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Our House Part Two


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good morning.


asking for prayers for hubby as he goes to meet with a customer from last year. Hubby is contract tree grafter and this guys trees aren't growing well. I believe there was a misunderstanding and the trees are in a world of hurt and not growing well. This is a very rare occurrence in his business. He needs wisdom and a peaceable outcome

:hug :hug :hug Prayers headed your way. :hug :hug :hug

Hi gang

Sorry I havent been around for several days .


I'll try to shorten this,which for me is NOT easy .


Last week,after being switched to a new asthma drug ( newest on the market), I had another asthma attack, so another trip to ER . as a lot of you know, I have had one stupid body part break, then the next,...etc .

I am at this point VERY discouraged with Dr's,tests,drugs, and all the truckloads of money it is costing . Ridiculous. :grumpy

Anyhow we also have our normal family issues all deciding to come out of the woodwork again,which is ticking me off royally . :bang

SO, to make a long story short, when I get like THIS, it is best to hibernate ,rather than come in here moaning .


A big thank you to Jude for dropping me a note today and handing me a plastic spoon so I can start digging myself out of my latest F U N K .:yes


I'll try to spare you guys all the gorey details .


To everyone dealing with issues right now, my thoughts are with you . :hug


Hope I can take a U turn here and yank myself up out of this mess again .


Sure wish I had the POWER you guys all do. You seem to be able to get knocked down flat, then stand right back up . I just lay there for awhile, trying to figure out why I got knocked down, who did it,and what I'm gonna DO to them when I get up .:tryme

:hug :hug :hug Hang in ther, Miss Julie. We love ya and are here for ya. :hug :hug :hug


Kim's appointment with the doctor went fairly well, although her pulsox was low so we're to keep an eye on it and if it stays that low, we'll need to take her back to the lung doc. She did prescribe a different antihistamine for her, as that could be part of the problem. She's chipper and perky today, so I'm not too worried at this point.


I've decided to have the tooth pulled. Now it's just a matter of getting an appointment to have it yanked out. We didn't get back in time to do it today, so will call in the morning tomorrow.

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Hello everyone. Another nice day at work today. Sort of spring like weather too, although its starting to look pretty dreary now.


Julie, hope that you fell better soon. Take whatever time you need to take care of you. We're here when you're ready.


Linda, that's the decision I'd make if it were my tooth too. Glad Kim is acting better. Hope the low pulse ox is fixed by a change in medication.


Mary2, hope DH's meeting went alright and a good outcome happens.


Tam, still thinking of you guys. How is hubby today?


Marisa, hope you continue to improve. Did you stay home today?

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Good evening house mates!


Julie- I was glad to see your post and am keeping you in my prayers! Take the time you need - we're holding down the fort- and Mary 2 makes sure she locks up at night- and pulls the curtains, and I'm here to open up the house in the morning. Miss you lots when you are not around, but totally understand that you need to take care of you!!!!


Judy- How was your day today?


Cindy- Glad you had another good day at work! So did I!! i was a little busier than yesterday, but all in all a very good day- and the sun was in /out, but think it's supposed to rain later on this evening/night- must be the rain heading up from Linda's! But Friday is supposed to be in the 70's!!!! I'm seriously considering taking a personal day Friday and making a 3 day weekend!


Mary 1- Hope that Luke is ok- and glad you pop in when you can!!


Marisa- Glad to hear that you slept well-hope your day is going well.


Linda- It's so good that Kim has you to watch over her. Do you have a pulse ox at home to check her out? Good luck with the tooth pull!!


Tammy- How is DH doing? I don't blame you for waiting for your son rather than listening to 3 screaming kids at home. Can't wait to see what you have to share with us! Your projects are always so great!


Off to get dinner---BBL!

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Hooray! I got the battery in the camera and show off some of my finds from the Sewing Expo. First is the extemporaneous quilting piece I made in Friday's first class. Then the Heddle loom that I bought. Then the cross-stitch frame. Second row has the 5 fat quarters of oriental material and the scarf that I silk screen painted the hummies on. They are a little hard to see but they are there on the bottom of each end.








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Hooray! I got the battery in the camera and show off some of my finds from the Sewing Expo. First is the extemporaneous quilting piece I made in Friday's first class. Then the Heddle loom that I bought. Then the cross-stitch frame. Second row has the 5 fat quarters of oriental material and the scarf that I silk screen painted the hummies on. They are a little hard to see but they are there on the bottom of each end.





Thanks for all the eye candy to look at!!!:manyheart Love the oriental fabric and the quilting piece and the fat quarters and the scarf- I can see the hummies very clearly!!!!:yes

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Hooray! I got the battery in the camera and show off some of my finds from the Sewing Expo. First is the extemporaneous quilting piece I made in Friday's first class. Then the Heddle loom that I bought. Then the cross-stitch frame. Second row has the 5 fat quarters of oriental material and the scarf that I silk screen painted the hummies on. They are a little hard to see but they are there on the bottom of each end.






Great haul!!! thanks for sharing your goodies with us.

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Hi Linda

Thanks for showing us the pictures from your quilt trip. Everything is so pretty . I do have a question about the loop thing or the loom I think it is called . Is it put together, or it needs to be ? I've never seen one,so not sure how they work. You and Cheeria will now have something to compare notes on if yours is like hers .

Sorry you have another bum tooth. I think the pulling it would probably be the easiest and lowest cost .Too bad you had another one happen so soon .



Hi Cindy

Good to hear your weather up there is taking shape a little bit. A lot of days you guys sound like your weather is like ours . We had a beautiful day yesterday but today is grey,but not bad old. The birds are tweeting so I think good weather may be coming.



Thanks guys, for understanding my absences . I just let things get to me too easy then blow a gasket . Gotta figure out how to stop it .

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Linda-----GO GIRL, GO GIRL..............Uhhhhh You kind of did find a lot of goods at the expo- wait, expo that's where you went, right?? I am still trying to catch up! Your quilting looks great too!! I am not a sewer or quilter, I take the sewing to my mom's and ask her to get busy! lol Awesome job though!

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good morning.


asking for prayers for hubby as he goes to meet with a customer from last year. e

Prayers being said and hope things work out well.

Hi gang

Sorry I havent been around for several days .

SO, to make a long story short, when I get like THIS, it is best to hibernate ,rather than come in here moaning .


A big thank you to Jude for dropping me a note today and handing me a plastic spoon so I can start digging myself out of my latest F U N K .:yes


I'll try to spare you guys all the gorey details .


To everyone dealing with issues right now, my thoughts are with you . :hug


Hope I can take a U turn here and yank myself up out of this mess again .


Sure wish I had the POWER you guys all do. You seem to be able to get knocked down flat, then stand right back up . I just lay there for awhile, trying to figure out why I got knocked down, who did it,and what I'm gonna DO to them when I get up .:tryme

If I don't pull myself up my sister tells me to "put on your big girl panties and deal" :lol No sympathy what-so-ever there. But boy, do I understand! Hang in there, it will get better, we miss you.


Hooray! I got the battery in the camera and show off some of my finds from the Sewing Expo. First is the extemporaneous quilting piece I made in Friday's first class. Then the Heddle loom that I bought. Then the cross-stitch frame. Second row has the 5 fat quarters of oriental material and the scarf that I silk screen painted the hummies on. They are a little hard to see but they are there on the bottom of each end.

Beautiful fabric, quilt, scarf wonderful haul!!!



Good morning, housemates. It started raining in the night and supposed to keep this up off and on all day long. :sigh I won't complain too much since we do need the rain. :sigh Kim has a doctor's appointment this afternoon, and I really hope it holds off on the rain while we are out. The tooth aches, but painpills are keeping it manageable. I think I'm going to opt to have it pulled, since the dentist wasn't sure they could save it with a crown. I'd really hate to put all that money into it and then still have to have it pulled in the end.


Hope everyone has a good day. :manyheart

You too. The sun finally made an appearance late this afternoon. I try not to whine about the rain because we need it but gee, enough already! (Remind me of that in miserable, hot, dry summer please)

Hang in there, Miss Julie. We miss you. :hug :hug :hug

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Evening everyone! I'm like Julie, sort of out of sorts and feeling restless and a bit caged not being able to drive. Can't seem to concentrate on any one thing long. Wonder if it's spring fever or the time change :lol


Was asked to make a few of the turtle tapesters, so more mindless crocheting, which is a good thing and I'm making progress on the one sock. The tea cozy is looking at me all forlorn, but just can't tackle her right now.


Hugs and prayers to all that need them. Need to figure out what I want to eat so my stomach will quit yelling at me :lol

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Good evening ladies :hi


Well, I'd be surprised if I still have 2 lungs inside with all the hacking I've done today :eek Lived with a pocket full of cough drops and hand sanitizer nearby all day :lol The other doc was at a different office today, so I had to treat all the patients myself so I am a bit worn out and drained. But overall it was not a bad day though :D I'm going to take 2 shots of rock-n-rye tonight before bed, I should've last night but forgot :(


Linda - Gorgeous pics :manyheart and I'd agree on the tooth, esp without a guarantee that the crown would work :think


Mary2 - Prayers heading out for dh....sorry if I'm a little late :think


Kiyo - I don't have any oils, but will go for the whisky tonight :D Next time your sis tells you to put on your big girl panties....just think about your doily and that might make you smile again :lol


Judy - I still have to do my taxes too :yes


Mary1 - It's ok girl, we're here when you get a chance to come back. I hope everyone is improving out your way :hug


Julie - So glad to have you back young lady! And no worries about hibernating :hug We all cope better in different ways with things and we each know what works best for us so while you take care of yourself just know that we're still here chatting along and sending prayers and hugs your way :hug


Cindy - Couldn't stay home today, although I probably wouldn't have anyway :think I usually only stay home when it's the flu and I'm 'losing' fluids :wink But, it would've been nice to have the other doc so I could've just hidden in my office.


Joanne - I did have a good day. A tad worn out by the end, but having my soup now with you ladies :D


Toni - Sorry you feel caged :hug I'd come take you out if I lived near by :hug

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Hi guys

I have been mulling this over for the past couple weeks .dont know if the idea is a possiblity for anyone or not, but what would you all think of a mini-vacation ?

Since many of us would like to meet up, I have been trying to find a way to do it and a place that would be big enough for us all .

I'm not sure it'd be a workable thing for anyone, and how many could or would want to participate,and how many would have someone they would want to bring, or if they'd be coming alone ?


I just dont know if we could pull it off or not, with many of you working,and us all living far apart,but I was thinking of possibly Gatlinburg Tennessee ?

They have HUGE rental cabins ,so we could all chip in on rent . They have LOTS of bedrooms so youd have your own space .

They have some really unique sounding yarn shops ,great food ,beautiful scenery, etc .


It'd be a short trip, maybe 4 days max,since lots of you have obligations ,etc .


Would anyone be interested ?


What time of year would work for you ?


How many people would come with you ?


Does it sound like a do-able idea ?


are there any people who could possibly car pool with others to make the drive easier ?


Just an idea.. it may never get off the ground,but thought it'd be so much fun if we could do it .


Toss out any comments you have below !

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Hi Kiyo

You are welcome to pray for this old crabby sack of skin if you want to ! Thank you for the offer .




I need someone to tell me what your sis tells you . Maybe then I wouldnt have time to feel sorry for myself !

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Hi Joanne

How have things been ? And thank you for holding down the fort. I knew you guys would all do just fine ,with me or without .




So sorry to hear you have that crappy flu stuff. It is nasty, isnt it ?





Thinking of you --hope your husband is doing better and will soon be home again .

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Evening everyone! I'm like Julie, sort of out of sorts and feeling restless and a bit caged not being able to drive. Can't seem to concentrate on any one thing long. Wonder if it's spring fever or the time change :lolProbably a little bit of both! Lots of my co-workers have been saying they can't concentrate-I know I definitely have spring fever!!!


Was asked to make a few of the turtle tapesters, so more mindless crocheting, which is a good thing and I'm making progress on the one sock. The tea cozy is looking at me all forlorn, but just can't tackle her right now. I can totally relate Toni- I'm all about the mindless crochet!!!


Hugs and prayers to all that need them. Need to figure out what I want to eat so my stomach will quit yelling at me :lol

DH is out tonight- so I had an eggwhite omelet with peppers, onions, mushrooms and cheese.


We had our tax guy over today - so no time for me today - Not a fun day at all!:lol! Jules, good to see ya! Agreed!!!


CU all tomorrow.


Good evening ladies :hi


Well, I'd be surprised if I still have 2 lungs inside with all the hacking I've done today :eek Lived with a pocket full of cough drops and hand sanitizer nearby all day :lol The other doc was at a different office today, so I had to treat all the patients myself so I am a bit worn out and drained. But overall it was not a bad day though :D I'm going to take 2 shots of rock-n-rye tonight before bed, I should've last night but forgot :(Oh, that should help:)


Mary2 - Prayers heading out for dh....sorry if I'm a little late :thinkI'm late too- read the post, and forgot to post. How did it go today?

Kiyo - I don't have any oils, but will go for the whisky tonight :D Next time your sis tells you to put on your big girl panties....just think about your doily and that might make you smile again :lol:rofl:rofl:rofl


Joanne - I did have a good day. A tad worn out by the end, but having my soup now with you ladies :DGlad to keep you company!:hug


Hi guys

I have been mulling this over for the past couple weeks .dont know if the idea is a possiblity for anyone or not, but what would you all think of a mini-vacation ?

Since many of us would like to meet up, I have been trying to find a way to do it and a place that would be big enough for us all .

I'm not sure it'd be a workable thing for anyone, and how many could or would want to participate,and how many would have someone they would want to bring, or if they'd be coming alone ?


I just dont know if we could pull it off or not, with many of you working,and us all living far apart,but I was thinking of possibly Gatlinburg Tennessee ?

They have HUGE rental cabins ,so we could all chip in on rent . They have LOTS of bedrooms so youd have your own space .

They have some really unique sounding yarn shops ,great food ,beautiful scenery, etc .


It'd be a short trip, maybe 4 days max,since lots of you have obligations ,etc .


Would anyone be interested ?


What time of year would work for you ?


How many people would come with you ?


Does it sound like a do-able idea ?


are there any people who could possibly car pool with others to make the drive easier ?


Just an idea.. it may never get off the ground,but thought it'd be so much fun if we could do it .


Toss out any comments you have below !


I just checked the mileage from where I am to Gatlinburg and it's approx 700 miles- so to put that in perspective for me- it's about 250 miles from my house to DD's in Boston- and takes about 4 1/2 hours. So it would be about 11 1/2 hours to drive to TN. I love the idea of getting together, but this would be too far for me to drive- it would be 2 days of driving.


It would be so cool to meet up with all of you- and I would be able to take some time off work- but will be using at least a week or 2 in August when DD has my grandson! I do get 4 wks of vacation so I could take a few days off-


I'll be curious to see what others think!

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Hi Kiyo

You are welcome to pray for this old crabby sack of skin if you want to ! Thank you for the offer .




I need someone to tell me what your sis tells you . Maybe then I wouldnt have time to feel sorry for myself !

Ok, put on your big girl panties and get over it!


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Hi guys

I have been mulling this over for the past couple weeks .dont know if the idea is a possiblity for anyone or not, but what would you all think of a mini-vacation ?

Since many of us would like to meet up, I have been trying to find a way to do it and a place that would be big enough for us all .

I'm not sure it'd be a workable thing for anyone, and how many could or would want to participate,and how many would have someone they would want to bring, or if they'd be coming alone ?


I just dont know if we could pull it off or not, with many of you working,and us all living far apart,but I was thinking of possibly Gatlinburg Tennessee ?

They have HUGE rental cabins ,so we could all chip in on rent . They have LOTS of bedrooms so youd have your own space .

They have some really unique sounding yarn shops ,great food ,beautiful scenery, etc .


It'd be a short trip, maybe 4 days max,since lots of you have obligations ,etc .


Would anyone be interested ?


What time of year would work for you ?


How many people would come with you ?


Does it sound like a do-able idea ?


are there any people who could possibly car pool with others to make the drive easier ?


Just an idea.. it may never get off the ground,but thought it'd be so much fun if we could do it .


Toss out any comments you have below !


It would be lots of fun, and I'd love to meet you all, but I hate driving, so I don't see myself meeting up with anyone, unless dh goes with me. We do go to the Gatlinburg area every fall though, and its a fun place to go. Something for everyone.

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Julie, I think the meet-up would be fun. Only, can't drive right now and don't know how long I'm going to be on and off chemo and have to have blood work every week. Someday....


I really need to go sit in my chair and do some crocheting. Does dragging out all my magazines and going through them count? Found a bunch more projects that just have to be made :lol


See y'all tomorrow. I won't be around to turn out the lights or close the drapes, so someone else will have to do that. I'm an early riser/early to bed type person. :yawn


:heart, :hug :hug :hug and prayers to everyone and may tomorrow be a better day!

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