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Our House Part Two


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Hi Marisa

Thank you for telling me about your family. I'm sorry your brother has turned out in a way that makes your mom so sad. I can really relate .In some way, I blame myself, but I know we did the best we could with our family. We did all the family stuff, picnics, camping, fireworks, vacations, parades ... we allowed them to sign up for anything at school they chose to ,but never made them sign up if they weren't interested. We always attended open house, school functions, helped with homework . I keep on going over in my mind where we went wrong and can't come up with anything .

Has your mom ever done that,do you think ? Asked what she might have done wrong ?

I dont know if all moms do, but I gave up my job when we had all the kids so I could stay home and raise them . We didnt drink,smoke, do drugs ,cheat,etc. No abuse, no bad words (although I say bad words now) .

I think being a mom just became my project,and now that I see the result,s I feel like I had to have messed up in some way . Neither of us knew a blooming thing about taking care of babies when they first came along,so we had "on the job training",but I suppose lots of people do that .


I'm glad your mom has you , I couldnt imagine having a child that you could ever be prouder of . You are such a gem .

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Okay, here are pictures of what I'm working on. It's a BIG afghan. This is on John and Kim's queen-sized bed. The next picture shows three of the squares. The ones below and to the left of the off white one both are damaged and need replacing at least partially. The dark brown center block also needs a minor fix as one end has come undone on the last row.




Just the off white one needs replacing here and in the last picture it's a minor fix of the yan that binds them together not the squares themselves.


Wow...what great work!!!

Hi, housemates! Maybe I don't talk much, but I've been busy. Here are two finished ghans that have been in the works for a long time. The baby blanket is Chris Simon's cabled hearts - it needs one more set of hearts and another contrast band before it is finished. Then I'll be ready to start the Bernat CAL.


Hope you all have an uneventful day. :hug:hug:hug

You, too, Phyllis! Marvelous ghans - all of them! I haven't even thought about starting the cabled hearts yet. I really like the look of the rectangular granny blanket too.:cheer

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Those afghan photos are gorgeous. WOW,and HUGE . So glad Kim is doing so well too .

I'm not sure, but I think it was made by Kim's great-grandmother.

Hi, housemates! Maybe I don't talk much, but I've been busy. Here are two finished ghans that have been in the works for a long time. The baby blanket is Chris Simon's cabled hearts - it needs one more set of hearts and another contrast band before it is finished. Then I'll be ready to start the Bernat CAL.


Hope you all have an uneventful day. :hug:hug:hug

Oh, Phyllis, those are all lovely. :clap :clap :clap I think the bottom one is my favorite.


Thanks for the suggestions. You're right, I dont want to lie to Cam. I guess I wanted to wait until he was old enough to start asking ,then decide how to approach it. I really don't think wee little kids should have all this stuff laid on them at an early age. Wait til they are old enough to think about it and have questions, then answer them . I wasn't lying to him about his dad having problems. He definitely does, just from the little bit of contact Steph has had with him . She knows things that I don't ,but just from what she tells me, it's REALLY bad ,so yea, he has DEFINITELY got problems that prevent him from being a good parent. I aactually think it might be best if he does stay away . That doesn't sound very nice, but if he were here , it'd be so much worse for everyone involved .( mostly Cam) ,because Cam still hopes his dad will suddenly come back and be a great dad,but the rest of us know better . All he'd do is bring a LOT of trouble with him .

Julie, Cam is old enough to understand a lot more than you think he can. Making his mom the fall guy is definitely a BAD idea. Saying that dad wasn't ready to be a husband and a dad is fine. Saying that dad doesn't know how to be a dad to Cam is fine. Saying that dad has a lot of problems and doesn't know how to deal with them appropriately is fine. Saying that dad doesn't know how to show Cam love is fine.

Hi Marisa

Thank you for telling me about your family. I'm sorry your brother has turned out in a way that makes your mom so sad. I can really relate .In some way, I blame myself, but I know we did the best we could with our family. We did all the family stuff, picnics, camping, fireworks, vacations, parades ... we allowed them to sign up for anything at school they chose to ,but never made them sign up if they weren't interested. We always attended open house, school functions, helped with homework . I keep on going over in my mind where we went wrong and can't come up with anything .

Has your mom ever done that,do you think ? Asked what she might have done wrong ?

I dont know if all moms do, but I gave up my job when we had all the kids so I could stay home and raise them . We didnt drink,smoke, do drugs ,cheat,etc. No abuse, no bad words (although I say bad words now) .

I think being a mom just became my project,and now that I see the result,s I feel like I had to have messed up in some way . Neither of us knew a blooming thing about taking care of babies when they first came along,so we had "on the job training",but I suppose lots of people do that .


I'm glad your mom has you , I couldnt imagine having a child that you could ever be prouder of . You are such a gem .

This is NOT your fault! You did the best you could. We all do. We are not perfect and some of us do better than others, but that does not change the fact your son is an adult now and is responsible for the choices he makes AND their consequences. Why do kids turn out differently from their siblings? That's the $94 question and nobody's got the answer to it. I sure don't. But it doesn't mean you were a bad parent to your son or that his behaviour is your fault. :ghug Kids don't always ask questions, but that doesn't mean that they don't need the information. It's not Cam's fault and it's not Stephanie's fault and it's not your fault. Let Cam know that and that you all love him. That will go a long way to help him grow up with a good self-image. :manyheart

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Thank you Linda for the advice . I think that's just the way I'm wired or the way I was taught. If anything messes up,then it's my fault,so it's my job to repair it . I really have no way to repair this one . All I can do is Damage Control I guess .


Anyhow, I need to quit fretting .It doesn't do any good .It's like me trying to figure out a Rubik's Cube . The longer I fiddle with it, the more mixed up I get .


So, I need to head my brain in a dfifferent direction I guess.


I have been thinking on a new GROUP PROJECT . Just not sure how many takers I 'd get,seeing that it is cross stitch and not crochet .


I might drop it in here a bit later to see if I get any bites. :)

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Hi Marisa

Thank you for telling me about your family. I'm sorry your brother has turned out in a way that makes your mom so sad. I can really relate .In some way, I blame myself, but I know we did the best we could with our family. We did all the family stuff, picnics, camping, fireworks, vacations, parades ... we allowed them to sign up for anything at school they chose to ,but never made them sign up if they weren't interested. We always attended open house, school functions, helped with homework . I keep on going over in my mind where we went wrong and can't come up with anything .

Has your mom ever done that,do you think ? Asked what she might have done wrong ?

I dont know if all moms do, but I gave up my job when we had all the kids so I could stay home and raise them . We didnt drink,smoke, do drugs ,cheat,etc. No abuse, no bad words (although I say bad words now) .

I think being a mom just became my project,and now that I see the result,s I feel like I had to have messed up in some way . Neither of us knew a blooming thing about taking care of babies when they first came along,so we had "on the job training",but I suppose lots of people do that .


I'm glad your mom has you , I couldnt imagine having a child that you could ever be prouder of . You are such a gem .


I think my mom used to question herself, but I think as time passed she began to realize that she couldn't 'control' him. While we were in high school he had gone to rehab one summer and when the problem wasn't 'fixed' my mom's favorite saying became....You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it! She realized that she can't do anything for him that he didn't want done. So in return, he closely scrutinized and she went thru his room regularly. Let just say that if I had all the money spent on drugs that got flushed down the toilet....I wouldn't have any debt with opening my office :think


He stole from them on a regular basis, found stuff around the house to pawn (including my dad's acoustic guitar from his childhood) and spent it on drugs and tattoos :think Never gave anything a 2nd thought, if it sounded good/fun he did it and never thought about the consequences. When my mom would yell at him, he'd just sit there with a blank stare until she was done :( Alright, I'm stopping!!!!!!!! (I really could keep going on and on and on....... )


Just know that this is NOT your fault and I hate to say it, but chances are that you CAN'T fix this. If your son doesn't care and doesn't want to be involved, you can't make him be. All you can do is be there for Cam and Steph and offer a shoulder to lean on and give them all your own love :hug :hug


Thank you Linda for the advice . I think that's just the way I'm wired or the way I was taught. If anything messes up,then it's my fault,so it's my job to repair it . I really have no way to repair this one . All I can do is Damage Control I guess .


Anyhow, I need to quit fretting .It doesn't do any good .It's like me trying to figure out a Rubik's Cube . The longer I fiddle with it, the more mixed up I get .


So, I need to head my brain in a dfifferent direction I guess.


I have been thinking on a new GROUP PROJECT . Just not sure how many takers I 'd get,seeing that it is cross stitch and not crochet .


I might drop it in here a bit later to see if I get any bites. :)


I don't know about doing a cross stitch, but lay it out and I'll see :wink

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I'm so sorry about your brother and all thr troubles he caused your mom .I understand how heartbroken she must have been,but it sounds like she was able to finally put it in proper perspective and lay it all on him,since it was his action and bad choices that put him where he is .

I seem to have a hard time getting over that place where I can lay it all on my son and not feel to blame in some way . I need to work harder on doing that I think .


I'll think on the cross stitch thing a bit. It sounds fun,but also sounds like we'd need several people to take part in it ,so I'm not sure we'd get that many in here that would want to do it . I can't say I blame anyone, I'd rather crochet myself if I could .


Have fun with your friend and all your plans this weekend !

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Thank you Linda for the advice . I think that's just the way I'm wired or the way I was taught. If anything messes up,then it's my fault,so it's my job to repair it . I really have no way to repair this one . All I can do is Damage Control I guess .


Anyhow, I need to quit fretting .It doesn't do any good .It's like me trying to figure out a Rubik's Cube . The longer I fiddle with it, the more mixed up I get .


So, I need to head my brain in a dfifferent direction I guess.


I have been thinking on a new GROUP PROJECT . Just not sure how many takers I 'd get,seeing that it is cross stitch and not crochet .


I might drop it in here a bit later to see if I get any bites. :)

I'm game for a new x st project! Mine are laying by the wayside, so I could sure use a kick start!



I'm so sorry about your brother and all thr troubles he caused your mom .I understand how heartbroken she must have been,but it sounds like she was able to finally put it in proper perspective and lay it all on him,since it was his action and bad choices that put him where he is .

I seem to have a hard time getting over that place where I can lay it all on my son and not feel to blame in some way . I need to work harder on doing that I think .

I think it's your mother who instilled that in you...it's a miracle you turned out as good as you have!!!

I'll think on the cross stitch thing a bit. It sounds fun,but also sounds like we'd need several people to take part in it ,so I'm not sure we'd get that many in here that would want to do it . I can't say I blame anyone, I'd rather crochet myself if I could .

Let us know what you come up with for x st!
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Thanks for the link for the kindle book. I missed out on the free day,but may just splurge and spend 2.99 on it . I see it has another part too, did you read part 1 or 2 ?


I think the book I posted was the second one. There are at least three books in the Fillmore Chronicles Series. (Fillmore is a self described "Gentleman's Gentleman", except that his gentleman is a wealthy young woman. The book is pure escapism, nothing remotely literary about it, just fun) ) Next week another of the series is supposed to be free. There were some references to what had happened in the first book, but it didn't really make a difference to the story.

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Hi, housemates! Maybe I don't talk much, but I've been busy. Here are two finished ghans that have been in the works for a long time. The baby blanket is Chris Simon's cabled hearts - it needs one more set of hearts and another contrast band before it is finished. Then I'll be ready to start the Bernat CAL.


Hope you all have an uneventful day. :hug:hug:hug


Lovely work. You have been busy!

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Another very busy day at work, but it was a good day. I was glad when it was over though.


I may or may not have to work tomorrow. I'm scheduled to teach Advanced Cardiac Life Support classes, but not very many students are scheduled, so I'm hoping that I get to stay home. Still, I suppose I should prep for it, just in case.


Nothing much else to report from me. I am still knitting a slipper. Unfortunately it is not a mate to the last slipper I knit. I got distracted by another pattern. I suppose eventually I will have to make mates for these single slippers......

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Thanks for the link for the kindle book. I missed out on the free day,but may just splurge and spend 2.99 on it . I see it has another part too, did you read part 1 or 2 ?


Julie, I just noticed that you can read the first bit of the book on the authors website.

It looks like the first three chapters are there. It would give you an idea of what the book is like.

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I'm game for a new x st project! Mine are laying by the wayside, so I could sure use a kick start!


Let us know what you come up with for x st!


I'll post it on my next post .Let's see if we can drum up enough of a group to take part in it . :)


I think the book I posted was the second one. There are at least three books in the Fillmore Chronicles Series. (Fillmore is a self described "Gentleman's Gentleman", except that his gentleman is a wealthy young woman. The book is pure escapism, nothing remotely literary about it, just fun) ) Next week another of the series is supposed to be free. There were some references to what had happened in the first book, but it didn't really make a difference to the story.



Thanks for the heads up on the books. I think I'll give them a shot. I did the little thing on amazon where you can see inside the book. not a lot of info there but it did sound very cute .


Julie - I've found that when I'm feeling responsible for poor choices or bad actions, it's not a sign that I need to lay the blame at the other person's feet so much as I need to forgive them for what they've done to me and others. This doesn't mean that you forget about it, condone it, or trust them. It simply means that you let go of it.


I also find that some of those times I also need to forgive myself for not doing more to prevent their actions. I try to remember that I'm only human and I did the best that I could given the circumstances and where I was in my life.


Forgiveness is a really powerful thing. It's a choice to let go of things and it's a process because sometimes we find ourselves picking those burdens back up without realizing it. When that happens, it's a matter of remembering the choice to forgive and let go. Eventually there is such a sense of peace that makes it so much easier to deal with the difficult situations in our lives.


I've had a lot of practice learning to forgive the last few years, and it has made a wonderful difference in my life.


Thanks so much Faile

You've definitely given me a lot to think about . That is a side of it I've never looked at before . :hug


Julie, I just noticed that you can read the first bit of the book on the authors website.

It looks like the first three chapters are there. It would give you an idea of what the book is like.

Thanks Cindy

I'll go check it out !

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Hi housemates!

Phyllis- I love the ghans- and the rectangle one came out great! My fav is the grey ripple though!!! :manyheart Can't wait to see you again on Monday night! I will leave work in time to get there!!!


Linda- that is a beautiful afghan and so worth fixing. I hope that you're beige works for it!:yes


Faille- WTG on having wound 3-4 yards of yarn wound already!!! Fun!!!:)


Julie- I think that everyone has really given great advise and the recurring theme is that Cam should be told the truth! It is HARD as a Mom to not feel that you are somehow responsible for the way a child turns out. But, you did your best, and there is nothing more than any of us can do! We do the best job we can to raise a child. What they do is NOT a reflection of the person that YOU are! It is a reflection of choices that were made by them. Faille had excellent advise about forgiveness! Hugs to you my friend!:hug


Cindy- I chuckled about the "pair" of slippers!!! Hope you have an easy day tomorrow!


Judy- I often wonder how 2 of us can generate so much laundry--but at least you have 2 dogs you can blame dander, fur and slobber on--I don't!!:lol


Marisa- That was a good idea to mail what you had done already! Sounds like your bro was a real handful and heartbreak for your parents. Are things going ok with him now that he is a Dad? Or is he still about himself? Your story shows how it is possible for parents to raise children who turn out so differently and that it is not the parents fault. I'll bet both you and MaryAnn are getting excited to see each other this weekend- and to be going to the Knit Festival!!!


Amy-- Hope you had a good day!


Have a good night one and all!!

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Hi guys

I wondered if I could gather some of you together to take part in a Cross Stitch Round Robin ? It looks like a lot of fun and probably wouldn't be very expensive to do .

First,here is an explanation of the basics :



I found 2 online free patterns we could use since they are divided up into separate squares .

The first is a sampler of each month, very small designs quick to complete .




The second, which I think would be beautiful,but it'd take a little longer to complete a square .





To make a long story short, each person gets their piece of Aida material they want to use,and they choose a square to make as their first one .

If we could get enough people to join in,then we could make up a mailing schedule that would be a big circle. You'd complete your square, then mail it to the next person on the list, then you'd get another person's material with their first square completed. You do another square for them,put your initials or name at the bottom of the square you do,then mail it along . This process repeats until each person has completed a square and they are mailed back to the original owner. You then have a beautiful cross stitch piece to frame and hang on your wall as a remembrance of some of your House Friends .


I'll toss this out and see if we get enough people to give it a go . :)

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Hello. Another quick pop in....not feeling well, so i'm off to bed before the baby wakes up. Sorry for all the quickies, but i'd rather pop in quickly then pop off the face of the earth on ya guys. I'll post more tomorrow if I feel well enough.


Have a great night. I hope you are all healthy and happy. :ghug

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Hi guys

I wondered if I could gather some of you together to take part in a Cross Stitch Round Robin ? It looks like a lot of fun and probably wouldn't be very expensive to do .

First,here is an explanation of the basics :



I found 2 online free patterns we could use since they are divided up into separate squares .

The first is a sampler of each month, very small designs quick to complete .




The second, which I think would be beautiful,but it'd take a little longer to complete a square .





To make a long story short, each person gets their piece of Aida material they want to use,and they choose a square to make as their first one .

If we could get enough people to join in,then we could make up a mailing schedule that would be a big circle. You'd complete your square, then mail it to the next person on the list, then you'd get another person's material with their first square completed. You do another square for them,put your initials or name at the bottom of the square you do,then mail it along . This process repeats until each person has completed a square and they are mailed back to the original owner. You then have a beautiful cross stitch piece to frame and hang on your wall as a remembrance of some of your House Friends .


I'll toss this out and see if we get enough people to give it a go . :)

I think I'll pass on this at least for now. With the impending move and other things going on here right now, I'm really afraid I'd ending up dropping the ball and letting you all down.

Hello. Another quick pop in....not feeling well, so i'm off to bed before the baby wakes up. Sorry for all the quickies, but i'd rather pop in quickly then pop off the face of the earth on ya guys. I'll post more tomorrow if I feel well enough.


Have a great night. I hope you are all healthy and happy. :ghug

Hi, Tabby! Hope you feel better tomorrow.


The afghan has been successfully repaired. I took pictures of the process. I asked John if he could find the squares I replaced and he couldn't without a lot of help and then only found part of them. I even had to hunt to find one of the fixes after it was done. :lol

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Hi folks


Just checking in with a quickie --will be back in a bit ,



I bet you did a great job on the afghan repair . You are so talented with your hands .


No worries at all on the cross stitch . I understand completely. You do have plenty of things right now to keep you busy . Maybe on down the road sometime we can try it .

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Good morning!

I'm so glad that you were able to repair that beautiful afghan, Linda!


Julie- I'll have to pass on the cross stitch round robin. Although it sounds like fun, I've never done cross-stitch and with all the responsibilities at work right now plus the Bernat Mystery CAL coming up next week, I don't think I have enough hours in the day and would definitely not want to let anyone down. I hope you get some takers, though since the idea sounds great!


Faille- Looking forward to seeing pics of your own spun yarn!


Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!!!

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Hi Joanne

It's perfectly ok . I really didnt think I'd get many takers on the idea ,which is fine. To tell you the truth, if I could still crochet, I wouldnt want to do cross stitch either,so I understand . I know you are super busy too . It seems that a lot of the people in the house have lots of responsibilites ,etc right now . That's life, isn't it ?

Anyhow no worries, it's ok !



Hi there Amy

Whatcha gonna make for your sister ?

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'morning, peeps!


Nothing much else to report from me. I am still knitting a slipper. Unfortunately it is not a mate to the last slipper I knit. I got distracted by another pattern. I suppose eventually I will have to make mates for these single slippers......

....make mates or you can start a trend: mismatched slippers!:lol:lol:lol:lol

Oh, and there's probably at least 3-4 yards of yarn wound on my spindle by now! *grin*


Hi guys

I wondered if I could gather some of you together to take part in a Cross Stitch Round Robin ? It looks like a lot of fun and probably wouldn't be very expensive to do .

First,here is an explanation of the basics :



I found 2 online free patterns we could use since they are divided up into separate squares .

The first is a sampler of each month, very small designs quick to complete .




The second, which I think would be beautiful,but it'd take a little longer to complete a square .





To make a long story short, each person gets their piece of Aida material they want to use,and they choose a square to make as their first one .

If we could get enough people to join in,then we could make up a mailing schedule that would be a big circle. You'd complete your square, then mail it to the next person on the list, then you'd get another person's material with their first square completed. You do another square for them,put your initials or name at the bottom of the square you do,then mail it along . This process repeats until each person has completed a square and they are mailed back to the original owner. You then have a beautiful cross stitch piece to frame and hang on your wall as a remembrance of some of your House Friends .


I'll toss this out and see if we get enough people to give it a go . :)

I love those sites you found, Jules! The thought of a round robin might be too much pressure for me, though - but they look so pretty I saved the links. When it's too warm to work with yarn picking up my x stitch looks more and more attractive.

I think I need to make a spreadsheet so I can do fun things during the day instead of being busy with the things I have to do.

Thanks so much for thinking of this!

Hello. Another quick pop in....not feeling well, so i'm off to bed before the baby wakes up. Sorry for all the quickies, but i'd rather pop in quickly then pop off the face of the earth on ya guys. I'll post more tomorrow if I feel well enough.


Have a great night. I hope you are all healthy and happy. :ghug

Have a good day, Tab, and all my friends. BBL!

I think I'll pass on this at least for now. With the impending move and other things going on here right now, I'm really afraid I'd ending up dropping the ball and letting you all down.


Hi, Tabby! Hope you feel better tomorrow.


The afghan has been successfully repaired. I took pictures of the process. I asked John if he could find the squares I replaced and he couldn't without a lot of help and then only found part of them. I even had to hunt to find one of the fixes after it was done. :lol

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Good morning ladies (& any lurking gents),

It's overcast and chilly today here. Trouble is off to the beauty parlor to get herself all prettified. Sweet Pea get to go tomorrow. Trouble is definitely looking scruffy and Sweet Pea does look like a butter ball with all the fur she's accumulated this winter.



I bet you did a great job on the afghan repair . You are so talented with your hands .


No worries at all on the cross stitch . I understand completely. You do have plenty of things right now to keep you busy . Maybe on down the road sometime we can try it .

Thanks Julie. John's got the chip with the pictures on it with him at work today, but I'll demonstrate the process with them tomorrow and show you where the fixes are. I'm very, very pleased with how it turned out.


When you were first talking about the cross-stitch project I thought that maybe it was a group of us in here helping each other to finish a project they'd already started. I'd be in for that as I've got a Christmas picture started and staying motivated to work on finishing it is help I could really use. I did really good for about a week and now it's back on the shelf gathering dust. :lol:lol:lol


I went to the prayer shawl group meeting last night and we had a great time. We had responses to three of the prayer shawls that were recently sent out to share with the group, too. It's so nice to hear that the work and prayers that went into a prayer shawl, prayer square, or other item touched that person in a positive way and was appreciated.


We're going out to get Kim's hair cut this afternoon. I'm hoping it will warm up and the sun come out by then. Then have to pick up some of my meds afterward. I should try to get my car tags too, but probably won't. They're due by Tuesday of next week. So is my driver's license. Oops! :eek Guess I've had a few other things on my mind. Wonder what? :think Oh, yeah, Kim! :idea


Hope everyone has a nice end to the week. Any interesting, fun weekend plans anyone?

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Hi Joanne

It's perfectly ok . I really didnt think I'd get many takers on the idea ,which is fine. To tell you the truth, if I could still crochet, I wouldnt want to do cross stitch either,so I understand . I know you are super busy too . It seems that a lot of the people in the house have lots of responsibilites ,etc right now . That's life, isn't it ?

Anyhow no worries, it's ok !



Hi there Amy

Whatcha gonna make for your sister ?

I am going to make her a blanket in the colors of her favorite college team.. UNiversity of Louisville.

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Just a quick fly by today. I've been running around doing errands all morning and now just looked at the clock and need to get a move on.


Maryann's bus should be here in about 2 hours and I still need to go home and shower, I'm hoping to get a little workout in too if it fits :think


Julie - I'll join in with the cross stitch if we get enough people to join. I haven't done it in a really long time :lol


Joanne - My brother is just an insane dad if you ask me and he drives us crazy. When they're here, he tries his best to keep the kids from being alone with me and/or my sister :think They are being homeschooled, which isn't necessarily bad, but his reasoning is only because he was so bad and thinks that will keep them from being exposed. They don't watch tv or listen to music, not even the news. They live in their own little completely sheltered world :think My dad will tape some things from tv and send it, but they can't watch sesame street or walt disney because it's too violent :think I fear that these kids will end up extremely socially awkward, but pray that doesn't happen :xfin:shrug


I'll try to stop by at some point over the weekend, but not sure if I'll get back or not. Tonight is the fashion show at the knit and crochet festival and tomorrow we'll go to see the displays :yes

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