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Our House Part Two


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1- How many times in your lifetime have you moved ?11-mostly thanks to the military

2-How many siblings do you have ? 3

3-What year were you born ? 1968

4- What year did you graduate ? 1986

5-How many different school buildings did you attend throughout life ? 7

6-How many times have you been married ? 1

7-How many kids do you have ? 4

8-How many grandkids do you have ? 2 and 2 on the way

9-How many pets do you have,and how many have you had in your lifetime ?

1 now and way too many to count!

10- How many states have you at least driven through,even if you may not have stayed long enough to spend a night ? 9

11 -Can you name a book or movie that has a number in the title ?

40 First Dates

12 -How many rooms are in your current house ?9

13 -How many times per week do you eat dessert ?5:eek


14 - How many aunts & uncles do you have ? 2 aunts and 1 uncle that are still with us.

15- How many placeshave you been outside the US ?4

16 -On average,how many crochet projects do you have going at any one time ? At least 4

17-What time do you normally wake up each day ? And what time do you go to bed each night ? When I'm not working between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. and usually 11:00 p.m.

18- What age is the oldest relative you have ever had ( lived the most years ) ?90 something (my great grandmother)


19- How many cars have you yourself owned in your lifetime so far ? 4

20- How many skeins of yarn would you estimate you currently have in your house ? ( just a guess, you dont have to count ) 100+

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Joanne, you've really hit the deals with your shopping. What type containers did you get for your yarn? I need to bet about two more either totes or the 3 drawer ones.


All Y'all have a great 4th. I'll be in and out all weekend. No big plans here. :hug :hug :hug

Actually I got basket like containers. i'll take a pic of the ones I got in the light of day! I have plenty of clear totes out in the garage, but I wanted some containers that I could keep in the family room where I do most of my crocheting!


We went down to the bay after dinner- it was so peaceful and relaxing- and while DH planted himself on a bench I walked on the boardwalk- I need to bring my pedometer next time to see how far I walked. There are no rides or anything like that- it's just a boardwalk with benches along the way- When I got back to where DH was sitting, I read some more of my book- had 10 pages to go, but it was getting dark. I just finished it when we got home. It was free book for the Nook- Protector by Laura Dewey- it's a mystery and I enjoyed it. Definitely worth the price I paid:lol:lol

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Joanne, sounds like you had a nice relaxing afternoon/evening on the boardwalk. Sound like my kind of walk. Hmmmm...I need to go to the falls and walk the birding trail that is like a boardwalk through the woods. You can go off trail to primitive one's but don't think I'd better do that just yet! :lol


Had a cajun deep fried turkey sandwich with provolone and mayo for supper with a glass of milk. YUMMMMMMMM. DD not home, so didn't cook.


Off for the night. Sleep tight everyone. :hugs :hugs :hugs

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have to get my car packed and take out the trash before I leave for work. Me and Mary are leaving from work to head to Pitt for the weekend :yay I should be able to stop back in on my nook, but in case I don't make it.........Happy 4th of July and be safe :hug

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Good morning everyone!


Hope you all have a great day- I'm off to Trader Joe's in a little bit and then will stop in JoAnn's across the street.:devil


Safe travels Marisa!!!

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1- How many times in your lifetime have you moved ? 11


2-How many siblings do you have ? 1


3-What year were you born ? 1964


4- What year did you graduate ? hs 1982


5-How many different school buildings did you attend throughout life ? 5


6-How many times have you been married ? 0


7-How many kids do you have ? 0


8-How many grandkids do you have ? 0


9-How many pets do you have,and how many have you had in your lifetime ? 4/25ish


10- How many states have you at least driven through,even if you may not have stayed long enough to spend a night ? 13


11 -Can you name a book or movie that has a number in the title ? the dark half

12 -How many rooms are in your current house ? 7


13 -How many times per week do you eat dessert ? 0-1


14 - How many aunts & uncles do you have ? 2


15- How many placeshave you been outside the US ? 4


16 -On average,how many crochet projects do you have going at any one time ? 3


17-What time do you normally wake up each day ? And what time do you go to bed each night ? 6:30, 11:00


18- What age is the oldest relative you have ever had ( lived the most years ) ? 98


19- How many cars have you yourself owned in your lifetime so far ? 5


20- How many skeins of yarn would you estimate you currently have in your house ? ( just a guess, you dont have to count ) :Dover 100

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Good morning friends. I slept much better last night and went to be at 9:00, right after getting home from the Prayer Shawl meeting. I finished the crocheting of the current prayer shawl and prayers were added to it at the meeting. I just need to hide the tails and wash it. I have a new one started that is already to the halfway point on the back. I have three of the Uglee Dolls done now. Just have to wash them and they can also be on their way.




((...GoOd MoRnInG hOuSe!


Thank you all sooooooooooooooooooo very much for your love and prayers! :hug God is so good! Hubby's fever broke late last night. He's sleeping in this morning. We'll see if he goes to work or not.

Oh, that is Wonderful news, Tammy! Keeping him in my prayers that it will stay down now. :hug :hug

I'm just sittin' here waiting for another pot of coffee to brew while I catch up here on the 'ville. The sun is shinning (which is good thing! the flooding has gotten awful!!!!) Its nice and warm out. I have uniforms to wash uniforms again today for ball games tonight. We got home late last night and didnt feel like messing with laundry then.

Yesterday Patrick taught pitching to a class of about a dozen boys. He had so much fun! Michael.. (my little catcher) caught for the boys when they finally got to try what they learned.

What Fun!

Michael loved it! Now David (my little bug guy/explorer) spent the time finding ............

This birdie...........



This very large butterfly............


Your butterfly is a moth, Tammy. I recognized it from when I was growing up on the farm. They are gorgeous.

and building a monkey tree with a bunch of his stuffed friends....LOL


A great 'monkey tree.' :lol

okay... coffee maker is making that last gurgling sound when its done brewing.

Need my refill! Catch up more later




:hug :hug :hug Hugs to all of you.



I know it's not "F"oto "Friday" but before I break my camera AGAIN!!! I needed to post these photos!! I LOVE my goodies from Sue!!! (I hope she isn't disappointed w/ my goodies)


All is well here, just been working, working, working----did I mention working? lol And trying to keep life on the straight and narrow path!! GEEEEEE WHIZZZZZLE I want to scream!!!


Hopefully some time today I will get to catch up on posts!

Hi, Kiyo. Lovely bag and lovely picture of you, too.

Hi, ladies....I'm back:)


I LOVED having my baby brother and his wife here...as did Sparkie and Lucy! It was a wonderful 2 1/2 days! They're very laid back so we did a litle (went to the beach and walked the boardwalk one day) and rested and talked a lot back at our house.

Me and the pups are going to miss them...I miss him already:( I can't believe he has white hair -at "only" 56!

He took pics, so when I get them I'll share.

DS joined us for dinner last night, too, which was so nice:c9

Missed you guys!

We missed you too, Judy. Glad you had such a nice time with them.

Hello everybody,

Didn't get a chance to check in the last 2 days. Sending out electronic applications and resumes.

Good luck with the job search. :hug :hug :hug

Linda - Gorgeous quilt. I get severe cramps all the time. If I take Hyland's Leg cramps with Quinine daily, I don't get them. If you don't take them and you get a cramp...it only takes a few minutes for them to relieve the pain. CVS also has their version. It is over the counter and located with the aspirins and pain relievers. It's a wonder drug.

I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the suggestion.

We are almost ready to head out the door and I wanted to stop in here and tell everyone to have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend. I'll catch you all monday or tuesday. :hug

Have a wonderful weekend, Marlene.

Actually I got basket like containers. i'll take a pic of the ones I got in the light of day! I have plenty of clear totes out in the garage, but I wanted some containers that I could keep in the family room where I do most of my crocheting!

Sounds like a great idea. I keep a lot of my current WIPS in tote bags because they are always going up and down stairs with me.

We went down to the bay after dinner- it was so peaceful and relaxing- and while DH planted himself on a bench I walked on the boardwalk- I need to bring my pedometer next time to see how far I walked. There are no rides or anything like that- it's just a boardwalk with benches along the way- When I got back to where DH was sitting, I read some more of my book- had 10 pages to go, but it was getting dark. I just finished it when we got home. It was free book for the Nook- Protector by Laura Dewey- it's a mystery and I enjoyed it. Definitely worth the price I paid:lol:lol

Sounds like a peaceful evening.

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Morning everyone! :wave Have been awake off and on since 2:30 when my dd's alarm went off. But she didn't get up, so I let the furples out at 4 and asked her when she was getting up. At 4:30 I just got up for good and let the furples in. She didn't get up until 6!!! So I've been to store this morning to get some things I didn't get yesterday and to pick up a phone pre-pay minutes card since my minutes on my cell ran out And it's only 8:45 here in AL! :rant:tryme:thair:bang


Linda, glad you got some sleep last night. You sure have been busy on the ugly dolls! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Joanne, bad, bad, bad :devil


Everyone, have a great day and weekend for those that will be traveling and visiting family. Stay safe. Love and Hugs!

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Back from my morning excursion to TJ's and JoAnns- and I only bought 5 skeins of yarn at 97 cents. The selection was definitely not as good as the one in Delaware!!! I also got another "H" Susan Bates Bamboo handle hook with my 40% off coupon.


Linda- Glad to hear that you slept better last night!!! We are having a quiet day here today- DH is doing some work- and I'm going to do laundry and crochet! Will probably read a little bit too


Toni- Saw your post about the P&C yarn you need. Sorry I don't have any in pale grape.

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Hi, ya, peeps!


Not much happening here...no hooking for days, either:(

I DID go to the optomotrist and got my lenses updated...and some Vera Wang frames:D


We've been giving Little Miss Lucy more and more space to roam in the house. It would be easier to do that if she and Sparkie could just chill together. I DO have a quiet few seconds, a moment I captured on my camera - I just have to download it.


Later, gators:hug

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Just dropping in to show off my photos for Photo Friday. The shawl is now in the wash with the Uglee Dolls. The shawl is a warm cinnamon brown.




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Just dropping in to show off my photos for Photo Friday. The shawl is now in the wash with the Uglee Dolls. The shawl is a warm cinnamon brown.



Love everything!!! That shawl is so beautiful and the Uglee Dolls so cute!!!


I need to download some pics too- maybe later--DH and I are going to finish listening to the book on tape we listened to on our way to/from Maryland- still have 3 discs to go!!!

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Hi, ya, peeps!


Not much happening here...no hooking for days, either:(

I DID go to the optomotrist and got my lenses updated...and some Vera Wang frames:D


We've been giving Little Miss Lucy more and more space to roam in the house. It would be easier to do that if she and Sparkie could just chill together. I DO have a quiet few seconds, a moment I captured on my camera - I just have to download it.


Later, gators:hug

Nice- Vera Wang frames- can't wait to see them. I need to make an appointment soon too I think- My vision seems fine, but I'm getting bored with my glasses!:lol

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Just dropping in to show off my photos for Photo Friday. The shawl is now in the wash with the Uglee Dolls. The shawl is a warm cinnamon brown.



Really cute dolls! And of course, I adore that shawl:c9

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Here are some pics of my furples...:)

The 2 in front of the open patio door are before...and then after a noise outside caught their attention. Poor Sparkie has to deal with Lucy as we try and expand her world inside the house.


Lucy also likes to hide under the bushes and pop out to surprise Sparkie....






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Here are some pics of my furples...:)

The 2 in front of the open patio door are before...and then after a noise outside caught their attention. Poor Sparkie has to deal with Lucy as we try and expand her world inside the house.


Lucy also likes to hide under the bushes and pop out to surprise Sparkie....

Gorgeous pictures, Judy. I can see how much she has grown in them. Poor Sparkey doesn't dwarf her nearly as much as he did a couple of months ago.

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Adorable pictures Judy!!! Good luck with expanding Lucy's boundaries!!! Oh, and is that your new sod? Looks great!

Yup - it's the new sod! A couple of areas at the oter edges may have been shortchanged when I put on the sprinler, but 99% of it is doing great.

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Gorgeous pictures, Judy. I can see how much she has grown in them. Poor Sparkey doesn't dwarf her nearly as much as he did a couple of months ago.

:lolyour right about the poor Sparkie! I hope she learns to play a little less rough soon, because if she doesn't, by the time she gets to be full grown it's going to be very interesting!:lol:lol

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Good you got your new glasses and frames. Does help when you can see :D


Lucy and Sparkie are like Rio and Shasta, they love each other and insist that running from living room through dining room to kitchen growly playing is the thing to do :lol Good thing it's a straight though shot!


Hi, ya, peeps!


Not much happening here...no hooking for days, either:(

I DID go to the optomotrist and got my lenses updated...and some Vera Wang frames:D


We've been giving Little Miss Lucy more and more space to roam in the house. It would be easier to do that if she and Sparkie could just chill together. I DO have a quiet few seconds, a moment I captured on my camera - I just have to download it.


Later, gators:hug

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Those dolls are so cute and the shawl is to die for! WOW!


Just dropping in to show off my photos for Photo Friday. The shawl is now in the wash with the Uglee Dolls. The shawl is a warm cinnamon brown.
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Joanne, MaryJo had some of the yarn I was looking for, of course :lol So I'm good to go. Thanks for looking though.


Judy, loved, loved, loved the furple photos. Lucy is sure growing!

If Sparkie is anything like my laid back Rio, when he has had enough, he lets Shasta know. That ends it, usually.


Off to make some more towel toppers. Have a good night all. May or may not jump back in later.

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Hi Toni

Is it blistering hot down there ? Supposed to hit 90 here tomorrow. I will be sitting down with a cold drink all day. I dont do HOT .




I agree, Lucy is growing so fast ! Wow, she looks half grown already .

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Hi all. Quick pop in from the iPod, so it's hard to check posts but I will try later if I can keep my eyes open. I hope you are all doing well. Oh, I finished my algebra final and got 50/56 correct. It was good enough to squeak me by with a C- (I think) that's just my estimate so keep your fingers crossed. Have a good evening all!

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