a game on the computer......well, the time just sorta gets away when that happens :blush So I really just did nothing this evening and I don't even feel guilty :lol Now going to read a few pages and of to lala land.

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You are so very welcome, M'Dear. The yarn color is a Jade Heather by Patons (Classic Wool -- note to self, "100% wool felts the best."), and it was real fun to work with. I just wanted you to know that I am pulling for you through these next months as you start-up your own practice, move to Pittsburgh and get your bearings.


Here is the pic I took, before I packaged it up for you



The news is going to come on in just a couple of minutes, so I am heading off to watch that and work on my latest, ruffle-y purse. I am so anxious to get it done, so that I can share it with you all. Talk to you again, tomorrow.


Good night :night

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I'm so glad I decided to check back in before heading upstairs! Wow!!!!! What a gorgeous tote that is Dusti- :yes and how absolutely sweet of you to send it to Marisa!!!!:hug Oh, I just love "our house"- such wonderful caring people live here!!!!:manyheart


What a way to end the day!!! Sweet dreams everyone!!!


See you in the AM!!!!

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Dusti...that is really pretty and so sweet of you.


Got a new photo of my 2 oldest Granddaughters.Its so hard to believe i have 12 Grandbabies all under age 7(makes me feel old)


Gracie 4 & Trenty 3....they are to sweet.I sure miss them.


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Ooooo... My yarn swift and yarn ball winder arrived today. They work wonderfully!!! It's amazing what nice tiny balls they're making out of the hanks that I bought. So very nice. *happy dance*

:yay you must be so excited!!! Have fun winding all your yarn!!!

Dusti...that is really pretty and so sweet of you.


Got a new photo of my 2 oldest Granddaughters.Its so hard to believe i have 12 Grandbabies all under age 7(makes me feel old)


Gracie 4 & Trenty 3....they are to sweet.I sure miss them.

They are adorable!!!!! the pic brought back sweet memories of when my DD's were that age! And Wow 12 grandbabies- you are a lucky lady!!!


Up bright and early- so I'm going to get my coffee re-filled (yes, I've already almost finished my first cup) and then tackle the Saturday morning cleaning. Like to get that over with since it is NOT my favorite thing to do.



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Morning ladies

This will be a quickie . Cam is up ,so not much time for posting . He is invited to a birthday party today so will be going to that ,but he says his mom told him he could come back tomorrow again,so we'll see. They usually have lots going on and things to do .



Love the new tote bag ! And you are right, Dusti did a wonderful job on it. It's very pretty !

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Your granddaughters are so cute ! What is Trenty's full name ? That's one I havent heard before. The girls nowadays use lots of imagination to choose their kid's names,dont they ?

12 grandbabies,all that small would sure be a pile of grandkids ! How many girls and how many boys ?



Enjoy the time with your girl this weekend,although she will be busy for most of it .

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Good morning. I never did get around to checking in yesterday. Work went well, and we went out with friends for the evening.


Its raining and gloomy here today. The only two things I need to accomplish are laundry and grocery shopping. Hopefully I will get a few other things done as well.


Marisa, lucky you to get Dusti's beautiful tote. Congrats. Hope the office search bears fruit soon.


Julie, hope you had a good time with Cam last night. Clue was one of my favorite games when I was a child.


Marlene, sounds like you are still busy. And like Joanne, we wouldn't survive with a 3 cup coffee maker. Both dh and I love our coffee.


Tam, glad you got some alone time. You needed it! And the crocodile stitch really looks pretty.


Wrennie, its Hobby Lobby day isn't it? Have fun!!


Toni. fingers crossed that you can have your eye procedure done now. Socks look great. And it seems to me that you've been getting more than your share of scary weather.


Faile. I've never used a yarn swift or a winder, but it sounds like you are very pleased with your new toys. May have to look into a winder at least.


Shaylen, your grand daughters are so cute. I only have grandsons, (so I'm a teeny bit jealous, even though I love them dearly and wouldn't trade them for anything.)



Linda, glad to hear Kim is looking better.


Well, better go make a grocery list and get some coffee.

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Good morning everyone! It's a very COOL and sunny morning this morning. Hopefully, it will dry up enough for me to work in the yard today. We'll see.


Going to work for a couple of hours this morning to make up for not working yesterday. Have a couple of things that need to be done. Need more :coffee first!


Marisa and Dusti, absolutely beautiful tote. What a wonderful gift to give and to recieve!


Faille, aren't they wonderful! Makes life so much easier to have these two gidgy gadgets to wind hanks of yarn and ends of skeins.


Shay, those girls are adorable. WOW 12 grandkids! I only have one that's 23 and he's having a little one in August


Cindy, it's spring in the mountains, one of our two severe weather times of the year. Cold front meets warm front and warm Gulf air = storms. Then they go over the mountains to GA and beyond.


Joanne, 4:49 in the morning is NOT my idea of a good time to clean house! I would need more than one cup of coffee to get me started :lol


So, I'm off to work at 8 central. Need to check some other threads and then work, then yardwork and then crochet and watch racing.



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hi, peeps!



Judy, gravity wave is just that wave after wave after wave of high winds battering everything in it's path, like waves crashing onto shore. They don't happen often and usually aren't as strong as this one was, but they are NOT nice.


Here's a link to our local weathermans blog with explanation:



thanks for the link... It sounds scary!!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.....


So when I openned up the package that was in my mailbox....it's an amazing tote bag that Dusti made for me :yay She does absolutely beautiful work and I'm sure the picture doesn't do it justice :no I am just beside myself it's not even funny I did have a heads up since she had to ask for my address :lol but had no clue what she could be sending me :think She also included some binder tabs to use while sorting all my practice/business info and a very lovely note that brought tears to my eyes :blush


Thanks soooo much again Dusti :hug


So without further ado, here is my new tote and one of Dusti's finished projects for the week :manyheart

Oh, how gorgeous - and sooooo thoughtful of her!:clap

Got a new photo of my 2 oldest Granddaughters.Its so hard to believe i have 12 Grandbabies all under age 7(makes me feel old)


Gracie 4 & Trenty 3....they are to sweet.I sure miss them.

how adorable!!!!!!!!


Off to start my day! CU later:hug:manyheart

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:mdust Good Morning House :mdust


How is everyone this fine cool morning? Its rainy and a cool 34* here this morning.

Thank you all so much for all the sweet compliments on my projects!

I worked a bit on moms socks yesterday...but got distracted by a purse pattern in my head. So after all the math.. and all the diagram drawing ... and all the crocheting and frogging... I think I am finally on my way to getting it created!


Here's my Friday Photo. These are the last two pair of socks I made. Have another pair started, well one sock waiting for it's mate :lol



I love those!! wish I had the book they came from!! you've done a great job on them!


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.....


So when I openned up the package that was in my mailbox....it's an amazing tote bag that Dusti made for me :yay She does absolutely beautiful work and I'm sure the picture doesn't do it justice :no I am just beside myself it's not even funny I did have a heads up since she had to ask for my address :lol but had no clue what she could be sending me :think She also included some binder tabs to use while sorting all my practice/business info and a very lovely note that brought tears to my eyes :blush


Thanks soooo much again Dusti :hug


So without further ado, here is my new tote and one of Dusti's finished projects for the week :manyheart

Whoa................thats beautiful! Congrats on getting such a lovely tote!!!


You are so very welcome, M'Dear. The yarn color is a Jade Heather by Patons (Classic Wool -- note to self, "100% wool felts the best."), and it was real fun to work with. I just wanted you to know that I am pulling for you through these next months as you start-up your own practice, move to Pittsburgh and get your bearings.


Here is the pic I took, before I packaged it up for you



The news is going to come on in just a couple of minutes, so I am heading off to watch that and work on my latest, ruffle-y purse. I am so anxious to get it done, so that I can share it with you all. Talk to you again, tomorrow.


Good night :night

That is an absolutely beautiful bag!!! you did a great job on it!!!


Dusti...that is really pretty and so sweet of you.


Got a new photo of my 2 oldest Granddaughters.Its so hard to believe i have 12 Grandbabies all under age 7(makes me feel old)


Gracie 4 & Trenty 3....they are to sweet.I sure miss them.

Oh Shay.............those babies are so sweet!!!! Look at those precious faces!

I know what ya mean about feeling old... I have 8 grandbabies. And I'm still raising my own babies.



Well....... off to get a refill on my :mug

Then get a few things done around here... maybe get a little crochet time in... and then.........................................

shhh................ I have a dinner date with my mom and sis-in-law. I wrote it in code on the family calender so that the daughter wouldnt beg to come! Its a night out for the three of us ALONE! I'm so excited!



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Toni- I was happy to read that you are safe and sound!! I was reading about all the tornadoes that have touched Mississippi and Alabama!! Scary stuff!!! Enjoy your day- and just so you don't think I'm really crazy- it was 5:49 my time (Eastern DST), not 4:49!!:lol Ok, that IS still early to start cleaning- but since I only have 2 days off during the week, and part of those days off has to be spent cleaning, I really like to get it done early!:yes And it is done- as done as it will be!


We went to a new Trader Joe's that opened in Shrewsbury this morning and then on the way back stopped at Judy's place, Delicious Orchards!!! Picked up some treats since DD will be here until Tuesday- and she is a vegetarian so got lots of fresh fruits and veggies!!! We are well stocked again and won't starve!!!:lol


Just getting ready to watch the Yankees (and it is gray, raw, cool day out there today- not really baseball weather at all).


Tammy- I won't tell- and enjoy your night out with Mom and Sis-in-law!!! Sounds like you are very excited about it:yay


Cindy- I know what you mean about laundry and grocery shopping being what HAS to get done! I also cleaned out the refrigerator this morning and scrubbed it down inside before heading out to get groceries. It's much easier to clean it BEFORE shopping!:lol


Julie- So who did it where and with what? (Clue) That's great that Cam stayed overnight! Hope he has fun at the party this afternoon!


Thinking of you Wrennie on your HL excursion!!!!



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I did it! I did it! I did it! :woo :woo the tea cozy is DONE, DONE, DONE and instructions are in trash. I will NEVER make another one. I don't have a teapot to take picture on so the photo is a flat one and I haven't uploaded it from camera yet.


Also, finished this morning, my stash buster tote. Picture still in camera, but it's finished. Feels good, two projects finished this morning and worked a couple of hours.


It's to cold and damp and dreary and windy to work in yard :( so I crocheted. Now racing is coming on, so will work on the flannelghan's final panel. Maybe get the borders started tomorrow.

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Good afternoone ladies :hi


I totally slept in until 10:30 :eek and it was wonderful!!!!!! :yes When I got up I right ran out to my eyeglass place to get a pair of my reinforced.....they ended up in bed with me last week and the funny part is that they definitely were not on my face when I went to bed :think Totally weird, but are fixed now although I'll still have to be somewhat gentle with them :yes So just got home a few minutes ago after a couple more stops and so yep, now I guess I need to clean and get it over with so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend :yes The turtles didn't get done last night since I sat and played games :lol So I'll get them cleaned up too. I have 3 hours until our first playoff game comes on :D


Dusti - :hug :hug :hug :hug


Joanne - you've probably been done with your cleaning for hours now, I'm just getting started :lol


Faile - :yay for getting your swift and winder.


Shay - Your grandbabies are just adorable, I bet with those cute faces, they have everyone wrapped around their little fingers :yes


Julie - Playing any games today with Cam?


Cindy - I still have some more pinning on my map to cover before I can really see what areas are good versus ones that are overpopulated with chiros. Many of the insurance networks will only approve so many per area to be a network provider :(


Toni - Hope your work goes well this morning.


Judy - Hope your having a great day :yes


Tam - I sure won't tell on you :no You deserve to get away for some relaxing time :yes

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I did it! I did it! I did it! :woo :woo the tea cozy is DONE, DONE, DONE and instructions are in trash. I will NEVER make another one. I don't have a teapot to take picture on so the photo is a flat one and I haven't uploaded it from camera yet.


Also, finished this morning, my stash buster tote. Picture still in camera, but it's finished. Feels good, two projects finished this morning and worked a couple of hours.


It's to cold and damp and dreary and windy to work in yard :( so I crocheted. Now racing is coming on, so will work on the flannelghan's final panel. Maybe get the borders started tomorrow.



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