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Our House Part Two


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Linda, I remember when my dad bought a computer for his business, and it was so big that it needed its own room. Now we have computers that we can carry in our pockets! I also remember using a slide rule in math class. Calculators were available, but they were big and clunky and expensive.


I love the Celtic knot shawl you sent me when my parents passed away. At the time I found and saved the pattern, because I thought it was so beautiful. I've never made one though. However, now that I have 2 finishes already this year....maybe I can justify starting a new project.....

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I'm back for a quick check in before bedtime.  DD and GS​ both conked out hours ago.


Cindy, that is a lovely​ baby blanket.  About the only time that I do knitting any more is when I'm making premie hats.


When I was first marri​ed my husband took me in to see the computer he worked on.  It was huge, complete with blinking lights, whistles & bells ringing, and information input via punch cards.  He was one of the early programmers from before there was even a class for such a thing.  He was good at it and then some.  Both kids are following in his footsteps.  My son after doing a lot of years teaching college math and my daughter after getting a degree in art with minors in theater and French.  She went back to school for the computer classes.

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Good morning ladies. It's chilly here...guess it's still winter.....


My cousin in New Jersey says that her kids have a snow day. I doubt there was one here.


Today's plans here are to read and craft. I think Dh wants to go out for dinner. He's suggested it three times already, once yesterday, and twice already this morning. Last time he told me we could stop at a craft store so that I could buy some yarn. Now, I really, really need more yarn. I only have two 6 foot tall cabinets full. I have to work tomorrow, so I'm not sure I want to go out shopping. I was planning to make quiche fir dinner and that still sounds good to me. Decisions, decisions....


Judy, I enjoy knitting too, but when it's too complex, I find it frustrating. This pattern was just varied enough to keep me paying attention, but easy enough so that I could watch tv or converse while working on it. I'm not starting a new knitting project until my Hitchiker scarf is finished. I ought to finish the Learn to knit blanket too, but that one will remain a WIP for quite a while longer! I've already decided to shrink it from its original 63 squares to either 25 or 36 squares.

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Cindy, wanna trade husbands...lol!

I have the hitchhiker pattern too, ut needed to look up a stitch to work On it. That's where it stands.


And I found the Celtic knot shawl pattern!


We went to the food store....it was an interesting trip inthis heavy snow. Pulled into a parking space...and heard hubby say Uh Oh....we made it ok. Now our neighbor is using his snow plow to clear the driveway...hubby is movin the cars for him. We have a small driveway.

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Judy, you must be talking about the "kfb" that starts many of the rows. It's an increase stitch. (Knit front and back). I didn't look it up but all I do is first knit into the front of the stitch, but don't push the stitch you knitted into,off, leave it on the needle, Then I knit into the back of the stitch which is the usual way and push the stitch off as usual. And voila! You have turned one stitch into two on the other needle! Mine looks fine, so even if it's not technically correct, it works.

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Hi Ladies ~ quick post while Zach is occupied.  They brought him about 9:30 on their way out of town.  I'll get Luke from school at 3.  Zach and I made mini pizzas for lunch - he ate fresh spinach since it was disguised with cheese. Lol


Judy ~ Oh my, the graph 'ghan is gorgeous!  I know it will be treasured by your friends. ♥


Cindy ~ Love the baby afghan!  Your knitting is lovely and I love the color. :yes


Hi Linda, LeeAnn and the rest of the house. :manyheart   My posts will be random for a couple days. ;)

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Thanks Mary. Hubby got off the phone with his friend a bit ago and they'll be coming over on Wednesday. When he got off the phone I heard him say "And do we have a surprise for you!"

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Good afternoon house!


Judy-your graph ghan is stunning! wowza!  I bet your friends will just adore it.  The Mary Maxim Scrubby yarn is the best, I have it here at the shop.  It is one of the best scrubby yarns out there as it is 100% cotton, the others are nylon.  My customers all rave about it.  Love the colors that you chose too!


Cindy-That is so funny!  My dh will eat just about anything, I am so lucky, he never complains about my cooking..lucky lucky.  My brother in-law is an extremely picky eater, my poor sister jumps thru hoops to fix din din.  A day of crafting sounds wonderful.  


Linda-you are so very right, computers have come a long way.  It's amazing to see the changes in technology.  My kiddos have no idea how different life was way back when.  


Mary-you sure are going to be busy, have fun!


Craft Night was fun, I am still plugging away on the second sock, Finished the hat that I had been working on last week along with a knit scarf.  Both have gone to their homes with  my customers.  What a relief!  That completes my custom crochet/knit orders.  I have decided to not accept custom orders for awhile, I am just burnt out on it.  I love working with yarn and selling it but my wrists are screaming in protest.  Thought I should take a break.


Back to paperwork.  hugs and warmest of wishes!

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'Evening, everyone.  Whew - the boys are in bed and it's quiet! 


Cindy ~ I just reread posts and saw that you're going to have three at once...I'm not sure I'd have the strength. :lol


Hi LeeAnn!  Good call on suspending custom orders.  I accept very few in my shop and sometimes it's just plain stressful!


Time to clean up the kitchen.  We'll take the boys to the park and Chick-Fil-A tomorrow.  Hopefully, it will warm up a bit.

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Hi all,


Judy, the Ghan is awesome!!!!!


Cindy, cute baby blanket!!!!


I had two dental appointments this week and last night had cleaning and some treatment on my gums. My mouth feels so weird on the side that was worked on Go back again on the 15th. Fun times,,, lol


Mary. Have fun with the boys and I'm glad that you and dd had some mother daughter time.


Linda. My two favorite shows are call the midwife and downton abbey!!! I even made a "call the midwife" blanket for a coworker The blanket was shown on one of the episodes and I found a pattern on ravelry.


Leeann here's hoping you don't sick too. Loved the pics you had posted on fb


I'm babysitting for Robbie tomorrow for a few hours since Ryan has a birthday party to go to. Last Sunday, when I said I'll see you next Saturday, he asked me if I would come early so he could play with me too before the party. So of course I will. :-).


Michele how have you been feeling. Hope the fibro has been behaving


Marlene. I get tired when I think of all that cooking you do in TX. Maybe because that is one of my least favorite things to do!


I'm starting to fade, so am going to call it a night. Have a good Saturday !!!


ETA. Mary we posted at the same time. Glad the boys are in bed and hope you get a good nights sleep. And I'll be watching three at a time too, soon. Somehow I think it's going to be a little harder than when I had my three girls LOL.

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Thanks Joanne...

Oh, your dental work gives me the willies. Plus now, on blood thinners, anythi g I do has to be carefully thought ot. Doc doesn't even want ro consider taking me off the twice daily dose till at least a year has gone by from starting it.


Been working on the dowager shawl from Downton Abbey, but not much else...so today I pick a pattern to make using the new scrubby yarn!


Have a good weekend everyone!

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Hi House. :) The boys are occupied with a movie and an ipad...quiet time is fine with me!  We've been very busy. Lol


Joanne ~ So sorry you're going through the dental work - I can totally empathize. :hug  I have the two implants coming up and then two more extractions/bone grafts/implants.  They've always called my problems genetic - I guess it could be worse!  And I agree about the grandkids...if only I had ½ the energy I did when DD was little! :lol


Judy ~ Looking forward to seeing your shawl. :yes  You've accomplished so much lately! :clap


I hope this link works...Zoe looks exactly like the picture and it describes her craziness very well. :D



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Mary, that was interesting to read. My sons cat is a calico, but longcoated and more white with splotches of color but she's a sweetheart. A friend has two black cats, also long coated that are also sweethearts. I love cats, and the only time I've ever been bitten was by a friends calico kitten. Canine teeth into the pad below my thumb. Wow...was I surprised!

Enjy the grandsons...they grow so.fast.


And I guess I have been productive lately. I seem to go in spurts.

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Hi ladies. Busy day at work today. Came home to find Dh busy in the kitchen. He npmade quiche for dinner. Apparently he went grocery shopping for ingredients. I'd make do with what we had in the house, but he doesn't have a clue about that. I didn't ask how much he spent. He loves grocery shopping!


Joanne, glad it's you and not me having all that dental work done. It's one if my least favorite things....and I even like our dentist!


Mary, Zoe must be a very pretty cat. So she has a little catitude! The pediatrician to,d DD that DGD has babytude. She has five older brothers and she makes sure everyone knows she's around!


And...when I babysit three grandkids, I just don't plan on doing anything else!

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H Ladies,


Judy, Your graph ghan is stunning. Your friends are going to love it.


Cindy, The knitted blanket is just lovely. 


Linda, I could never get into Downtown Abbey. I think I waited to long. Hubby's mom just turned 91 last month and she has seen a lot of changes in her life time.


Mary, I be your having lots of fun with the boys. I'm looking forward to Gerimiah different stages. I had a thumb drive out last night and it had pictures of Maya when she was two and older. The memories. And her brother looks just like her. 


Joanne, I feel for you having to go back to the dentist two more times. I know I don't have the energy I had with Maya when she was younger. 


LeeAnn, Good idea to take a break and let your wrist rest. 


We went with some friends to a country music show. They call them an opry. There some very talented people who come and sing. It was an anniversary show, so they had a few more people than they normally do. The had a man come from Austin so is just exceptionally good singer. His name is Bob Apple. Austin is the place to be for country music in Texas. I wish it wasn't so far away. 

SD texted us and said if GD's baby doesn't turn she will be having a c-section on hubby's birthday or possible the next day. That's a month away so he may move on his own. 

We had ladies night last night. Six of us showed up and had a great time. Two ladies are new to the park and thanked me for asking them. One of them is mid to late seventy's, she and her husband (he's deceased now) use to ride harleys and he built his own plane. I told her my hubby is going to love you. They'll have some great conversations on the trips she's been on. We did.

I need to go warm up supper. Were having leftovers venison stir fry.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Hi all,


Had fun with the boys yesterday. Today, i did grocery shopping and laundry, which I usually do on Saturday. Ryan was very happy I came early so we could play together. R& R and I played go fish, matching games, candy land and of course played with the trains. After dd and Ryan left for the party, I read a few stories to Robbie and he took his nap. Glad I brought hook and yarn. I made a newborn hat for the new baby while Robbie was sleeping. Ryan and Robbie were surprised how small it was and each tried it on. It was funny.


Usually dd and sil have a super bowl party, but decIded to forgo it this year I think dd wants a quiet day at home with her family and I don't blame her. DH and I will watch the game and I'll be knitting.


Hope you are all having a good day. :-)

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Hi Ladies. :)   I hope everyone has had a good weekend!


Joanne ~ Your list of activities with the boys was almost exactly the same around here.  Lol  Luke is really into Star Wars, so we also had Star Wars Lego building going on.


Marlene ~ The country music show and ladies night both sound wonderful!  I hope all goes well with GD's delivery. :manyheart


Cindy ~ I loved reading about the babytude. :lol  With five big brothers, she'll always have plenty of protection and love.  :yes   And yes, Zoe has always had a catitude.  She was a stray 3 month old when I adopted her and little did we know what we were in for. Lol


We took the boys home about 4 and DD and SIL arrived not too long after that.  We were at the park for 2 hours again this morning and they both fell asleep on the way home. :c9   I'll probably be in bed by 8. ;)


Have a good evening, everyone. ♥♥♥♥♥

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